Les infections urinaires chroniques et les infections urinaires récidivantes sont-elles similaires ? Pourquoi ai-je souvent des infections urinaires ? Existe-t-il des solutions pour se débarrasser définitivement des infections urinaires récidivantes ?
Nous recevons ce genre de questions tous les jours. Nous avons regroupé les réponses dans cet article en tentant d’apporter le maximum d’informations aux femmes qui souffrent d’infections urinaires récidivantes. Nous espérons qu’après avoir lu cet article, vous comprendrez mieux cette maladie et ses conséquences. Mieux encore, que vous vous sentirez assez bien informée pour trouver une solution durable à vos problèmes urinaires.
- Quelles différences entre une infection urinaire chronique et une infection urinaire récidivante ? >>>>
- Pourquoi suis-je sujette aux infections urinaires à répétition >>>>
- Les différents types d’infections urinaires. >>>>
- Quelles sont les causes d’une infection urinaire chronique ? (aussi appelée infections urinaires à répétition) >>>>
- Quelles sont les causes d’une infection urinaire chronique ? (aussi appelée infections urinaires à répétition) >>>>
- Quand faut-il consulter un médecin pour une infection urinaire chronique ? >>>>
Infection urinaire persistante vs infection urinaire à répétition : quelles différences ?
Une infection urinaire devient récidivante au-delà de 3 épisodes par an ou 2 épisodes sur une période de 6 mois. |
Pour l’instant, le corps médical s’accorde à dire que les infections urinaires récidivantes sont le résultat d’une réinfection ou d’une infection persistante que les traitements classiques ne parviennent pas à éradiquer.
Lors d'une réinfection , le pathogène responsable de la première infection urinaire aurait été éradiqué lors du traitement antibiotique, puis un pathogène identique ou différent remonterait à nouveau les voies urinaires et provoquerait une nouvelle infection. | |
La persistance de l'infection urinaire, quant à elle, serait due à un pathogène qui n'aurait pas été complètement éliminé des voies urinaires par le traitement antibiotique. Le pathogène reste détectable dans les urines via un ECBU et se multiplie à nouveau une fois le traitement terminé. Il finit par atteindre un seuil assez important pour provoquer des symptômes urinaires. Ce scénario peut se répéter indéfiniment, et donne l'impression qu'une nouvelle infection se déclare alors qu'il s'agit en fait de la même. Une infection persistante est aussi appelée infection urinaire chronique. |
Les recherches Les recherches suggèrent que les infections urinaires à répétition seraient en fait la conséquence d’une infection incrustée dans la vessie qui s’est développée à la suite d’un traitement inefficace.
Les infections urinaires à répétition causées par une infection persistante de la vessie sont aussi appelées « infections urinaires chroniques » ou « cystites chroniques ».
Il est important de comprendre que même s’il existe de nombreux termes pour désigner les infections urinaires (à répétition, récidivantes, chroniques…), il pourrait en fait s’agir d’une seule et même maladie.
Lorsque nous utilisons le terme « infection urinaire récidivante » sur ce site, nous faisons référence aux infections persistantes, que l’on nomme aussi infection urinaires chroniques.
Si vos infections urinaires à répétition sont causées par une infection chronique sous-jacente, il est important que vous sachiez que :
Quelle que soit la façon dont vous traitez chaque épisode d’infection urinaire, il y a de grande chance pour que ça ne règle pas le problème de fond.
Le fait que vous continuiez à souffrir d’infections urinaires en est la preuve. Vous ignorez sûrement pourquoi les infections urinaires chroniques sont si dures à éradiquer, c’est pourquoi nous allons vous l’expliquer ci-dessous grâce aux informations tirées de recherches scientifiques extrêmement intéressantes.
Pourquoi est-ce que j’ai tout le temps des infections urinaires ?
Si la majorité des infections urinaires non-compliquées disparaissent d’elles mêmes ou après un traitement antibiotique, on dénombre de plus en plus de cas d’infections urinaires chroniques, où les symptômes urinaires s’installent dans la durée.
Vous avez une infection urinaire, on vous prescrit des antibiotiques, les symptômes disparaissent et tout semble rentrer dans l’ordre. Puis quelques jours ou semaines plus tard, vous souffrez à nouveau d’une infection urinaire… Vous prenez à nouveau des antibiotiques, les symptômes disparaissent, tout semble rentrer dans l’ordre jusqu’à ce que…
Pour un nombre croissant de femmes, cette histoire se répète indéfiniment.
« Depuis l’âge de 15 ans, j’ai souvent des infections urinaires. Je prends des antibiotiques quand je souffre trop, et cela me soulage, mais l’infection finit toujours par revenir quelques temps après. Je me prépare mentalement car quoi que je fasse, ça semble inévitable. J’ai beau suivre à la lettre tous les conseils du médecin pour les éviter, rien n’y fait. J’ai à nouveau une infection urinaire. »
Quelques chiffres sur l’incidence des infections urinaires à répétition
Bien qu’il soit difficile de trouver des statistiques sur les infections urinaires, nous savons que :
- 30 à 44% des femmes qui ont une première infection urinaire en auront une deuxième. Et chaque infection urinaire augmente les chances d’en avoir une autre.
- Les infections urinaires à répétition peuvent être causées par des bactéries multiples.
- Les personnes ayant participé à notre questionnaire ont eu plus de 7 infections urinaires sur une période allant de 1 à 3 mois.
- Les personnes ayant participé à notre questionnaire ont eu plus de 7 infections urinaires sur une période allant de 1 à 3 mois.
- A l’heure actuelle, les infections urinaires chroniques ne sont ni diagnostiquées ni traitées dans la plupart des pays du monde. Cela signifie que même lorsqu’un médecin a la volonté d’aider ses patient(e)(s), ils ne disposent pas des informations ni des ressources nécessaires pour le faire.
- Une étude démontre que 74 % des femmes atteintes d’une cystite interstitielle avaient d’abord souffert d’infections urinaires à répétition. La cystite interstitielle (voir définition ci-dessous) est un terme utilisé pour désigner des symptômes urinaires incurables et sans cause identifiée.
- Pour 93 % des femmes ayant participé à cette étude, l’Examen Cytologique des Urines (ECBU) est négatif. Vous pouvez en apprendre plus sur le manque de fiabilité des bandelettes urinaires et des ECBU en lisant notre article dédié).
En bref, un nombre important de femmes reçoivent un diagnostic d’exclusion car les tests urinaires classiques ne retrouvent pas les germes responsables de l’infection et les traitements antibiotiques de courte durée ne viennent pas à bout de leurs symptômes urinaires.
Il n’existe pas de protocole défini pour traiter une infection urinaire chronique
Etant donné qu’il n’existe aucun protocole pour soigner les infections urinaires complexes ou récurrentes, les médecins généralistes sont souvent incapables d’aider leurs patientes.
Dr Jon Rees, Président de l’Organisation Britannique des Soins Primaires (Primary Care Urology, UK)
« Les protocoles actuels ont été mis en place pour soigner les infections urinaires simples. Il est très difficile de soigner une infection urinaire compliquée ou chronique en médecine générale. Si les symptômes persistent, ou si le médecin généraliste n'est pas certain du diagnostic à poser, il orientera sa patiente vers un spécialiste. »
Pour ces femmes qui souffrent d’une infection récidivante ou chronique, ou à qui l’on diagnostique une cystite interstitielle, il n’existe actuellement aucun d’espoir de guérison. Nous voulons changer cela.
Les différents types d’infection urinaire chronique
En fonction du pays où vous vous trouvez, de la nature de vos symptômes et de la terminologie utilisée par votre médecin, vous connaitrez sûrement quelques uns des différents termes ci-dessous :
Problèmes urinaires chroniques : une variété de termes pour désigner une même maladie
Acronyme | Terme | Définition |
IUR | Infection urinaire récidivante (plus précisément, une infection urinaire persistante) | Trois infections urinaires au cours des 12 derniers mois ou deux épisodes au cours des 6 derniers mois. Une IUR peut être classée dans la catégorie des infections persistantes ou des réinfections. Ce diagnostic peut donc par définition s’appliquer indéfiniment. Même après 20 ans d'infections urinaires à répétition, le diagnostic sera le même. |
IUC | Infection urinaire chronique / Cystite chronique | Une infection de la vessie persistante. Tout comme l'infection urinaire récidivante, ce diagnostic se répète indéfiniment. |
CI SVD SDV | Cystite interstitielle Syndrome de la vessie douloureuse Syndrome douloureux vésical | « Une sensation désagréable (douleur, pression, irritation) provenant de la vessie, associée à d’autres symptômes des voies urinaires basses qui durent depuis plus de 6 semaines en l'absence d'une infection ou d'une cause identifiable.» |
SVH | Syndrome de la vessie hyperactive | « Une sensation désagréable (douleur, pression, irritation) provenant de la vessie, associée à d’autres symptômes des voies urinaires basses qui durent depuis plus de 6 semaines en l'absence d'une infection ou d'une cause identifiable.» International Painful Bladder Foundation |
Si vous faites quelques recherches, vous vous rendrez vite compte que ces maladies comportent des sous-catégories qui englobent différents types de symptômes associés à une atteinte de l’appareil urinaire.
Notre but ici n’est pas de dire que les maladies urinaires précédemment citées sont toutes les mêmes, où qu’elles ont les mêmes conséquences sur la qualité de vie de celles et ceux qui en souffrent. Pourtant, elles ont un point commun : dans la majorité des cas, aucune cause n’a été identifiée et ces maladies restent donc incurables. Le traitement se contente de soulager la douleur et les symptômes urinaires sans résoudre le problème de fond.
« Après près de 3 ans et demi à souffrir d'une infection urinaire chronique, deux médecins m'ont dit qu'ils ne pouvaient plus rien faire pour moi. Un troisième a déclaré : peut-être que vous souffrez simplement d'une vessie irritable ou d'une cystite interstitielle. Le « peut-être » m'a semblé un peu léger dans le cadre d'un diagnostic. Mes résultats d'analyse ne montraient rien qui aurait pu expliquer mes symptômes, pourquoi ? »
Si nous avons listé les maladies urinaires chroniques plus haut dans cet article, c’est parce que plusieurs recherches sérieuses prouvent aujourd’hui que de nombreuses femmes ont reçu un mauvais diagnostic. On leur a dit qu’elles souffraient de maladies urinaires incurables alors qu’elles avaient en fait une infection urinaire « incrustée » dans la vessie, autrement dit une infection urinaire chronique. En s’appuyant sur un test urinaire fiable, ce type d’infection peut être diagnostiqué et traité efficacement.
On vous explique.
Quelle est la cause d’une infection urinaire chronique ?
C’est là où commencent les explications scientifiques compliquées (mais lisez jusqu’au bout, c’est fascinant !)
Dans un autre article, nous vous parlions des causes d’une infection urinaire, et nous vous avons expliqué ci-dessus que les infections récurrentes sont causées par une infection urinaire persistante qui n’a pas été éradiquée lors d’un traitement antibiotique classique.
Une infection urinaire persistante peut durer des années sous la forme d’une infection urinaire chronique. Pour de nombreuses femmes, les cycles d’accalmie et de crise s’enchaînent indéfiniment et beaucoup d’entre elles finissent par recevoir un diagnostic de syndrome de la vessie douloureuse, de vessie hyperactive, de cystite interstitielle etc. Nous reviendrons plus tard sur ce point.
Pourquoi est-il si difficile de détecter et de traiter une infection urinaire chronique ?
Nous savons désormais qui est le coupable. Si des centaines de milliers, voire des millions de personnes reçoivent un mauvais diagnostic, c’est parce que les infections urinaires chroniques sont causées par des biofilms.
Le lien entre biofilms et infections urinaires persistantes
"Dans le cas d'une infection urinaire chronique, un biofilm peut être défini comme une colonie de bactéries : elles se regroupent et se collent à la paroi de la vessie. Ces bactéries produisent un film protecteur qui les isole des antibiotiques et des attaques du système immunitaire."
Cet abri visqueux rend le diagnostic et le traitement d’une infection urinaire chronique très difficile. Tant que les bactéries sont protégées à l’intérieur de leur cachette, le corps ne parviendra pas à les éradiquer efficacement.
Lorsque des bactéries s’échappent du biofilm ou sont libérées dans la vessie, le corps sait qu’il est infecté. Il déclenche alors une réponse inflammatoire, qui accroît les symptômes de l’infection urinaire. C’est pour cela que l’intensité des symptômes varient et que les périodes de crise et d’accalmie s’enchaînent.
« J'ai une infection urinaire tous les mois environ. Entre chaque infection urinaire, je me sens mieux, mais j'ai souvent la sensation qu'une autre infection urinaire est sur le point de se développer. Je bois beaucoup d'eau pour éviter d'avoir à nouveau une infection urinaire, mais je n'y échappe jamais. Mes symptômes reviennent en force et je finis avec une autre infection urinaire extrêmement douloureuse. »
De nombreuses personnes décrivent des situations semblables en les nommant « période de crise » ou « épisode de crise ». Cela signifie qu’elles ont identifié qu’il s’agit d’une infection chronique qui alterne entre phase latente et phase de crise. La science corrobore leurs impressions.
Les biofilms sont responsables de la fluctuation de vos symptômes urinaires
Nous avons comparé les recherches sur les biofilms avec les symptômes classiques d’une infection urinaire chronique, en utilisant l’exemple de la bactérie E.coli.
Etape 1 | L’EXPLICATION SCIENTIFIQUE • L'infection et l'inflammation de l'appareil urinaire sont causées par l'invasion et la multiplication des bactéries ou d'autres pathogènes. LES SYMPTÔMES • Symptômes de l'infection urinaire classique : envies fréquentes, douleurs ou pression, brûlure en urinant, urgences mictionnelles… |
Etape 2 | L’EXPLICATION SCIENTIFIQUE • Les bactéries qui flottent dans l'urine commencent à adhérer à la paroi de la vessie. • Les antibiotiques peuvent encore être efficaces à ce stade. LES SYMPTÔMES • Sans traitement efficace, les symptômes de l'infection urinaire perdurent car le corps continue à se défendre contre l'infection. |
Etape 3 | L’EXPLICATION SCIENTIFIQUE • Les bactéries adhèrent complètement à la vessie et se protègent en commençant à former un biofilm. • L'efficacité des antibiotiques diminue, le traitement devient difficile. LES SYMPTÔMES • Sans traitement approprié, les symptômes de l'infection urinaire perdurent car le corps continue à se défendre contre l'infection. |
Etape 4 | L’EXPLICATION SCIENTIFIQUE • Les bactéries à l'extérieur du biofilm sont éliminées de la vessie grâce au traitement antibiotique ou au système immunitaire. • Le biofilm reste en place. LES SYMPTÔMES • Les symptômes de l'infection urinaire s'atténuent ou disparaissent |
Etape 5 | L’EXPLICATION SCIENTIFIQUE • Le biofilm continue à se développer. • Plus le biofilm grandit, plus il est difficile pour les antibiotiques d'éradiquer les bactéries qui s'y cachent. LES SYMPTÔMES • Pas de symptômes urinaires, ou des symptômes urinaires mineurs. |
Etape 6 | L’EXPLICATION SCIENTIFIQUE • Détachement du biofilm • Les bactéries s'échappent du biofilm et se retrouvent dans l'urine. LES SYMPTÔMES • Réapparition de l'infection urinaire • Retour des symptômes de l'infection urinaire |
Etape 7 | L’EXPLICATION SCIENTIFIQUE • De nouveaux biofilms commencent à se former. • Les bactéries qui flottent dans l'urine sont éliminées. • Sans traitement adéquate, le cycle se répète. LES SYMPTÔMES • Les épisodes aigus s’enchaînent selon les fluctuations du biofilm. |
Il est important de souligner que les champignons, tout comme les bactéries, peuvent créer des biofilms et qu’il est possible que plusieurs pathogènes coexistent dans la vessie. En effet, certains biofilms complexes peuvent héberger plusieurs familles de pathogènes à la fois.
« Ces micro-organismes aiment former des colonies. Un biofilm est comparable à un appartement en colocation, et plus l'infection s'installe dans le temps, plus il est probable que vous ayez plusieurs pathogènes qui cohabitent et mettent le bazar. De plus, Ils sont solidaires, ils s'entraident pour survivre. Imaginez une pelote de laine : Il faut commencer par tirer sur un premier fil pour espérer la défaire entièrement. » |
Les infections bactériennes étant bien plus courantes que les infections fongiques, et pour éviter de compliquer inutilement cet article, nous continuerons ici à utiliser l’exemple d’une infection urinaire bactérienne. Mais souvenez-vous que les pathogènes qui causent une infection urinaire peuvent être différents d’une personne à l’autre.
Les biofilms bactériens peuvent aussi se trouver à l’intérieur des cellules de la paroi de la vessie et forment ce que l’on appelle des colonies bactériennes intracellulaires (CBI). Dans les faits, on a identifié des CBI dans environ 1 / 5ème des échantillons d’urine prélevés chez des femmes souffrant d’une infection urinaire classique.
Intéressant, n’est ce pas ? Une équipe de chercheurs britanniques a modélisé la formation des biofilms et des CBI. Vous pouvez y accéder ici.
Existe-t-il un test pour confirmer la présence d’un biofilm dans la vessie ?
La présence de biofilms dans la vessie ne relève pas de la science fiction.
The National Institutes for Health (NIH) estime que 80 % des infections bactériennes sont causées par des biofilms.
Bien que l’existence de biofilms responsables d’infections chez l’homme soit reconnue depuis plusieurs décennies par la communauté médicale, leur rôle dans le développement des infections urinaires est étudié depuis peu.
« Je suis convaincu que les biofilms et les colonies bactériennes intracellulaires jouent un rôle important dans le développement des infections urinaires. Ces deux phénomènes pourraient expliquer pourquoi un patient à qui l'on prescrit un antibiotique parfaitement adapté au pathogène identifié se retrouve avec une autre infection urinaire quelques temps après avoir arrêté le traitement, et qu'une fois encore, il s'agisse de la même bactérie. Pourquoi l'antibiotique n'a-t-il pas réussi à éradiquer l'infection ? Eh bien, je pense que dans de nombreux cas, c'est à cause des biofilms ou des colonies bactériennes intracellulaires. Autre possibilité, la réinfection par un pathogène semblable en provenance des intestins ou du vagin. » |
Habituellement, les laboratoires mettent en culture les bactéries retrouvées dans l’urine et réalisent un antibiogramme (ECBU). Si des pathogènes sont identifiés dans l’urine, le laboratoire teste leur sensibilité aux antibiotiques.
Une fois que l’antibiogramme a été réalisé, le médecin prescrit le traitement adéquat.
Malheureusement, les ECBU sont incapables de détecter la présence d’un biofilm dans la vessie. C’est pour cela qu’ils ne sont pas adaptés à la mise en place d’un traitement efficace contre les bactéries contenues dans un biofilm.
Pour trouver le traitement adapté à une infection chronique causée par des biofilms ou des colonies bactériennes intracellulaires, il faudrait tester la susceptibilité de tous les pathogènes contenus dans ces biofilms ou colonies, plutôt que de se cantonner aux bactéries retrouvées dans l’urine.
De nouveaux tests pour détecter les infections urinaires chroniques
Depuis plusieurs années, de grands progrès ont été faits en matière de tests urinaires. Certains chercheurs ont réussi à identifier les marqueurs de la présence d’un biofilm ou de colonies bactériennes intracellulaires (CBI) dans la vessie. Il s’agit de bactéries filamenteuses et de colonies bactériennes intracellulaires exfoliées.
Ces termes sont moins compliqués qu’ils ne le paraissent. Une bactérie filamenteuse est une bactérie qui a changé de forme : elle s’est allongée ou s’est ramifiée au sein du biofilm. Les CBI exfoliées sont quant à elles des cellules de la paroi de la vessie qui contiennent des bactéries et se sont décrochées de la vessie pour atterrir dans l’urine. Ces deux marqueurs indiquent la présence d’une infection incrustée dans la vessie.
Si ces avancées sont très importantes, les chercheurs poursuivent les recherches pour mieux comprendre ces phénomènes. A l’heure actuelle, les tests destinés au diagnostic des infections urinaires incrustées ne sont pas disponibles au grand public.
Il existe cependant des tests qui se révèlent bien plus fiables que la mise en culture des urines, aussi appelé ECBU.
Ces tests s’appuient sur le séquençage ADN et sont capables d’identifier tous les micro-organismes contenus dans un échantillon d’urine, qu’ils flottent librement dans l’urine ou qu’ils aient fait parti d’un biofilm. Les laboratoires américains Aperiomics et MicroGenDX pratiquent ces tests.
Vous pourrez en apprendre davantage sur le manque de fiabilité des tests urinaires classiques et sur les méthodes de tests alternatives dans le prochain chapitre.
Il existe des protocoles de traitement pour les infections urinaires chroniques, mais les spécialistes étant en mesure de les administrer sont peu nombreux. Ces traitements nécessitent également un suivi régulier pour contrôler la diminution de l’infection « incrustée » dans la vessie.
Pour en savoir plus, lisez notre article sur les traitements contre les infections urinaires persistantes.
Cystite interstitielle et infections urinaires récidivantes : sont-elles liées ?
Plus haut, nous vous parlions d’une étude où 74 % des femmes interrogées souffrant d’une cystite interstitielle avaient d’abord souffert d’infections urinaires récidivantes.
D’autres études ont également prouvé qu’un pourcentage élevé de femmes souffrant d’une cystite interstitielle étaient en fait atteintes d’une infection chronique due à des biofilms et / ou des colonies bactériennes intracellulaires, cause de leurs symptômes urinaires permanents.
La cystite interstitielle et les maladies qui lui sont associées sont dites incurables, mais…
La cystite interstitielle est un diagnostic d’exclusion. Cela signifie que les médecins concluent à une cystite interstitielle lorsqu’ils ne trouvent pas la cause des symptômes urinaires. Si le médecin ne trouve pas d’explications à vos symptômes urinaires, vous recevrez sûrement un diagnostic de cystite interstitielle.
Redéfinir le diagnostic de cystite interstitielle
La cystite interstitielle ne devrait pas être considérée comme une maladie au sens strict du terme. En effet, les symptômes de la cystite interstitielle varient énormément d’une personne à l’autre, et on ignore pourquoi ces symptômes urinaires sont apparus.
Nous devrions donc penser ce diagnostic comme un « bouche-trou » qui sert à nommer des symptômes urinaires divers dont la cause n’a pas été identifiée.
Le problème du diagnostic d’exclusion, c’est qu’il y a de grandes chances pour qu’il soit erroné. Certains chercheurs sont désormais convaincus que de nombreuses cystites interstitielles sont en fait des infections qui n’ont pas été détectées par les bandelettes urinaires ou les ECBU, dont la sensibilité est trop faible.
« La sensibilité des bandelettes urinaires est si faible qu'on ne peut pas exclure une infection urinaire parce qu'une bandelette urinaire est négative. Il en est de même pour l'ECBU, car la mise en culture de l’urine n'est pas un test assez performant pour prouver l'absence d'infection. En plus d’être inutiles, ces tests causent beaucoup de souffrance. » |
Toutes ces informations sont véridiques. Grâce à des tests urinaires performants, on a découvert des infections urinaires chez des centaines de femmes qui avaient reçu un diagnostic de cystite interstitielle – diagnostic qui excluait d’emblée une cause infectieuse.
Grâce à la correction du diagnostic, ces femmes ont pu bénéficier d’un traitement long qui leur a permis de se débarrasser de leurs symptômes urinaires et de leur douleur, souvent de façon définitive.
"Je suis très prudent avec l’appellation des patients avec une CI, je pense que beaucoup d'entre eux ont une infection urinaire occulte avec des organismes difficiles à cultiver. En utilisant des méthodes de test plus précises, nous sommes en mesure d'identifier les agents pathogènes dans de nombreux cas, et de développer un traitement approprié". |
Quand faut-il voir un médecin si vous soupçonnez une infection urinaire chronique
Si vous souffrez d’infections urinaires à répétition, vous êtes sûrement capable de reconnaître les symptômes dès que l’infection se déclare.
Vous savez peut-être quoi faire pour éviter que l’infection dégénère, mais vous n’êtes pas forcément débarrassée de cette infection pour autant. Si vous avez lu cet article en entier, vous savez maintenant que les infections urinaires récidivantes sont souvent causées par des biofilms.
Pour les femmes qui souffrent d’une infection urinaire chronique, il ne suffit pas de traiter les symptômes isolés, il faut mettre fin à ce cercle vicieux en éradiquant l’infection une bonne fois pour toute.
Le traitement idéal contre les infections urinaires
Dans un monde parfait, les infections urinaires n’existeraient pas, nous sommes bien d’accord sur ce point. Malheureusement, c’est une maladie courante. Lorsque vous contractez pour la première fois une infection urinaire, il faut sortir de ce cercle vicieux le plus vite possible. Voici le scénario idéal…
Symptômes → Test urinaire → Résultats → Diagnostic → Traitement → Guérison
Toutes celles et ceux qui souffrent d’infections urinaires à répétition peuvent vous assurer que c’est loin d’être le cheminement habituel.
Pour beaucoup de patients, certaines pièces du puzzle sont manquantes et aucun traitement adéquat n’est disponible. Ceci s’explique par de nombreux facteurs que nous détaillons dans les chapitres ci-dessous, donc continuez votre lecture !
Pour obtenir une solution durable, la première étape est de réaliser un test pour découvrir la cause de vos symptômes urinaires.
Vous devriez réaliser un test urinaire adapté aux infections chroniques si :
- Vous avez souffert de 2 infections urinaires au cours des 6 derniers mois ou de 3 épisodes dans les 12 derniers mois.
- Vous ne souhaitez pas prendre un traitement antibiotique sans savoir exactement pourquoi.
- Vous souffrez d’infections urinaires à répétition mais n’avez jamais fait de test adapté au diagnostic d’une infection urinaire chronique.
La meilleure façon d’effectuer ce test est de prendre rendez-vous avec un spécialiste. Nous savons qu’il est difficile de trouver un médecin spécialisé dans le diagnostic et le traitement des infections urinaires chroniques, mais ne désespérez pas.
Nous allons vous expliquer pourquoi il est si difficile de réaliser un test fiable, et nous vous donnerons des conseils pour y parvenir. Il est crucial que vous récoltiez le plus d’informations possibles pour trouver une solution à vos problèmes urinaires. Rassurez-vous, vous êtes au bon endroit pour cela.
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Bonjour. Je peux recevoir la protocole svp
Bonjour Alla,
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Bonjour pouvez-vous m envoyer le protocole svp? Merci d avance
Bonjour Béatrice,
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Est-ce que je pourrais recevoir le protocole en français svp?
Je suis au Canada.
Bonjour Manon,
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Bon courage.
Puis je recevoir le protocole s’il vous plaît.
Bonjour Delphine,
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Bon courage.
Quel est le protocole pour soigner le Biofilm ( France) merci
Bonjour Luce,
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bonjour! pourrais-je recevoir le protocole en francais? merci beaucoup pour toutes ces informations.
Bonjour Valérie,
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Je serai également intéressée pour recevoir vos conseils. Infection urinaires chroniques à E Coli depuis 3 ans, les informations sur le biofilms m’intéressent beaucoup ! D’avance merci
Bonjour Manon,
Le protocole de Melissa et des informations sur les biofilms vous ont été envoyés par mail.
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Bon courage.
Merci pour votre article je veux bien le protocole en Français
Bonjour Caroline,
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Bon courage.
Pourrais je avoir le protocole s’il vous plaît?
Bonjour Manal,
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Bon courage.
Cela fait plus de 10 ans que souffre d’infection urinaire récidivante.
Je souhaite recevoir le protocole en français svp.
Merci d’avance.
Bonjour Bibi,
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Bon courage.
En infection urinaire chronique depuis au moins 20ans (j’ai 30ans^^), j’ai pour la première fois vu un infectiologue qui m’a parlé de biofilm. Jamais on ne m’en avait parlé auparavant et jamais on a pris mes crises au sérieux. C’est très handicapant pour moi au quotidien toutes ces crises. Il y a un gros tabou (ou autre je ne sais pas) à ce sujet et beaucoup de femmes sont prises pour des folles..ne désespérez pas. Mon cas est loin d’être traité, mais je sais que je suis désormais épaulée (pour info, ecbu en crise, systématiquement c.koseri)
Bonjour Marie-Anne,
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Je suis également intéressée pour plus d informations !
Merci d avance
Bonjour Léa,
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Bonsoir je me retrouve vraiment dans votre description et je me sens moins seule en lisant les commentaires. Je ne sais plus quoi faire… je viens de Belgique et les médecins ne savent pas trop quoi faire mis à part donner le même antibiotiques à répétition …
Bonjour Alicia,
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Bjr, je me retrouve complément dans votre article. J ai des cystites régulières tous les mois depuis 10 ans, et je n arrive pas à m en sortir, Ecbu, antibiotique, et hop ça part et ca revient. Le germe toujours le e.coli. qui apparaît à l ecbu. Mais comment éradiquer les bactéries une bonne fois pour toute et vivre pleinement sa sexualité. Quel examen mon conjoint doit il faire aussi ? Pourriez vous me transmettre votre protocole en français ? Un grand merci !
Bonjour Gaëlle,
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Bon courage.
Est-ce possible d’avoir le protocole svp ? Infection urinaire depuis 2020, je ne sais plus quoi faire. Merci Jess
Bonjour Dubert,
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Bon courage.
Bonjour, je suis très intéressée par le protocole, je souffre d infections urinaires à répétition je ne m en sors pas … merci 🙏
Bonjour Florine,
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Bon courage.
Bonjour je souhaite obtenir le protocole merci
Bonjour Lauréna,
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Bon courage.
Bonjour, je souffre d’infections urinaires à répétition depuis 20 ans…malgré de nombreux examens médicaux. Est-il possible d’avoir le protocole ? Merci ?
Bonjour Anne,
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Bonjour je vis un calvaire depuis des années qui s’est aggravé depuis 5 ans avec une crise tous les 15 jours environ. Je n arrive pas à trouver de solution ou de médecins spécialisés en France. Si vous avez des coordonnées ou traitement à me conseiller je suis preneuse ! Merci pour votre article !
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Bon courage.
Bonjour voilà depuis 1an je souffre ,1 coup bactérie 1 coup non.mais toujours envie d’uriner je n’en peu plus je pense au pir.aidez moi .Géraldine
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Bon courage.
Puis-je avoir le protocole s’il vous plaît ?
Merci !
Bonjour Julie,
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Bon courage.
Bonjour, puis-je recevoir le protocole s’il vous plaît ?
Bonjour puis je recevoir le protocole svp.
Bonjour Sandrine,
Le protocole de Melissa vous a été envoyé par mail.
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Bon courage.
Bonjour, je veux bien le protocole aussi. Merci
Bonjour Céline,
Le protocole de Melissa vous a été envoyé par mail.
Nous espérons qu’il vous sera utile.
Bon courage.
J’ai également des infections urinaires systématiquement après chaque rapport depuis 4 ans. je ne sais plus quoi faire et comment gérer ça. Pourrais-je avoir le protocole également?
Je vous remercie
Bonjour Léa,
Le protocole de Melissa vous a été envoyé par mail.
Nous espérons qu’il vous sera utile.
Bon courage.
Bonsoir, je souhaiterais également le protocole si c’est possible? Merci pour cet article 🤞🏽
Bonjour Paloma,
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Bon courage.
Bonjour 🙂
Puis-je avoir par mail le protocole s’il vous plaît ?
Bonjour Karima,
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Bon courage.
Bonjour, depuis plusieurs années je souffre d’infections urinaires qui se succèdent. Deux jours après chaque traitement antibiotique les symptomnes reviennent. J’en ai dinc plus d’une par mois. Pourriez-vous m’envoyer le protocole que vous préconisez s’il vous plaît ?
Bonjour Marie-Antoinette,
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Bon courage.
Pourriez-vous m’envoyer les infos. Merci
Bonjour Aline,
Nous vous avons envoyé le protocole de Melissa par mail.
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Bon courage.
Pourriez-vous me transmettre le protocole svp ? Je souffre d’une cystite récidivante et je n’en vois plus le bout…
Nous vous avons envoyé le protocole de Melissa par email.
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Bon courage.
Bonjour, pourriez vous m’envoyer un protocole en français svp.
Bonjour Mary,
Nous vous avons envoyé le protocole de Melissa.
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Bon courage.
Pourriez-vous m’envoyer le protocole svp ? J’en suis à une cystite par trimestre et ça ne fait qu’empirer…
Merci par avance
Nous vous avons envoyé le protocole de Melissa par email.
Nous espérons que celui-ci vous aidera.
Bon courage.
Je souffre d infections urinaires à répétition, j aimerai bien avoir le protocole , merci
Nous vous avons envoyé le protocole de Melissa par mail.
Nous espérons que celui-ci vous sera utile.
Bon courage.
Je souffre d infections urinaires à répétions 5 en 8mois , toujours le même germe escheria coli , je suis désespérée, je ne sais plus quoi faire , les antibiotiques me flinguent complètement
Je suis aussi dans ce cercle vicieux, serait ce possible d’avoir le protocole ? Merci d’avance !
Bonjour Nadège,
Nous vous avons envoyé le protocole de Melissa par email.
Nous espérons que celui-ci vous aidera à aller mieux.
Bon courage.
Cystites bactériennes et abactériennes depuis 13 ans, crises de douleurs violentes par intermittences mais jamais de retour à l’état normal. Après consultation et examens à Londres présence d’un biofilm sur la paroi du tiers inférieur de la vessie. 2 souches de bactéries ont été trouvées : E.Coli et E.faecalis. Antibiotiques longue durée que je ne supporte pas (allergie à la Nitrofurantoine et aux quinolones). Auriez-vous un protocole plus naturel pour aider à la dissolution de ce biofilm ? D’avance un grand merci pour votre aide car c’est vraiment très dur.
Bonjour Dominique,
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Bon courage.
Bonjour, j’ai des infections urinaires systématiquement après les rapports, je prends beaucoup d’antibio, j’aimerais cesser ce cercle vicieux et me débarasser de ces infections, je vous remercie
Bonjour Cathy,
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Bon courage.
Bonjour, j’ai des infections urinaires systématiquement après chaque rapport, je n’en peux plus, comment faire pour éradiquer ce biofilm ? je vous remercie
J’ai des infections urinaires à répétition et des pyélonéphrites, je suis tout le temps fatigué avec des antibio mais rien n’y fait je ne m’en sort, comment sortir de ce cercle infernal ?
Nous vous avons envoyé un email avec plus d’informations.
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Bon courage.
Bonjour, je souffre également de cystite après chaque rapport et aucune amélioration malgré que je suive à la lettre les conseils des différents médecins. Je suis très interessée pour connaitre le protocole employé svp
Bonjour Leila,
Nous vous avons envoyé un email avec plus d’information sur le protocole employé.
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Bon courage.
Bonjour, j’ ai des infections urinaire à répétitions après sexe. De même que les autres commentaires, je prends souvent des antibiotiques mais l’infection revient tout le temps.
Bonjour Isabelle,
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Bon courage.
Depuis août 2022, je fais des infections urinaires à répétition. Chaque crise est plus forte que la précédente. Je suis épuisée physiquement et mentalement à cause de cette douleur, et j’angoisse le moment où une prochaine crise décidera de se réveiller. Un soulagement de lire votre article, ainsi que les témoignages. Je me sens moins seule et soulagée. J’aimerais beaucoup recevoir vos aides et appréhender une vie intime de manière plus sereine.
Bonjour Annabelle,
Nous vous avons envoyé un email avec plus d’informations.
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Bon courage.
Merci pour tout le contenu que vous partagez.
Je souffre d’infections urinaires à répétition, cela devient extrêmement handicapant au point de ne plus avoir une seule semaine de répit… et les douleurs sont de pire en pire (cette nuit encore je me suis retrouvée aux urgences suite à une perte de connaissance liée aux douleurs).
Il devient très urgent de trouver une solution.
J’ai lu sur votre site qu’il est pertinent de faire tester son partenaire, et effectivement dans mon cas c’est uniquement arrivé avec lui, mais de quel(s) test(s) précisément s’agit-il ?
Pouvez-vous me partager vos recommandations ? Connaissez-vous des spécialistes compétents en France ?
Merci pour votre aide.
Depuis août 2022, je fais des infections urinaires à répétition, toujours plus fortes les unes après les autres malgré le fait de respecter les recommandations pour les éviter. J’ai pris 3 antibiotiques différents, j’ai pris des probiotiques, je prends des gélules de cranberry mais rien n’y fait. Je sens que c’est toujours là et j’appréhende le jour où ça reviendra plus fort et plus douloureux que les fois précédentes. Je suis réellement désespérée, car ça impacte ma vie intime et ma santé mentale. Ce soir, c’est un vrai soulagement de tomber sur votre article car je me reconnais point par point et je suis soulagée de ne pas être la seule à vivre cela. J’aimerais vraiment recevoir vos conseils car je n’en peux plus… Merci.
Merci pour cet article très enrichissant.
Je souffre depuis 6 mois d’infection à klebsiella j’ai l’impression de n’avoir aucun répit même dans les périodes où je ne suis pas en crise j’ai en permanence un inconfort urinaire.
J’en suis à ma 4eme prise d’antibiotiques sans grand succès.
Mon mari a lui aussi un inconfort urinaire avec douleur, brûlure, sensation de pesanteur qui a débuté avant moi et qui le fait souffrir de façon fluctuante. Il ne s’en soucis pas trop car il a fait une analyse une fois qui est revenue négative. Je me demande si c’est possible que cela vienne de lui et qu’il me réinfecte après chacune de mes prises d’antibiotique. En bref je ne sais plus quoi faire et commence vraiment à désespérer.
Bonjour Justine,
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en espérant que cela vous aidera.
Bon courage.
Bonjour, depuis plus de 2 ans je vis au rythme des infections urinaires après rapport. Au point qu’aujourd’hui la bactérie devient résistante aux antibios et que je fais des allergies aux antibios à force d’en prendre… avant mon nouveau partenaire je n’avais jamais connu cela et ma fille est comme moi… pourtant tout est ok sur les échographies… je ne m’en sors plus… merci de m’aider.
Moi aussi je vous écris des toilettes en pleine nuit…
Bientôt 2 ans que les infections urinaires à répétition sont apparues dans ma vie et impossible de les éradiquer en ayant une vie sexuelle active…
Je veux bien quelques informations par e-mail moi aussi.
Courage à toutes !!
Quel traitement pour les cystites chroniques ?
nous venons de vous envoyer un mail avec plus d’informations.
Nous espérons que cela vous sera utile!
Bonjour, j’ai 69 ans, je fais des infections urinaires récidivantes depuis plus de 10 ans, avant c’était après les rapports, plus maintenant. J’ai eu une hystérectomie en 2014 et les infections sesont rapprochés, 4 par an environ, depuis l’année dernière je fais un traitement hormonal local, j’ai eu aussi une antibioprophylaxie de deux mois avec bactrim fort et oroken. J’ai eu une pause de 5 mois et la nouvelle infection. Je ne sais plus quoi faire. Je prends du dmannose tous les jours et duab, je fais un ecbu a chaque infection. Que faire de plus? Merci
Bonjour Catherine, nous venons de vous envoyer un mail avec plus d’information.
Nous espérons que cela pourra vous aider.
I have had utis for16 years now. They were manageable at first but over the years have gotten worse, especially since meeting my husband. I am now allergic to the antibiotics they prescribed and the pain is so intense I can’t get out of bed and need an ice pack between my legs. I don’t know what to do because it is disrupting my work and family. I am in the us
Hi Christine, can you please send me a direct message and let me know what state you are based in? I can share more information by email. Melissa
Hey there, I’m a 19 year old male and I have had 5 UTIs in the last 5 months. I got married back in July and the infection has been happening ever since. As a newborn I had a urethral diverticulum surgery but after seeing multiple doctors and giving this info to them, I keep getting antibiotics that don’t seem to 100% do the job. The infection always seems to return anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks after concluding my antibiotic prescription. I’ve been told this is very uncommon for someone my age, just searching for answers as I am growing very tired of this vicious cycle.
Hi Brandon, can you send me a direct message and let me know where you’re based so I can share relevant information? Melissa
I am 22 and for the past 2 years i have suffered recurrent uti and for now i have a constant one and my culture show no bacteria i am in too much pain please help me .MIREILLE FROM RWANDA
Hi Ishimwe, sorry to hear you’re experiencing this. I saw you also sent me an email so I’ve just replied with some information there. Melissa
Im a 25 year old female and got into a new relationship in June. Within a few weeks I got a uti. Due to Covid i was unable to get a gp appointment and had to settle for a phone call appointment with a 2 week wait. I got a 3 day course of antibiotics which seemed to clear up the infection but a week later it was back. It’s now been 5 months and the gp’s have been useless, I wait 3 weeks for an appointment for them to say my urine samples have come back negative and they won’t give more antibiotics. Repeat. I am waiting for a urology appointment but it will take weeks. My symptoms flare up around once a week and between this I have mild pain every day. Any advice would be wonderful, I feel helpless. Thank you
This is my current exact experience. I’ve had UTI’s before but the pain has returned 3 times now in a month, with urine samples testing negative for infection. Just overwhelmed by what to do to solve this and really effecting my mental health.
Hi Kirsty, I just sent you an email with some information that I hope will be helpful. Melissa
Hi Robyn, I just sent you an email with some information that I hope will be helpful. Feel free to ask any questions there. Melissa
I am a 70+ male. I am having UTI since 2017, may be 3 to 4 in 2018, 4-5 in 2019, in 2020 UTI comes back within 3 to 4 days after I stop antibiotic. I had antibiotic for 90 days at a stretch. I had cystoscopy, bladder scan a\nd other tests but no adverse findings. Need Help
Hi Mani, can you please send me a direct message and let me know where you are based? Then I can share any relevant information we have. Melissa
Had infection since 13 September 2016. Definitely many more than 3 infections a year. Had cyscostopy and recently signed off. Still getting them. New doctor now delving deeper. Live in hope. I may be in my 80’s but am a keen walker where there are no toilets or convenient bushes around.
Hi Margaret, I hope your new provider can help. If you have any questions, you are always welcome to send us a direct message. We’ll do what we can to help. Melissa
my mum went and got tested recently for a UTI the nurse described her urine as sludgy green +++ and that by the looks of the colour you definitly have an infection, the dipstick test picked up blood and pus in her urine but when she got the lab results back the bacterial growth was negative there was nothing or under the threshold??
my mum suffers serverly with UTI all the time and nothing ever works!!
could this be a case of chronic UTI with bacteria in the cell walls?
Hi Hayley, sorry to hear your mum is experiencing that. It is possible this is a sign of embedded infection, but there is also a serious problem with the accuracy of standard UTI testing methods. You can learn more about why it may be negative despite infection, and then send me a direct message if you have questions. Melissa
Started dating my BF one year ago and bam, a UTI followed by another and another, then BV, yeast, rinse and repeat. I have now counted 8 UTI’s in 10 months. I am looking for the best urologist in the US who specializes in recurrent or chronic UTI’s for healthy post-menopausal women. I understand that the biofilm might have grown so deep and widespread that antibiotics are doing nothing. I fantasize about a bladder transplant….I have had it! Thanks!
Hi Chris, I can sympathise somewhat. Can you send me a direct message and let me know which state you’re based in? Melissa
Thankyou so much for this research and this article. I have been suffering with UTI’s and UTI symptoms for the past 5 years and my doctors have not been able to help much. I felt like I was crazy as they did not find any live cultures in my urine when it was tested. I almost constantly have acute symptoms until it starts getting really painful and I have to go to get antibiotics again. I hope you continue your research and eventually find a cure – to all the women suffering with this, stay strong!
Hi Ellie, thanks for your positive feedback! If you have any questions, you’re always welcome to get in touch with us directly. Melissa
Hi, really love what you guys are doing. I’m writing from Kenya. I’ve been having recurrent UTI’s for 3 years now and my gyno has been the one treating me.I have been told by my gyno that the reason for the burning sensation is too much acidity in the urine.Is that true?
Hi Melissa, this question comes up a lot and research suggests it’s possible that the ideal acidity/alkalinity of urine may depend somewhat on what organism/s is/are causing your UTIs. We’ve covered some of this in our article on vitamin C and UTI, which you may like to read. Some people do say that a diet that avoids certain acidic foods helps with their symptoms, but this does not necessarily mean it is addressing the problem. Feel free to send us an email directly for more resources. Melissa
Hello. I am 32 years old and have had around 10 UTIs in the past year and a half. My husband and I are also trying to have a baby. Could this be contributing to our infertility issues? How do I get these to stop?
Hi Sarah, you might like to read our article on UTI and pregnancy, which covers the possible association with infertility. If you have further questions, you can always get in touch with us directly. Melissa
I am 23 and have been on three rounds of antibiotics in the past two months. I resonate with this article because it seems like my symptoms never clearly go away. My nurse midwife says I may have to do a low dose of antibiotics for longer period of time until we completely get rid of this. I personally never choose the antibiotic route, until now because I’m desperate. I have taken d mannose, And cranberry But not seeing results. Looking for answers.
Hi Anna, we’ve covered antibiotic treatment, including the pros and cons of low dose antibiotics. We’ve also covered various approaches to recurrent UTI treatment. If you’ve read those and have questions, please feel free to send us a direct message so we can help further. Melissa
Thank you very much for this article and all the comments here. I am so glad that I’ve found your website. I’ve been dealing with an UTI for 6 months. I never had recurrent infections before. Even though there is no bacteria in urine, inflammation doesn’t go away and I also have hematuria. I’ve been going to a gyno, infectious disease expert and urologist, they can’t make a clear explanation rather than prescribing antibiotics if we get any bacteria in vaginal culture. I feel frustrated. Overall, it is too difficult to have this type of illness during the pandemic since doctors are also very exhausted.
Hi Ezop, can you send me a direct message and let me know where you’re based so I can send you any relevant resources? Melissa
My reoccurring infection is in the bladder. I don’t get the painful urinary infections. My ursine just has a foul odor and testing shows bacteria and white blood count is slightly elevated. Is there a cure for this?
Hi Tina, a UTI can be in any part of the urinary tract (urethra, bladder, ureters, kidneys) and symptoms are often very different for each individual. It’s very important to find a clinician that is familiar with diagnosing and treating recurrent UTI. If you’d like more information about that, you can send me a direct message, and do let me know where you’re based. Melissa
I am an 82 year old woman, who is desperately seeking relief from constant UTI’s. I’ve had them for years, but they come back again just a few days after I finish my antibiotic now. My Dr. says Cipro is the only antibiotic that it will respond to. The Urologist says the same thing and has me take it for another 5 to 10 days..then it starts all over again! I’m doing everything they tell me to try, including probiotics and cranberry pills….nothing works. I’m interested in the Biofilm you mention, but at my age, I don’t know where to go to have this done. Please help!
Hi Marylyn, I just sent you an email and we can discuss further there. Melissa
Hi! I am grateful for your site and your research but I am not clear on solution. I got a UTI 6 weeks ago after a Pap smear and gyno exam. super annoying. I am about to start my fourth antibiotic as urine culture did not grow because I started on antibiotics first. I am taking Dmannose 1000mg and drinking cranberry and taking wellness formula and even did a two week anti inflammatory diet. I am 51 and frustrated. would love your advice! thank you!
Hi Jen, you might like to read more about the limitations of standard UTI testing, which may be relevant to your experience. I also just sent you an email, so we can discuss further there. Melissa
I had a kidney stone a little over a year ago and couldn’t afford to see a urologist afterward. A couple months ago I got my first uti in ages which I didn’t think much of, but now I fear I am getting another one. I only recently started having sex with men but I have good hygiene and always owe afterwards. I notice a small amount of pink in my Urine and slight burning, pressure near my bladder that almost feels like a kidney infection sometimes. For the last one I had, it took several antibiotics before one worked. I really don’t know where to turn as I’m unemployed due to covid and on a high deductible plan.. I can’t afford frequent UTIs!
Hi Melissa, I just sent you an email. We can discuss further there. Melissa
I get a UTI every month. The culture usually show a different bacteria each time. Urologist put me in hospital for 6 days for IV Antiobiotics and to be treated by a Infectious Disease Doctor. Still get UTIs every month. Have a bad reaction to most Antiobiotics and currently Amoxicillin is the only one I can tolerate. Dr has done cysticscope several times, ultra sound and DNA testing. Everything comes back negative. Getting very frustrated. Uribel takes the edge off but does not get rid of the UTI
Hi Judy, Would a fistula show up in the testing that has been done? https://www.urologyhealth.org/urologic-conditions/bladder-fistula
Hi Judy, we hear from many people with similar experiences. I can sympathise with your frustration. If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to our latest email conversation. Melissa
Hi. Thank you so much for your article. There is a lot more than I had originally thought about my recurring UTI’s. I had no idea about embedded UTI’s and biofilm. How would I go about find one of these specialists and specialized tested information you mentioned? Thank you for your time and help.
Hi Caoimhe, can you send me a direct message and let me know where you’re based in case I have information that may help? Melissa
Hi, Melissa! Thanks for your article. My journey started with a UTI in June 2019 that was treated with the wrong antibiotic for about a week before it was corrected. Since then, I’ve had probably 7-8 diagnosed infections and the urge to urinate symptom really would never go away even though I was told the infections were cleared up. I’ve been to a urologist who referred me to pelvic floor therapy. I’m honestly not sure if that helped or not because I got pregnant and weirdly enough the UTIs stopped. At 2 weeks postpartum, I had another infection (ugh) and am back to struggling. This is taking a huge toll on my physical health and mental well-being and I’ve been frustrated with the nonchalant way doctors have handled it. Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
Hi Elizabeth, I just sent you an email with some more info and a question. I’m happy to help if I can. Melissa
Hello, it’s so great how informative your site is. I’m wondering if the same would apply to the elderly regarding embedded uti. Doctors keep mentioning that it’s not being able to pee fully and urine is left in bladder and causes uti. My mom has been getting a new strain every 2-3 weeks. She takes her week antibiotics everything is fine then bang the cycle starts up again. If you have any suggestions or any information that can help would be so appreciated!
My daughter has recurring UTIs and is now pregnant and has had 2 UTIs in 9 weeks. After 20 days of antibiotics it will go and within a few days it starts again, this has been happening for 8 months since a new partner. At her wits end as affecting her work and life. Scans done nothing amiss
Hi Jill, I just sent you an email about any resources you would like. We can discuss further there if we can help. Melissa
Hi Carla, yes, it appears that chronic infection is possible at any age. I just emailed you with a question so I can more resources there. You might also like to read our information on UTI and menopause. Melissa
Hi Melissa,
I have been struggling with UTIs (on and off) for about 2 years now. I got chlamydia around 2 years ago, and not too sure if it affects, but I have been getting recurrent UTIs ever since. It also gets worse during my period, especially after a heavy flow.
I have tried citravescent/cranberry pills. Those work in the short term but it always comes back. I live in Singapore and would love to know if you have any suggestions.
My story is identical to Meredith. It’s frustrating to keep having to take antibiotics for something that just comes back. Super painful. My Gyno referred Me to a urologist today
Hi Jane, I hope your new urologist can help. I sent you an email in response to your other question. Melissa
Hi Meredith, I just sent you an email with more information. Please check your spam if you don’t receive it. Melissa
Hello Ladies,
Im based in SG too. Having this recurring Uti is so frustrating for me as well. Can Jane & Meredith give me some updates on how treatments/Urologist have worked for you please?
Hi Kate, I saw you also sent us an email so we’ve replied with more information there. Perhaps Jane and Meredith will see this and respond here too. Melissa
First off, I really appreciate this article; there is a bit more to UTI diagnosis and treatment than I originally thought.
Secondly, I am 19, believe I have good hygiene, and I always always always pee after sex. Basically, I feel like I’m doing everything I’m supposed to in order to prevent UTIs. However, I got my first one a little less than 10 months ago, and now I’m having my fourth or fifth UTI. Along with that, the infections are usually pretty bad (I think). I always have super bad pain, almost always have what seems like a significant amount of blood in my pee, and today I peed out my first ever blood clot, which felt HORRIBLE.
I guess I’m mainly curious if this sounds serious? I don’t want to just keep taking antibiotics to keep going through this.
Thanks so much:)
Hi Emma, we hear from others who experience similar symptoms to those you described. It’s always best to see a doctor about this, but where recurrent or chronic UTIs are concerned it helps to work with a recurrent UTI specialist. I may be able to send you some information about how to find one, if you send me a direct message and let me know where you’re based. Melissa
I am in a current cycle of UTI’s, seemingly monthly or more. I have had a cystoscopy that showed nothing abnormal. The urologist can only keep suggesting prophylactic antibiotics which don’t make me feel good overall. I am located in Tampa FL, do you have any suggestions? It really negatively impacts my family life, my job, and my mental health.
I’ve had reoccurring utis for 9 years, Living in and out of the emergency room. Just for them to tell me the culture has no bacteria, but your urine has some white leukocytes and that means infection. They tell me to go see a urologist, I’ve been the best here in Nevada and he told me that nothing else he can do for me. To seek a second opinion and homeopathic remedies . I need answers and not a bandaid; please help.
Hi Angelica, I just emailed you some information that may help as a starting point. Feel free to send back any questions you have. Melissa
Hi Meredith, I just emailed you with some information and a few questions. Check your spam if you don’t see it. Melissa
Hi Melissa. I am post-menopausal but I have been getting UTIs frequently for years. They slowed down a bit last year, but now they’re back. The last time I ended up with a kidney infection because I hardly get symptoms anymore and I wasn’t paying attention. Sometimes it’s embarrassing to keep going back for the same thing over and over again because they start to look at you like you’re doing something wrong when I know I’m not. I live in Neptune, NJ and was wondering if you have information on someone who specializes in chronic UTIs.
Hi Elaine, I just sent you an email with more information. You also might like to read our information on UTI and menopause. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed! You’re not alone in this, and what you’re experiencing is very common (something we’re trying to help change). Melissa
Hi there. I have had 2 different cultures for my UTIs come back negative, but I DEFINITELY have symptoms exactly as a UTI. I have had 4 in the past 7 months. Can you please direct me to more information on how to get better testing done? Thanks
Hi Kait, we’ve covered many of the different testing options in our article on UTI testing. If you have questions after reading that, you can send me a direct message and I’ll help however I can. Melissa
Hi, I have had over 3 UTIs and yeast infections in the past 6 months. I’m very active, I take my vitamins and I eat a plant based diet. I have gotten tests back negative and my issues ignored until I was in so much pain I couldn’t even walk. In the past I had Chlamydia and ever since I’ve had trouble with sex and the fear and anxieties that come along with it..I would love to know the regiment the really helped you so that I can close this chapter and feel free again. I’m so glad I found you and I’m looking forward to you response. Take care, L xx
Hi Lily, I’m not sure where you’re based, but I sent you an email just now with more information. I hope you find answers soon. Melissa
Melissa, I live in the metrowest part of Massachusetts. could you email me if you recommend a doc in the area me.
Hi Jane, I emailed you some info. Please check your spam if you don’t see it. Melissa
Hi Milssia,
I’m long time Chronic UTI Sufferer and at this point of my life (70 years old) having UTI’s almost all the time. Can you help me to find a doctor who has experience in treating and testing UTI’s? I live in Atlanta GA.
Hi Anna, I saw you also sent us an email so I’ve just replied that with some more information. I hope it helps. Melissa
Hi Melissa,
I’ve had 2 UTI eposides in the past 6 months and I think I’m having one right now. I get stressed everytime I have it and when it goes away, the anxiety of it coming back drives me insane. It has really affected how I live.
Can you please share your remedies? I read in your other post that you stopped taking antibiotics entirely. How does that work? I really want to make my UTI go away for good.
Thank you.
Hi Bernisse, I saw you also sent me an email, so I’ve replied there. Melissa
My situation is very similar to Fiona’s; I’ve been in lockdown with my boyfriend and have never been very sexually active before this. I’ve never had a UTI before, but now I’ve had 3 in the past 2 months that don’t seem to totally clear up with antibiotics. Only one has has tested positive for the UTI despite having all the symptoms. I’m very hygienic, pee after sex, drink enough, etc. and take probiotic and cranberry extract vitamins. What should I do, and should I get tested for the biofilm? Thank you so much.
Hi Emily, can you send me a direct message and let me know a little more information, including where you’re based, so I know what information is most relevant? Melissa
I have been seeing white particles in my urin accompanied with mild cramping just around my abdomen .
I and my sister (2 yrs older then I) both get recurring UTIs and have for many years now. My GP doesn’t have an answer. Seems the Kaiser urologists doesn’t either. Tried multiple herbal remedies and on Marobid now. I don’t think it ever really goes away. I live near Salem Oregon. Can you recommend anyone , so I can know what test to purchase etc?
Hi Jan, I saw you also sent us an email so I’ve replied there with more info. I hope it helps! Melissa
Hi Fatima, I sent you an email last week. I hope you got it. If not, can you check your spam? Melissa
I am a 55 yearly male who has now had 4 UTI infections since Nov 2019, taken four different types of antibiotics which help from 1 week to 5 weeks and then it returns. All urine and future test ar negative so this has to a biofilm . As a man there is little constructive advice from my urologist and I work 1000 miles away from the nearest medical facility . I just hav etc get this resolved it is affectingly life to a point I can no longer work. When the UTI returns it is extremely painful. How can I get tested for the biofilm?
Hi Jim, I got your email too and have replied with more information there. Melissa
Hi! I’ve had a UTI since November and have been treated with two different antibiotics since. The first one seemed to work but then it came back and I got a second prescription that according to the doctor, took away bacteria (they did a culture test). However, my symptoms have not ceased. I have the same amount of pain and I’m very scared for my future. I want to take action as soon as possible, what do I do?
Hi Lovisa, I saw you also sent us an email, so I’ve replied there with more information. Melissa
I had 7 uti’s last year and that includes a 6 month uti free period where I was prescribed nitrofurantion to take post intercourse. It worked for 6 months. Unfortunately this changed after Christmas (more alcohol was consumed than normal and less water) and the post sex antibiotic wasn’t enough to prevent a uti. An out of hours visit later I was prescribed a different antibiotic (trimethoprim) for 7 days and by the 5th no change. Another out of hours visit and I was prescribed ciprofloxacin for 5 days. After 2 weeks, the uti disappeared. Any advice on which products that prevent uti’s? I take 3 cranberry extracts and drink 3L of water daily. I also have d-mannose capsules on standby and my GP prescribed more nitrofurantoin for post sex (not every time).
Hi Ali, I can sympathise with much of your experience! We’ve shared some tips on preventing UTIs after sex in Juliet’s Story, and the science behind different home remedies. I can also share more about specific things that helped me, if you send me a direct message. Melissa
Do you have sources for this article? I want to show my urologist but I want to make sure she thinks it’s credible…
Hi Jo, many of the sources are hyperlinked within the article (highlighted in pink). If there are other sources you’re after, can you send me a direct message so I can share them via email? Melissa
I have had 4 UTIs in the last 6 months, with one episode resulting in hospitalisation from a kidney infection, misdiagnosed as kidney stones.
I have been on a range of antibiotics but the infection just comes back again. I want to find a urologist who will test my urine despite there being only « trace » amounts of pus cells and blood as I am worried I have something causing this recurrence in my urinary tract or bladder.
Hi Harriet, I saw you also sent us an email, so I’ll share more information there. Melissa
Hi Dr I have been treated with uti since last year and Dr said it is chronic and send me home, I have been going through more test but all they say is normal while I still feel pain when urinating and wake up seeing my penis tip swollen, I have been only given short term untibiotics , I really don’t know what is going on. Is this infection cureble or not. Please help me Dr
Hi Erastus, sorry to hear you’re experiencing that. We aren’t practitioners so we can’t provide specific advice. We may be able to share more helpful resources though, if you get in touch directly and let us know where you’re based. Melissa
Some of you might research lomatium and uti treatment. It seemed to really work for me when nothing else at all did. It’s an amazing herb for all sorts of sicknesses. Also getting hormone, mineral, and vitamin levels tested by natural practitioner. We have a local professional who does it for about $250. Then start finding out how to get what’s missing in diet will help. Along side of that learning about fermented foods and replenishing probiotics throughout the body can definitely benefit. Home made sauerkraut, fermented wheat berries, kombucha, kefir, clabber, all are wonderful. Especially if you’ve been on antibiotic treatments. It’s more work than taking pills but it’s worth it!!
I’m female turns 29 this year. I got my first UTI when I was in Elementary school, the next was senior high school. Since then I got it pretty repetitively but still ok, like maybe after 2 years each.. then in 2015 i got it again, and i mostly just drink a lot of water and the symptoms were gone. But it’s just getting worse since 2019. I got it maybe thrice or more a year, and i just drank a lot of water. The latest test results showed that there weren’t any infections. As I wrote this, i got another episode. I noticed i got it pretty easily when i drink less water (this less water is normal amount people should take daily). Some website stated that STI may have a role. Is it possible when my last intercourse was more than 2 years ago? or maybe IC or biofilms that cause it?
Hi Raylee, you might like to read our information on UTI testing and how inaccurate it can be. It’s possible you have had an unidentified infection for a longer period of time. Some STIs can cause symptoms similar to a UTI, and it is often suggested that STI testing is done, if only to rule it out. If you have other questions, you can always get in touch directly. Melissa
Hi Kali, it’s great that you’ve found something that works for you. I hope it has provided long term resolution! Melissa
I am in a new relationship and have had x3 UTI’s in 4 months. They clear after antibiotics but it hasnt felt like its 100% gone. Have been on Dmannose which has been very helpful, but i have run out ,and it seems to be out of stock everywhere. In 4 days the UTI is back full blown,i have another doc appt later today. I am extremely careful about cleanliness, pee after sex etc etc. Have had only 1 in my life prior to these happening,its a big problem.
Hi Fiona, I can sympathise. Can you send us a direct message with more information on where you’re based so we know what resources may be helpful? Melissa
I am wondering if there’s any idea how long a biofilm takes to form? I’ve only just started having reoccurring UTIs as of the past few months, and am just a little worried if I’ve already left it for too long.
Hi Denise, we haven’t seen any conclusive research into biofilm formation in the bladder with regard to how long it may take. Biofilms form naturally in the body and elsewhere in the environment, and are not necessarily negative. There may be many variables involved, including the types of organisms present. Melissa
Hi, I get recurring uti’s. I had a whole year without any recently that I thought I had beaten it. But Ive had 2 in the last 2 months. Antibiotics cleared the first one but obviously I now know that it prob hasn’t really cleared it & I could have biofilm. I’m in New Zealand in a provincial town with little specialists. I have been taking d-mannose for my current flare up & I thought I was getting better, only to find last night all the symptoms came raging back. I’ve ordered lauracidin from amazon & I’m going to order the biofilm defense too & add that into rotation. If it is a biofilm will I get worse before I get better? Ie, will the release of the biofilm cause a strong uti once u start taking the defense?
Anyone else feel like they can just never have sex because of UTI’s? I’m pulling my hair out over them and having so many sick days from work I’m worried about my employment!
Hi Jodie, I can sympathise! I saw you sent us an email too, so I’ve replied there with more information. Melissa
Hi Hannah, as yet there are no studies that look at the impact of biofilm dissolvers in the bladder – we don’t officially know if they have any impact at all, or whether they are safe to take. Some practitioners do use them as part of a treatment approach. If you haven’t already, you may like to read our recent article on Ruth Kriz and her approach to chronic UTI and IC – it mentions her use of biofilm dissolvers. Melissa
I’m super frustrated by the email I received by you. I already know a lot about UTIs and how to prevent them, I want to know how to heal. I feel like « Melissa’s » story was all about how she ultimately healed but I’m not getting any information about HOW I COULD HEAL. This is super frustrating. If you took certain supplements and changed your diet for a lifetime, please lay that out explicitly so I can do the same.
Hi Hope, I don’t have any record of emailing you, or of receiving an email from you. Did you use a different email address? As I mentioned in my story, some of the supplements I took were to address deficiencies that were specific to my own body, and this does not apply to others, so I don’t lay it out explicitly online. If you have sent me an email under a different address, can you reply to that again so I can address your questions? Melissa
This is no laughing matter. I drink over 2
4 oz.. of water, do not drink coffee or pop. Take 1000 mg vitamin c ,take 1800 cranberry vitamins , drink cranberry juice ,wear plain white cotton panties, urinate before and after intercourse, wipe front to back, wash myself after everytime going to the bathroom, use plain white non scented toilet paper, don’t take baths just shower, at this point I would rather go in a colostomy bag. And by pass my bladder.
Hi Jennifer, you’re right, recurrent and chronic UTI are serious problems that have a significant impact on quality of life and they need to be better addressed. If you have any questions or if there are any resources we can share, you can get in touch with us directly. Melissa
It’s not just women who get these! I’m a 49 year old male in UK suffering from what appears a chronic UTI, there don’t seem to be any guidelines on chronic UTIs in males,so as soon as my recurrent UTI came up, the talk has been about my prostate, when it was normal on examination, and they seem astonished that a UTI could keep coming back in this way like it’s never happened before in the history of humanity!!
I’ve long suspected a biofilm ( doctors don’t seem to actually think about things and if there’s no guidance, they have no idea so just keep prescribing what the guidelines say for an acute UTI!). I hope that the specialist I eventually see will have some idea of what to do, but I will certainly be using some of the science from the site whenever that consultation happens!
Hi Rob, you are right, males and females are both affected by recurrent UTI, and there are no helpful clinical guidelines for either. If you’re looking for a UK based specialist, I can share some information that may be useful. Can you get in touch directly and I’ll share by email? Melissa
Thank you that’s very helpful of you! I have sent a message via the form 🙂
Hi Melissa,
I’ve been with my husband for 10 years now. Because we are trying to have a baby, we started having sex without condoms. And boy, does this UTI come like crazy. Pretty much each time we have sex, UTI comes and bite me in the ass… He wash, I wash. Go to loo before and after, I even wash after too… And anyways, no luck for me in that department. I saw you mentioned in a previous comment you have info on a specialist. If you can share the information with me, that’d be much appreciated!!!
Hi Amily, can you send me a direct message and let me know where you’re based so I can share more information? Melissa
Florida. Chronic UTIs. 1 right after another. older adult.
Hi Jill, can you get in touch directly with any questions you have? I’m happy to provide links to any resources that may be useful. Melissa
I’ve had a recurrent UTI for 4 months now. First i started with my family doctor prescribing antibiotics 3 times and that didn’t clear it up. That let me to find a Women’s Urologist, but my experience hasn’t been better there. I’m on round 9 or 10 of antibiotics. I’m being treated with Cipro, and previously Keflex, and macrobid. I’m frustrated…I feel like the PA is just giving me the run around. I’m suppose to get a cysto but haven’t because I always have an active infection. I hate how aside from the UTI symptoms all the antibiotics are also causing a vaginal infection. I have two types of infections, i think. I have staph and urea plasma.
Hi Cynthia, sorry to hear you’re experiencing that. If you’d like specific information on testing, or information about recurrent UTI specialists, can you send us a direct message and let us know where you’re based? Melissa
I have had recurring UTIs for almost 20 years. I now pretty much constantly feel like I have a UTI and find myself popping urinary tract pain relievers almost daily. I am desperate to find help to end this terrible cycle of antibiotics that never truly cure the infection, and to determine why I continually become infected. No doctors I’ve seen have yet been able to provide any real help.
Hi Lila, we hear from many people with similar experiences. You might like to read our information on UTI testing, and treatment. If you have any questions, you can also send us a direct message. Melissa
I have dealt with UTIs most of my growing up years I was told that it was because of after sex I can recently discovered after not being in a relationship I was not getting UTIs and I got in a relationship and about six months in I got a UTI I was treated by the doctor’s three times in a row right after 1 it would come right back and do it up to the third time I was just recently treated for that third time and I still feel that I am not better I am wondering what else could it be and what else should I do to get rid of this after saying is a UTI because when I do the urine test at the doctors office they say it comes back I UTI I am sitting here afraid to wonder why it’s not going away what do I do next
Hi Elaine, if you’d like information about finding a recurrent UTI specialist, you can send us a direct message. You also might like to read our article on UTI testing. Melissa
Desperate for help. 2 1/2 years of intermittent daily pain and frequency. I’m in California and just ordered MicroGenDX but how do I find a local doctor that will help me
Hi Claudia, the best approach is to reach out to MicroGenDX directly to ask for a referral to a practitioner in your area. If you have any other questions, you can send us a direct message. Melissa
I had chonric BV for 4 to 5 months which has transitioned into chronic UTI’s for over a year and half now. I have seen multiple urologists, obgyns, endocrinologists, GI specialists, none have been able to help me. I have taken every antibiotic that they can prescribe me (sometimes for three months straight). I wear cotton underwear, keep everything clean, take D-mannose and have taken other UTI cleansing supplements in order to try to flush out a potential biofilm. I constantly hydrate and drink dandelion teas in order to keep my system flushed. After years of seeing specialists, antibiotics, supplements, lifestyle changes, etc., I still have a UTI that seems to never clear up.
There is at least one scientific study on using hydrogen peroxide (douche) for BV. I’ve had BV in the past and when it felt like it was coming on, plus a UTI, I quickly used the peroxide and both went away immediately. My teenage daughter with history of chronic UTI also used this method once and experienced the same. There is no doubt in my mind that many UTI’s are coming from some type of overgrowth in the vagina and migrating (and not from wiping incorrectly from the anus). Do they think we are that stupid?
Hi Julie, we hear many similar stories, and I can personally sympathise. Can you send us a direct message with info on where you’re based so we can share appropriate resources? Melissa
Hello I am a 56 year old female that has been suffering with chronic UTI’s and kidney infections. Since 8/28/2017 after a neck surgery. I average 1 or 2 per month. And when the infection goes into my kidneys it takes antibiotic shots for 2 weeks for a short term cure. I have done the low dose of antibiotics twice and as soon as the antibiotic is finished I am back at doctors with another infection. This is really effecting my life. Any suggestions appreciated
Hi Laronda, we hear many similar experiences – you’re not alone! Have you read our information on better UTI testing, and treatment options? If you have any questions after reading those, you can always send us a direct message. Melissa
I am a 31 year old female who has had roughly 10-11 UTIs this last year. I found this site and was relieved when I started taking D-Mannose and was UTI free for a month. Then, they came back. I have an appointment with a urologist next week. I am terrified I am just going to be prescribed antibiotics with no real solution. Any leads on a practitioner who specializes in this issue would be much appreciated.
Hi Alexandra, can you send us a direct message with more info on where you’re based so I can email you about this? Melissa
I have been told I most likely have Medullary Sponge Kidney because of reoccurring UTI’s and over 20 kidney stones, I have only passed a couple. I am now antibiotic resistant as well as allergic to most antibiotics except for a few types. I’m looking for an ID doctor who understands biofilms, I am so tired of being sick and tired.
Hi De Anna, can you send me a direct message and let me know where you’re based so I can share any relevant info? Melissa
I received an MRI with contrast (gadolinium) in September 2017. Prior to the MRI, records indicated I hadn’t had a UTI since 2010. The next month after the MRI, I began having chronic, monthly bacterial UTIs. Cystoscopy showed nothing. 90 days of low dose antibiotic did not resolve the problem. I have edema now in my vagina area. If UTIs are being caused by a heavy metal toxin (gadolinium), which cannot be chelated out, how do I stop and/or prevent the UTIs? Have tried d-Mannose to no avail. Thank you.
Hi Deborah, many people report that the turning point for them was finding the right practitioner. We may be able to provide some info to help with that, if you can send us a direct message and let us know where you’re based. Melissa
Since May, I’ve had 2 negative and 1 positive test for UTI and have been on 2 different antibiotics. Have not had any relief. Current docs won’t treat anymore without a positive test. Any docs in Philadelphia, PA you would recommend? Am really suffering.
Hi Diane, I just sent you an email with more information. Melissa
My problem has been going on for about 4 years. After an extensive course of antibiotics, I started getting UTIs nearly every time I had sex with my husband. After about 10 in a year, I saw a urologist, who performed a cystoscopy and found no underlying cause and to take Hiprex for 6 months. At the end of the six months, I stopped taking the tablets and the infections started again. This wound up causing anxiety to the point where I am taking antidepressants. After a psychologist convinced me to try again earlier this year, I got another infection on our second attempt. No sex, no UTI. I am in my mid 40s and can’t figure out why, if my body could flush out bacteria for decades, why it can’t cope with it now.
Hi Jules, you’re not alone in that experience, we hear from many people with similar stories. There could be a number of reasons this is happening, and it may be helpful to speak with a recurrent UTI specialist. You might also like to read our information about recurrent UTI treatment. Melissa
I have had issues since giving birth 2 years ago. I had 2 catheters during child birth and the first was installed incorrectly. I am not sure if this is what sparked my issue. However i have multiple UTI’s most often occurring monthly. Often times i have gone to the hospital just for them to say there is nothing wrong. My question is, Are there any sites for more information in Ontario or even Canada? This is where we live and i have been unsuccessful finding information seeming from our location.
Hi Sarah, I’m not aware of any specifically Canadian sites around recurrent UTI. We have some information that might be helpful. You can send us a direct message if you’d like more detail via email. Melissa
I suffer from 5 to 6 uti yearly, recently, they found no bacteria growing. Went to specialist and he said low white blood cells which means there is an infection. I’m confused. one dr says I don’t have UTI and the other said yes. they want me to take 2 months of antibiotics. I don’t want to take them anymore, they hurt my stomach and make me sick. How can I go further into seeing what is causing the UTI?
Hi Lauren, you’re not alone in that experience. Standard UTI testing has been proven to be very inaccurate. You can read more about why this is the case, and different types of testing you might like to try, here. If you have any questions after reading, feel free to send us a direct message. Melissa
I have had a UTI for a year now. My doctor and I just began using Microgen and I’m on my 4th round of antibiotics. What else can I do? This is also new territory for my doctor .
Hi Madison, I’ve sent you a couple of emails, but I’m not sure you’re receiving them. Can you check your spam? Melissa
I know I have a biofilm infection and I often feel hopeless and like I’m only going to get worse. Is there any urologist in or near Philadelphia that is well versed with biofilms in the bladder or that often use microgen?
Hi Elizabeth, I sent more information in response to your email. Melissa
Are there any Doctors in Southern California that get this? Anyone who doesn’t just throw antibiotics at a 91 yr old who is otherwise in pretty good condition for her age EXCEPT for these UTIs and the effects of the meds they throw at her?
Hi Lalla, I also received your email so I’ve sent you some more information there. Melissa
I have had UTI for six months and on my ninth lot of antibiotics but have not taken them.
Hi Sheila, I received your email so I’ve replied with more information there. Melissa
I have interstitial cystitis but suffer more with uti’s. I’ve had MRSA in my urine after an op. 2016 I had 28 in that year. Stage 3 kidney function. Now there back. 4 from beginning of May. Can this make my kidney worse?
Hi Margaret, it’s always best to talk to a doctor about these types of questions, as symptoms can quickly escalate. If there are any resources we can share, feel free to send us a direct message. Melissa
I get pretty vicious UTI symptoms first thing in the morning, about once every two or so months. 100% guaranteed if I don’t urinate post sex. I usually chug a ton of water, and take ACV shots alongside Ginger extract capsules. I can usually subside the worst of the pain by this tactic, and deal with other symptoms slowly. I do this because taking antibiotics means guaranteed yeast infection, along with a flare up of my rheumatoid arthritis. Does having an autoimmune disorder mean treating my recurrent UTI’s is just something i’ll have to take as it comes? Hoping to find some help with certain tests I should be asking for to help guide my daily supplementation to keep my body feeling at least somewhat decent!
Hi Paris, can you send us a direct message with some info on where you’re based, so we can email you any resources that may be useful? Melissa
Is there a connection between autoimmune disorders and IC or UTIS?
Hi JG, there is a theory that there may be a connection for some people, but research has not yet proven this one way or the other. Melissa
I remember when I first encountered UTI was in my early 20s. Had it here and there. Back then I did as the doc said but it would still come back. I don’t know how I stopped getting UTi for maybe about 7-8 years and recently I have encountered UTi more than 6 times in just the one year. Some times, it’s bearable and I can not need to rely on antibiotics, but some times, as soon I feel the slightest symptoms, the symptoms will just amplify within an hr or so and i need antibiotics!! I actually don’t know why my body is like this now when I’ve done all the ‘prevention’ advices. Please advise what I should do.
Dear Melissa I m based in Hungary (38 years old) and I m suffering from recurring UTI which always come after intercourse. The pain is terrible and it starts to impact my well being. I ve been tested for STD and my partner as well and we got negative results however I m getting symptoms almost after every intercourse. I m starting to be hopeless. Please advice!
Hi Nora, have you read the information on our site about UTI testing? You might like to discuss different options with your doctor. If you have specific questions, you can always get in touch directly, and we’ll help however we can. Melissa
Hi Esther, you’re not alone in that experience. Many people share similar stories. Many also say it helped significantly to find the right practitioner – one with experience on the topic of recurrent UTI. If you’d like more information, you can always send us a direct message and let us know where you’re based. Melissa
I get a UTI about every 3-4 weeks, sometimes bacteria shows up and sometimes it doesn’t. I’m constantly on antibiotics but it always comes back and I’m afraid of losing my job. Ive had a cystoscopy, pap and ultrasound and nothing showed up. What should my next step be?
Hi Rae, you are not alone. I am just like you and have UTIs every 2-3 weeks. I’ve gone to three urologists, my gyno, family doctor. No one has any answers. Sometimes I have bacteria and sometimes I don’t. I know how you feel.
Hi Rae, you might like to read our information on recurrent UTI treatment, and UTI testing. Then if you have questions, you can always get in touch. Melissa
i have had a few uti’s, but most are not that uncomfortable for me…just a dull bladder pain. however, recently the pain seemed a little more acute and more bothersome, so i saw a doctor who cultured my urine and said i had strep b. i was given a 7 day course of amoxicilin after which time, i still felt i had the UTI. i was re-tested 1 week after finishing the antibiotics and, despite the still existing symptoms, was told my urine when cultured was negative for bacteria. at a loss…any advice?
Hi Jules, sorry to hear that. We’ve provided some information on why test results can be negative, despite your symptoms, if you’d like to read it. You can also get in touch directly with any questions. Melissa
I’m so sorry to read all these comments of people suffering this condition over and over! But I will say that it makes me feel less alone in this to know that we are all going through it together and that hopefully soon we will all get the answers and treatments we need to be finally being fully healthy again. My issues basically came out of the blue a couple months ago. 3 bouts within 6 weeks…The first 2 times my doctor prescribed Macrobid. This last time there was no infection found. Doctor commended that I go see a urogynocologist as this frequency of occurence is beyond my doctor’s scope. I never get uti’s so why did this all of the sudden come on? Are there conditions of the urethra that could cause this that aren’t bacterial in nature?
Hi, I have been suffering from
UTI symptoms for about 4 months now. I’ve done everything to try and keep it away. I went to see a urologist in early July and they do DNA testing, but here we are August and 2 antibiotics later and nothing is resolved. I read monolaurin and interface plus can help disrupt these bio films that you mention. I just want relief I’ve already had a renal and bladder ultrasound along with X-ray those came back negative. I’m just waiting on symptoms to subside to do a cystoscopy.
Hi Anna, I saw you also emailed us, so I’ve responded there with more info. Melissa
Hi Elle, the short answer is that yes, there are a number of things that can cause UTI-like symptoms, so it’s always best to continue discussing your symptoms with your doctor. On the other hand, if your symptoms are caused by a UTI, the standard testing used may be failing to pick up the cause. We’ve covered more on how this can happen here. Melissa
I am 43 years old and have been having persistent UTI since my early twenties. Recently I had one where the only symptom was the horribly foul odour of my pee. Foolishly I ignored it for months. I was prescribed Macrobid, but the infection and blood were still present, then Amoxicillin which did absolutely nothing, then back on Macrobid and now 7 days of cephlexin. The odour went away with the initial treatment, now though I have urinary frequency, and stabbing type pains in my lower abdomen. I am so stressed about this. I’m waiting for my appointment with a urologist, it has been a very difficult time thinking the worst. Have you heard of only having pain after the uti is treated as I have experienced?
Hi Jackie, we hear many similar stories, and the symptoms that each individual experiences can be very different to the next. Many people describe pain alone, but of course, it’s always best to discuss symptoms with your doctor. If you’d like more information, can you send us a direct message and let us know where you’re based? Melissa
I have had a urine culture done which which shows mixed skin and/or urogenital present. I have been given Macrobid, but did not get rid of the infection. MY symptoms are pressure, soreness, sensitivity,and feeling of sweliing in the pelvic area after urinating. Don’t know what is good for it.
Hi Nel, we’ve covered UTI antibiotics, and how they are selected, here. If you have any questions, you can always get in touch directly. Melissa
I am female. Live in US. I got a UTI in October 2018. First treatment seemed ok but when infection seemed to have been resolved, got another within ten days. Was advised to take low dose antibiotics. Trimethoprin. No help. Have had UTIs off and on since and have taken different courses of antibiotics. I guess I would say I have recurring UTIs. Since I took a few pills before going to doc in order to function, test often negative, so now I cannot get any more antibiotics after this course . So I hope to resolve it this time with intensive treatment then low dose for a few days.One Macrobid. Also advised to use Estradiol. In meantime have discovered a urology practice associated with a nearby hospital that has 4 docs specializing in UTI treatment. Will make an appointment.
Hi Barbara, I’d love to hear more about the UTI specialists. Can you send us a direct message with more information? It may be helpful for others too. Melissa
Diagnosed with IC 2015. Wake up to void EVERY single hour for 4+yrs. Can’t take the pain or sleep deprivation any more! Need a Northern NJ doctor who will treat with Kriz or Malone Lee protocol. Help!!!!!!!
Hi Kyle, can you send us a direct message with this same information so we can share some more information? Melissa
Thank you for the enlightening article! I’ve had constant infections for years and nothing has helped. I was hospitalized in March with an antibiotic resistant infection.
I have had about 7 UTIs in the past 5 months, Have been on several antibiotics, but the infection always seems to come back. I am seeing a infectious disease dr. Are there any doctors in NE specializing in UTIs?
Hi Joyce, at the moment we don’t know of any recurrent UTI specialists in NE. I can share some information about possible telemedicine options. If you’re interested, you can send us a direct message. Melissa
Hi Linda, I’m glad you found it helpful. If you have any questions, you can always send us a message. Melissa
In the last 2 years I probably have had 8 UTI’s. I would do to the Dr’s and get antibiotics and it would clear up for a month or so, but would come right back again. I stumbled upon a blog when I was searching the internet for some answers and the author advocated taking powdered D-Mannose with water before and after sex.
I figured why not give this a try since nothing else seemed to work keeping UTI’s at bay. I’ll tell you what- I haven’t had one in over 6 months since starting! If I ever start to feel that awful sensation, I take a double dose and it seems to knock it right out before it gets bad. Seriously a life saver!!
Hi CJ, I’m happy to hear D-mannose has helped you. Studies show that it may be useful for prevention of UTIs caused by E. coli, and there is some speculation that it may also be helpful for other gram negative bacteria. There is no suggestion at this stage that it may be beneficial where other bacteria are involved, so it’s important to identify the cause of your UTI. We’ve covered D-mannose and the research into it, here on our site. Melissa
Hello, I’m a female that has had chronic UTI’s since 2010, I’ve had several cystoscopy’s and told nothing found, within the past 6 months I’ve been hospitalised due to gross hematuria with hemaglobin dropping to 5.2-6.0, given a blood transfusion with 2 units each time, had positive cultures was treateated with iv antibiotics in the hospital and P.O. antibiotics upon discharge, finish antibiotics and symptoms srart all over again with the hematuria, this finally end up with me in the ED from the clotting of blood resulting in not being able to urinate, this has a cured every month for the past six months, any suggestions?
Hi Keri, I saw you sent a direct message as well, so I’ve responded there. Susy
I have had “some infection” since jan 2019…. been told it’s candida, , etc. Put suppositories for candida and taken cranberry tablets …. symptoms
Disappear and reappear! Currently get a burning every other day, urine is cloudy and smells very acrid and when I need to pee I have to go instantly! What could it be and what can I do? Thank u
Hi Neel, can you send us a direct message with more info on where you’re based, so we know which resources may be most helpful? Melissa
I got my first UTI in November 2018 and have had 6 (incredibly painful ones) since then. I recently found out I am allergic to Macrobid which is the only antibiotic I’ve been prescribed since my first diagnosis. What are other common antibiotics that actually work to cure UTIs? Is anyone else allergic?
Hi Samantha, we’ve explained the use of antibiotics for UTI here, if you’d like to read more. There is no specific antibiotic that will cure every UTI – it always depends on the cause, and different antibiotics are effective for different bacteria. If you have any other questions, you can always get in touch directly. Melissa
Do you have any opinion of Copper IUD´s possibly increasing the recurrence of UTI´s due to the E-coli bacteria attatching them to the string of the IUD?
I have had 5 UTI´s since the beginning of 2019.
Hi Roberta, we haven’t seen any conclusive studies into the possible connection between copper IUDs and recurrent UTI. We’re always on the look out for new information though, so if you come across anything, we’d love to see it too. If you have any other questions, you can get in touch directly. Melissa
I’ve had 6 UTI’s since Jan 2019. I’ve seen a urologist and he said I might have IC. I’m currently keeping a food log and eliminating foods that cause flare ups. I have a follow up appt on May 15. I had a culture done in April when I had my 5th positive UTI. It was negative. I’m planning on asking for the camera catheter test for the IC. What other things do I need to ask for (test wise or other) when I have my appt. I wasn’t prepared the first time and I want to be the second time.
Thank you
Hi Mary, it’s great that you’re taking steps to prepare. If you could send us a message directly, we can share some more info that way. Susy
Would be great if you guys could respond publicly as a lot of these questions apply to us all.
Hi Mags, while a lot of people have similar questions, everyone’s situation is very different. We welcome comments, but we don’t make recommendations, as per our community guidelines. That said; we can occasionally share more info via email, if we think it’s useful specifically to the person requesting it. In the meantime, we do have a little information on our site here about speaking to your doctor and we’re working on materials to better help with this. Thanks for understanding 🙂 Susy
I have a UTI that won’t go away. I am on my 7th round of antibiotics and still have symptoms. I’ve also been diagnosed with IC. The UTIs have been confirmed with cultures. I’ve tried so many things in addition to antibiotics: herbal remedies/teas, diet changes etc. I am suspicious of a biofilm after reading your blog. I see a urologist but she doesn’t seem very versed on it. Do you have any recommendations?
Hi Julie, can you send us a direct message so we can share more info via email? Melissa
What is the cure for the chronic or re-current UTI? I have tried many methods like cranberry juice, vitamin C and staying hydrated, however nothing seems to prevent them. What is the best course of action?
Hi Lisa, every infection is different so there is no one cure. It’s important that each person find out what is happening in their own body in order to address their individual issues. We’re told by many that finding a specialist who has experience diagnosing and treating recurrent UTI marked a turning point for them. If you’d like more info, feel free to send us a message directly. Susy
At age 68, I have approximately a new UTI every 3 weeks. I was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago. My UTIs began infrequently, and now they are out of control. I have been on so many antibiotics. About four years ago, I had bladder botox to try and relieve my incontinence. Didn’t work, made things worse. Went into retention for a few months, miserable time I might add. Since that time seems my UTIs increased. I have been hospitalized a few times for severe UTIs which in turn cause my MS to flare up. Currently being treated for my UTI …did a 6 day injection of Gentamicin and am following up injections with a daily treatment of Nitrofurantoin.
Hi Kathy, sorry to hear you’re experiencing this. If you have any specific questions, you can always reach out to us directly. Susy
Thanks for your article. I am a man aged 34 and I get UTIs once every couple of months! I have tried anti-biotics but the UTIs keep coming back. I have gone for kidney / bladder scans and done several urine and blood tests to confirm the UTI wasn’t caused by STDs, diabetes, etc. I found that the best solution for me was to avoid sugar and drink lots of water. However, if I don’t, the UTI predictably occurs.
Sorry to hear you’re having this experience. Feel free to get in touch directly if you’d like any specific info. Susy
I am what appears to be a healthy, toned, speeding bullet of a 64 year old woman. Friends all ask what I am doing so they can do the same.. but I have a dark secret. At 18 I peed blood a day after having sex for the first time and the downward spiral began. If I didn’t have sex I seemed to hold my own by alkalizing my system with d-mannose, baking soda before and after sex. Now in my 60’s without sex, I seem to get a UTI if I drink coffee without the required two glasses of water! Can’t even sit in a hot tub and the symptoms kick in followed my pink urine. What is going on? Help! Please!
I am 80 years old and have had UTI all my life but lately they are coming about every 8 weeks or so go on antibiotics for 5 days every time been to 3 really good drs down here in Fl but they keep coming back I take cranberry pills and probiotics for females for UTI still I am still getting them what else can I do so tired of hurting all the time
Hi Sandra, many people say the turning point was finding the right practitioner. If you’d like us to share some info on that, you can send us a direct message. Melissa
Hi Sylvia, sorry to hear you’re experiencing this. Many people tell us that finding a practitioner experienced in diagnosing and treating recurrent UTI marked a turning point for them. You can get in touch with us directly if you’d like more info on this, or anything else in particular. Susy
Do you know of any cases where surgery has been the answer for chronic UTI? I have been getting 5 per year plus for many, many years and now it is becoming un-bearable. Basically every time I have sex with my boyfriend I have a flare-up. It is having a major impact on our intimacy and my everyday life. I have been told by my OBGYN that I have a short urethra and bacteria can more easily enter. I take so many herbs everyday (d-mannose, cranberry, urdva usi, goldenseal, garlic, oregano, probiotics) basically bathe in antibacterial soap before and after sex, of course pee before and after sex, and even have my partner clean his area with antibacterial soap before. Nothing works, I’m really, really at the end of my rope. Any advise you have would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Renae,
I’m in exactly the same boat! Seeing a Urologist for a follow up consultation next Friday so will let you know the outcome but I’ve set myself the task of finding someone experienced in the reoccurring issue from reading this page.
Hi Renae, sorry to hear you’re having this experience, we understand how incredibly frustrating that can be. It’s important that each person find out what is happening in their own body in order to address their individual issues in the best way. We’re told by many people that a turning point for them was finding a practitioner that has experience diagnosing and treating recurrent UTI. If you’d like more info about this, or anything else specifically, please send us a direct message and we’ll get back to you. Susy
I am 68 and have had recurrent UTIs for the last 25 years. I would get 3-5 a year. Now since October I have gotten one every month. My Urologist does not have an answer as to how to stop this cycle
Hi Lynn, if you’re considering seeing another specialist, we may be able to share some useful information. Can you send us a direct message? Melissa
I am 57 and just got my first UTI. I went to the doctor and was prescribed antibiotics. It got better after a couple of days but I haven’t even finished the antibiotics and it came back with a vengeance today! What do I do? Just go back to the doctor?
Hi Lisa, it’s always best to return to your doctor if your symptoms return. If you have any other questions, you can always send us a direct message. Melissa
How to get better UTI testing? Doctors you recommend in Portland, OR area
Hi Karen, we have some information about alternative testing methods here. If you’d like more information on practitioners whose names have been shared with us, you can send us a direct message. Melissa
Could you tell me the herbal medications you took that stopped your uti and yeast infection. I have been battling with m recurrent uti and yeast infection. But I started taking probiotic and the symptoms have reduced but I am still feeling uncomfortable down there.
Can you tell me about the herbal med for Uti’s
Hi Tessy, can you send me a direct message so I can provide more insight via email? Melissa
Can you recommend anyone in Australia to assist me?
Hi Sophie, can you send us a direct message so we can share some Australia-specific info via email? Melissa
Hi, I have suspected interstitial cystitis- I refuse to have invasive treatments down but my urologist thinks it’s probably IC. Every urine test I’ve had since November 2018 when this began has been negative. I had UTI’s years ago but they always cleared up straight away on antibiotics. It’s strange how I was fine one day- and then the next this torture began…?
Hi Georgina, what you described is an experience shared by many – negative tests that result in a diagnosis of IC. You may be interested in reading more about why standard urine tests can be negative, even when an infection is present, and alternative UTI testing methods that may provide more accurate results. Melissa
I’ve had frequent UTI’s for the past five years. I’ve been given the suggestion that I should see a urologist to better understand the source of these infections. In your experience, would a urologist be able to identify if I have an underlying problem? Or would I simply be told, « it’s common to get multiple UTI’s a year » despite the gut feeling that this isn’t something that ever REALLY goes away? I’m on a very limited income and am trying desperately to avoid being brushed aside for another whopping, waste-of-time medical bill. Thank you.
Hi Kaytie, whether a urologist can help really depends on the urologist, as with any type of practitioner. Most urologists do not specialize in recurrent UTI. If you send us a direct message and let us know your rough location, we may be able to share some helpful info. Melissa
I have had 5 UTI’s since December… presently on 850 mg of amoxicillin for 14 days, have 4days left of medication and there are still times in between doses that I have symptoms that UTI is stlll there. I do have an upcoming appt with an Urologist . I’m greatly interested in receiving information on how to treat biofilms. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Sherry, we have some information about different recurrent UTI treatment approaches here. If you have specific questions, you can always send us a direct message. Melissa
I’ve had three UTI since December and started to get symptoms that would come and go last month which resulted in a kidney infection last week. Before he kidney infection I had gone to my doctor multiple times and she informed me that my urines samples were fine. Even after a strong dose of ten day course of ciprofloxacin I am still getting recurring burning. I honestly can’t live like this anymore I have so much anxiety regarding getting a UTI after sex and take all preventions but it doesn’t work. It’s affecting my mental health terribly I’m so tired of it.
Hi Penny, I can sympathise with everything you wrote. Have you read our info about why standard UTI tests may be negative, despite your symptoms? We’ve also provided details on different types of testing you may want to try. Any other questions you have, you can send via a direct message. Melissa
I have recurrent uti’s. I have been on many courses of antibiotics and the UTI keeps coming back. I am tired of so many antibiotics.
Hi Judy, I can sympathise with your frustration. If you have any questions, you can always send us a direct message. Melissa
Have been suffering with recurring UTIs, UTI symptoms over 4 years. Recently diagnosed with IC after a negative cystoscopy, urodynamic testing, MRI. Haven’t responded to PT, Tibial nerve stimulation and am currently receiving bladder instillation treatment. Have had 6 treatments and thus far no drastic improvement. Any advice would be helpful?
Hi Nadia, you may find it useful to review our information about why standard UTI testing is unreliable, and alternative testing methods you could consider. We’ve also covered some treatment approaches. If you have specific questions, you can send us a direct message. Melissa
My almost 5 year old daughter has been diagnosed with recurrent UTI’s as she had 3 since December. She was given three different antibiotics but none helped her or made the e-coli bacteria disappear. She was now prescribed a strong antibiotic, which I am not sure I should give her, due to the side effects. (Nitrofurantoin). I am looking for any suggestions as I am very worried for her. She’s not even 5 and has already had so many UTI’s. And pumping her with antibiotics apparently doesn’t help her at all. She is due for an ultrasound scan to see if there is something that causes the UTI to come back.
Hi I had this problem as a child as well they found reflux which is urine backing back up into the kidney instead of voiding out through bladder. Am hoping things for well with doc but don’t give up if they brush it off keep pushing for an answer.
Hi Simona, I saw you also sent us a direct message, so I’ve emailed you some information. Melissa
I have had a UTI a couple of times now in the past 6 months. Both times cultured E coli. I have a sulfa allergy so have been treated with Macrobid. Symptoms continue to return. What is the next step and what kills a biofilm?
Hi Anne, you might be interested in reading our info about recurrent UTI treatment and alternative testing methods. Hopefully these will provide insight into avenues you may want to consider. Melissa
I want to know the best treatment of UTI persisted for more than one year and three months
Hi Francisco, there is no single treatment that will work for recurrent UTI. There are many factors to consider. You might like to read more about testing options, and different treatment approaches. Then if you have any questions, you can send us a direct message. Melissa
My 4 year old daughter has bee recently diagnosed with Recurrent UTI’s – she’s had 3 UTI’s in the last 4 months. The culture came out e-coli twice. She was given antibiotics, and recently a stronger one as she did not respond well to the treatment. She’s having accidents every single day and we’re looking for any solution as we can’t just pump her little body with so many different antibiotics. Thank you.
Hi Simona, sorry to hear that. If you have any specific questions, you can send us a direct message and we’ll respond via email. It’s also helpful to know where you’re based so we know which resources may be relevant. Melissa
After 6 rounds of different antibiotics, i still have a UTI infection. My doctor can’t help and the consultant wasn’t particularly nice and just ordered a ultrasound scan, which I’m still waiting for. I have been E&R twice but after negative cultures I just get given another round of antibiotics, which is a two day course of apparently strong antibiotic, but symptoms are coming back. Very worried, I’m only 32 years old and never suffered before with UTI. Any suggestions please.
Hi Carla, if you haven’t already, you may like to read our info on why test results can be negative, despite UTI symptoms. You can also send a us a direct message if you have any questions. Melissa
I’ve had hundreds of UTI’s since I became sexually active (14 years ago.) I’ve been prescribed a low dose antibiotic to take after intercourse. It’s helped, I had only 1 UTI in 9 months – a record for me. I have done everything, the antibiotics, I drink 4/5 Liters of water a day (naturally, I’m just a thirsty person) I go to the bathroom after sex, I take the cranberry tablets, I shower at least twice a day, I know how to wipe front to back…I have literally done everything. And STILL I have just had an infection, finished 2 weeks of antibiotics…1 week later, feel like it’s come back. What else can I do? I’m so sick of pumping my body full of these medications and half the time they don’t work.
Hi Alex, I can sympathize. It sounds as though the information covered in the article above may be useful for you, given what you’re describing. If you have any questions about it, you can send me a direct message. Melissa
I have had recurring UTIs for the last 3 years…EVERY 6 WEEKS! Some culture out as e.coli, others do not culture at all. I have tried antibiotics when it became unbearable and after the prescribed course ended, 6 weeks later – another UTI. The urologist recommended a 6 month course of low dose antibiotics and I succumbed. Felt great for 6 months with hope that the cycle would be broken. 6 weeks after finishing the antibiotics…another UTI!
Researching alternative treatments is overwhelming. Considering taking Interfase Plus or Lauricidin as a biofilm disruptor. Any advice on how to proceed with either a biofilm treatment, or a practitioner that could guide me would be appreciated. Obviously, antibiotics are not solving the problem and I would prefer not to take them. Thank you!
Hi Andrea, can you send us a direct message with this info and let us know where you’re based? We can share any useful resources via email. Melissa
My Mother is 83 and has had Chronic UTI for 6 months now. Not getting better and I am afraid she is getting real tired. It’s gonna kill her. Dr. keeps giving antibiotics and they make her so sick. Never completely clears up. Should we be looking for a specialist to get this figured out.
Hi Sheri, many people say the turning point for them was finding the right practitioner to help. We may be able to share some useful information if you can send us a direct message and let us know where your mother is based. Melissa
I have had Recurrent UTIs for the past year. I had at least six episodes within four months and then I managed my symptoms. When I drink coffee, alcohol, or consume I have to be mindful and drink so much water. This is exhausting, Im very interested in getting my urine tested for biofilms. I have seen a urologist and had so many tests done. People start to think your crazy or practice bad hygiene but recurring infections are a real thing and I would love nothing more than to treat the underlying cause
Hi Maricela, we hear many similar stories, and it’s a very frustrating situation! We’d love to hear about any progress you make, and if there’s any resources you’d like us to share, you can send us a direct message. Melissa
I never had a uti until I got pregnant with my second baby, in 2017. I probably had about 10 uti minimum I can remember. I felt miserable. After he was born uti symtoms fade away. Until now that he is 14 months. I got another Uti. Was given two sets of antibiotics and i just feel I’m getting another one today. I really like to get tested for biofilms. Please can u send me information. Thank you !
Hi Ana, I got your direct message too, and have replied with more information there. Melissa
Hi, I have a yeast infection of the toenails, dysuria, and cystitis. I’m a 27-year-old male so the doctors said it was rare for me to get a UTI. I told the doctors that I might have got the UTI when I was rubbing the shaft of my penis in the show because it then became inflamed and I had to use the toilet. Now that I have the UTI I have difficulty starting a urine stream and the doctors can’t figure it out. Do you think its obstruction or a bladder muscle injury that’s causing the urine to not come out in a strong stream? Please let me know what you think and if there is anything or anyone I could see to fix it. Thanks in advance.
Hi Joe, can you send us a direct message with more info on where you’re based so we can share more information via email? Melissa
Very sorry I did not tell you but I am in Raleigh North Carolina
I found your article interesting. I was diagnosed with IC many years ago. I suffer with symptoms all the time if I drink coffee ,white wine ,etc. One thing you did not mention is the diagnosis of IC after having a cystoscopy and having the Hunar ulcers identified. Honestly, I would love to not have IC, however what do you do and where do you get different types of urinary testing?
Thank you, Ruth
Hi Ruth, you’re right, we have not mentioned Hunner’s ulcers and this is mainly because most specialists we speak with indicate that much more research is needed before we truly know whether these ulcers are linked to infection or something else entirely. We hope to cover this more in the future. We have some more information about alternative testing here, but if you have specific questions about it, please feel free to get in touch with me directly. Melissa
On-going problems with this. Hoping to get help here.
Hi Mary, can you send us a direct message with a little more info, so we know better how we can help? Melissa
My vagina is dry from inside it has shrunk in size from one side i feel as if something leaks in a small amount from it but i do not get any odor and colour of the discharge. Should i still be worried?
Hi Sheher, it’s always best to see a doctor to discuss any symptoms that concern you. If there any UTI related resources we can help with, you can send me a direct message with any questions. Melissa
I have been on at least eight antibiotics since October. As soon as I’m done with antibiotic I have a reoccurrence within a month. I am also a metastatic breast cancer patient. It’s so frustrating. How do I get tested for biofims
Hi Heidi, are you able to send me a direct message with more info on your location so I can share details via email in response? Thanks, Melissa
My daughter lives in Las Vegas and has been diagnosed with IC. She hasn’t been able to find a good urologist for her. Can you recommend someone. Thank you. Valerie Swift
Hi Valerie, can you ask your daughter to send me a direct message, if she hasn’t already? I can share more info with her via email. Melissa
I requested a referral to a urologist this week. I live in the greater Philly area. Would you happen to recommend a provider in this area?
Hi Shanna, at the moment we don’t know of any recurrent UTI specialists in PA, but we can share some info regarding telemedicine options, or surrounding states, if you send us a direct message. Melissa
Are there any uti specialists in northern Colorado? I have been to the UC Health Urology Clinic and seen several different doctors there. None of them seem to know much about this condition. They just want to keep throwing different antibiotics at it which make me feel very sick.
Hi Terri, if you’d like to get in touch directly, I can share more information. Susy
I’m on the UTI rollercoaster. Have been diagnosed with IC, but antibiotics are the only thing that make me feel better. I’m sure it’s chronic and due to biofilms. Any specialists in Canada you can recommend to address this?
Hi Vanessa, if you’d like to get in touch directly, I can share the info we have so far. Susy
Are there any uti specialists in northern Indiana (South Bend or nearby)?
Hi Mary, at the moment we don’t know of any in that region. I can share more info about possible options via email, if you send me a direct message. Melissa
I have had over 300 UDoTIs over the past 52 years. I have my own regimin plus macrodantin daily, but have had 3 infections in the past 3 months. I am exhausted. My urologist has run out of ideas. Can you refer me to someone in NW Washington?
Hi Nancy, can you send me a direct message so I can share more information via email? Melissa
I am a 43 year old woman at my wits end.I’ve suffered for 25years with persistant UTIs.I had a much needed break from symptoms when I had my children then out of the blue 3 years ago they came back with vengeance.I have had about 10 utis in 2018.A lovely GP put me on vagifem and I’ve had a 3month break from symptoms untill today.I cannot function with this.I just want to have a normal life.I have read so much info over the years and been referred twice to urologists who didn’t have answers.
I’m in the uk.Please could you recommend a urologist to help me?
Hi Nicky, can you send me a direct message so I can share more UK based information via email? Melissa
I am 68 yr old. I have been having what I would consider to be chronic uti’s for about 15 yrs now. Especially the last 6 years. I did have a 10 month relief for some reason last year but it’s back with a vengeance. My current one started in October. I’ve had Cipro, Bactrim, 3 Rocephin shots, and currently on my 6th day of 100 mg Macrobid twice daily with no relief. I have an upcoming appt with a urologist who 2 years ago told me « I don’t know what you want me to do » so I’m not looking forward to returning. I’m weary and mentally and physically drained. My head hurts every day as well as the uti symtpoms. Can you suggest anything?
Hi Johnnie, it’s very frustrating when it feels as though no one can help. Can you send me an email so I can share more resources that way? Melissa
This is for my 82 year old grandmother she has been getting uti for about 20+ years or so, at first she would get them every couple of years then every 6 months and now she gets them every 1 to 3 months sometimes sooner, I need to know about doctors in northern california. thanks!
Hi Matt, sorry to hear your grandmother is experiencing that. I’ve sent you an email with some more information about practitioners. Hopefully it helps. Melissa
I am a paraplegic with neurogenic bladder and self cathe for the past 12 months every 30 days I get a painful and sonsickninjabe to be hospitalize . Klebsiella is the bacterial been taking invanz iv and it goes away but makes so sick to my stomach I can’t eat and the nausea and pain is unbearable at this point it has taken over my life I have no enjoyment but suffering and pain . Seen a neurologist and they said it’s chronic and I have to keep taking the same meds cause I am allergic to penicillin. Please help me o am at my ends and I have hit rock bottom with the grace of god I hope you can help me . I live in Hawaii.
Hi Mahea, I saw you also sent me a direct message, so I’ll respond now via email. Melissa
Hi, i’ve had recurring UTIs for the last two years. At some point I would get them every 3 weeks. I thought it was because i also have piles, so I started cleaning myself thoroughly after poop. I actually had a 4 month break after that! But the cycle seems to have started all over again. I’m fed up hearing about hygiene and drinking more water from doctors, I mean, I should know better than not to drink lots of water… i have read your article about biofilms. How do I get treatment in case these biofilms are the culprits?
Hi Sarah, I can sympathise with your frustration over being told basic things that clearly make no impact for you. We have more information about recurrent UTI treatment options here. We may also be able to share names of some practitioners, if you provide further information via direct message about your location. Melissa
I have started having back to back UTIs, with E Coli being the culprit. I took 2 weeks of Cipro, and it never really cleared. 2 days later, I started back with the symptoms. I am a diabetic on Insulin. Could this be the cause, and what do I do now?
Hi Linda, research indicates that the risk of UTI is higher in individuals with diabetes, so it’s possible it is a factor. It may be helpful to see a practitioner that specializes in chronic UTI, to discuss this with them. We may be able to share some names if you send a direct message with more information on your location. Melissa
Where to find doctors in or near East Tennessee.
Hi Pat, so far we haven’t had any recommendations for practitioners in Tennessee. I can share some names of practitioners who offer telemedicine, if that interests you. If so, you can send me a direct message and I’ll provide these via email. Melissa
Hi, I could really use your help if you have any names of doctors in my area. The last doctor (a male) I went to basically laughed at me and told me it was all in my head. I have been suffering for about 20 years. Antibiotic after antibiotic and nothing. Calms it down but never gets rid of it. Anything you can help with would be really appreciated. Thank you
Hi Shannon, so sorry to hear you’ve also experienced the dismissal of being told this is in your head. We hear far too many stories about those types of comments. Can you send me an email with more info on where you’re located so I can share any info that may help? Melissa
I am currently with professor malone lee and in a support group on Facebook.
I thought I had read you cannot get an acute uti on top of a chronic one but someone on the page said they have been to gps and had ecoli come back from the lab and clarithomycin she is on didn’t touch it so she had to take seven days of trim on top of her antibiotic.
So can you indeed have an a cute uti on top of a chronic one? Many thanks , laura
Hi Laura, theoretically, (and based on current research) there’s no reason you couldn’t get a new infection in addition to an existing infection. Having said that, chronic UTI specialists would most likely suggest that the flare of symptoms and the positive test results may be part of the normal cycle of an infection involving a biofilm. We’ve explained this concept here, above. As a biofilm erupts periodically, it may cause symptoms to worsen, and the bacteria that escape my be identified by testing. I see you also emailed me, so I’ll respond there too. Melissa
My mother has had chronic uti for the past 4 years. She has seen so many doctors but no help. It seems antibiotics are not working anymore. Where can we find a specialist that deals with chronic uti in the Tampa bay area of Florida?
Hi Diane, are you able to send us a direct message, so I can share further information via email? Melissa
How do I know if I’m seeing the right practitioner? I have an appointment with a urologist but don’t want to continue being treated unsuccessfully with antibiotics. Is there a list of recommended providers in the Maryland / DC Metro area?
Hi Kelley, there’s no specific criteria for finding the right practitioner, a lot of it comes down to personal preference – whether you feel as though you are being listened to, and how confident you are they can help. I can share a few names in the area you mentioned, if you send me a direct message. We don’t publish names on our site as we don’t recommend specific practitioners. We collect information from other recurrent UTI sufferers who have found someone helpful, then pass them on if requested. Melissa
I have had reoccuring UTIs for the past 7 years. They would get tested and come back positive I would be given antibiotics and the problem would go away. They would come back I would get tested it would come back negative yet the symptoms remain.I read the article and I did not see any answer as to how to detect and get rid of them. I’m in the comment section because I just finished reading the article. it is stated in so many different places that there are no real answers yet as to how to get rid of them.Are there any doctors that have knowledge of this in either Washington State or California or possibly Montana, where I reside?
Hi Maria, at the moment we don’t know of any chronic UTI specialists in Montana. There are a few who offer telemedicine if you’re interested in this option. We may be able to share some useful information regarding Washington State and California. If you’d like further details, you can send us a direct message. Melissa
I have been suffering with these since March, and each time I stop the antibiotic they come back. I am getting fevers and chills when they come back that are even more miserable and seem to be worse each time. I’m seeing a Cleveland Clinic doctor soon, they are supposed to be #1 in Urology so I’m hopeful they can help?? Any idea if they do this type of testing?
Hi Angie, the type of testing used tends to vary by doctor as well as clinic, so we’re unable to shed any light on this. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out directly. Melissa
I have experienced 5 UTI “like” symptoms since December last year. 3 times the UA came back positive & treated with antibiotics. The last 2 the UA came back negative but I was prescribed antibiotics and the symptoms went away. I live in Roseville, CA but currently on vacation in Sheridan MT & will return home this Saturday. Trying essential oils in water & Tylenol to the lessen the symptoms to get me home.
Hi Tammi, as you may have read, negative UTI test results are not uncommon. Standard testing is significantly inaccurate. If you’re after more information about specialists in CA, or any other resources, you can send us a message. All the best for your travels in the meantime. Melissa
I have been getting a UTI for what seems almost every 2-3 months, and I really have no clue what is causing it. I have been tested for STD’s and I drink plenty of water.
Hi Madison, you might like to read more about UTI testing, and recurrent UTI treatment. This could shed some light on what you’re experiencing. If you have any questions, you can always get in touch directly. Melissa
I have had chronic uti for more than 50 years with very little relief. I now have a severe case of Pancytopenia. As you can imagine I have had most antibiotics known to man. Could the Pancytopenia be related to the chronic infection? I am currently receiving two to three blood transfusions per week. Help!
Hi Faith, that’s a very interesting question, and one I would love to know the answer to as well. It’s probably best asked of a recurrent UTI specialist. If you’d like some suggestions on how to find one, feel free to send me a direct message, with more information on where you’re located. Melissa
Hi Melissa,
I have had a persistent Ecoli UTI for a year now..I an currently resistent to all but two oral medications and neither of those get rid of this infection. Is there anyone in Connecticut?
Hi Debra, can you send me a direct message so I can share more info that may help you find a practitioner? Melissa
I have been having recurring bladder infections for over 2 years. I am on my third urologist, one moved out of state. Is having a serious impact on my quality of life and my ability to work. I’m afraid to drink before traveling to work or before leaving to go home. How do I find a specialist I live near New York City please help.
Hi Sharon, at the moment we don’t have any specialists on our list that are based in NYC, however, I can share some info via email that may help you find one nearby. Can you send me a direct message if you’d like me to send further details? Melissa
Sounds like my issue. Can you recommend a doctor in north Jersey?
Hi Tracy, I can share some more info via email, that may help you find a doctor in Jersey. Are you able to send me a direct message with a little more information? Melissa
Count me in. Is there anyone in Ontario Canada that specializes in this. Seen two different urologists with two completely different treatments. Neither treatment permanent.
Hi Margo, at the moment we don’t have any practitioners on our list who are based in Canada. We’re working on it. There are a few based in the US that offer telemedicine if you’re interested in that option. If you’d like further details, you can send me a direct message. Melissa
I just finished Bactrim (after switching from Macrobid) for my UTI and was fine for a day and symptoms are slowly creeping back. It’ll be two weeks soon. How should I proceed? Waiting on culture results.
Hi Dominique, it’s always best to discuss returning symptoms with your doctor. If you feel they are unable to help you further, it may be best to look for a practitioner who can. I can share further information via email, if you send me a direct message. Melissa
I have read quite a bit of the information on this site. If i am understanding what i have read correctly the information is saying that if my urine culture comes back negative that doesn’t necessarily mean i dont have a UTI? I havethe symptoms and i know what it feels like and my when they do they urine dip test etc it always shows i have a UTI but cultures come back negative.
Hi Gibran, that is correct. Standard urine cultures have been shown to be very inaccurate. We have an article about this topic specifically, if you’d like to read it. Many people who reach out to us have received negative culture results despite their symptoms, so you are not alone in that. Melissa
I’ve had 12 uti’s in 8 months and my friend told me I may have bladder cancer as the thing happened to her
Hi Karen, many people experience multiple UTIs in the space of months and have no identified physical abnormalities, but it’s always best to speak with your doctor about recurrent UTI, to rule out other causes such as this. If there’s anything we can help with, you can message us directly and we’ll get back to you asap. Melissa
I have been searching for a specialist who can treat chronic uti’s. I am in northern Indiana. Can you suggest someone, please.
Hi Mary, I saw you sent us a direct message too, so I’ve replied to that with some further information. Melissa
I have had the same experience as the last poster and would like to ask the same questions! Chronic uti specialist and biofilm locations
Hi Doreen, are you able to send me a direct message with more info on where you’re based and any other specific questions you have? Melissa
I have been dealing with the same infection for over six months and I’m starting to become resistant to abx. Where do I find a chronic UTI specialist?? Or someone that works with biofilms?
Hi Elise, sorry to hear about that. Can you send me a message directly with more info on where you are based so I can check whether we have any relevant info for you? Melissa
I have been having chronic UTI for 3years now,at first I went for test but nothing was found, doctor gave m injections and some drugs then but now it came back,I have taking so many antibiotics, it keep on appearing and disappearing, frequent urinating and pains while urinating pls what do I do? I need ur help
Hi Gift, if you haven’t already, you may like to read more about why your test results may be negative despite your symptoms. If you’re considering seeing a chronic UTI specialist, you can send me a message and let me know where you’re based. Then I can share further information that may help. Melissa
I have suffered for 4 yrs with uti every month. Not always the same bacteria. Had cysto..ct etc. Can you have biofilm if the bacteria is different each time? Does a bladder wash that the dr performs help? I need something!
Hi Jane, biofilms are very likely to contain multiple types of bacteria – both good and bad – so it is possible a biofilm is involved when test results return different microorganisms. I’m not sure what type of bladder was you’re referring to. You can send me message directly with more info if you like. Melissa
16 years ago I suffered constantly with uti, urine came back negative for infection I was put on antibiotics but symptoms returned. I went private and had a urethral dilation nothing for 15 years. 2 weeks ago it came back, went to my GP they put me on a course but symptoms were still there throughout so went back was put on a different course but same thing!! Do you think I need another urethral dilation? They say the operation is performed because the urethra has experienced trauma. When I was 11 I was misdiagnosed an ovarian cyst, it grow rapidly to the size of a football sat on my bladder so I peed myself. When I had it removed it had crushed one half of my Fallopian tubes and ovaries but never had a uti until 11 years later so what do you think? I live in the uk and I’m 38.
Hi Maria, can you send me a direct message with more info about whether you’ve had testing that has identified the cause of your recent symptoms? I can also share more info about getting treatment in the UK. Melissa
I’ve had uti’s in the past for a couple years not but since March they have been really bad. My gynecologist tested my urine and told me I have biofilms and has been treating me for the uti but it’s exhausting. I went 3 months straight on different antibiotics and it messed up my stomach so i’ve taken a break. My symptoms have flared up again so i’m Thinking about getting tested again. However, I’m wondering if maybe I should see a urologist instead? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Helen, a urologist may not be the best option – it depends whether they have experience (and an interest) in recurrent and chronic UTI. If you like, you can send me a direct message and let me know where you’re based. I may be able to share more information about chronic UTI specialists you can access. Melissa
I have been having Chronic UTI’s for 40 years. Crazy sounding, I know, but I simply bounced from Urologist to another, to Infectious Disease Doc to another Urologist. I now have Chronic Kidney Disease as a result of the years of infections. Each month I have about 1 week symptom free. The rest are different stages of the UTI. I take a 2 week course of antibiotics to lessen the symptoms. I now believe the bacteria are embedded in my bladder wall (thanks to this and other websites). I live in the U.S. and doctors look at me like I’m crazy when I bring up this research. Any treatment resources in the U.S. would be so helpful. I’m losing hope that I will ever be well.
Hi Mindy, it doesn’t sound crazy to me. I have spoken with many people who have suffered from recurrent or chronic UTI for decades. You’re not alone in that! Can you send me a direct message so I can share more info about specialists that may be helpful? Melissa
I’m 28 years old I’ve been getting uti’s for 10 years but since I’ve been married they’ve been non stop, in the last year I’ve been hospitalized 2 times for Kinney infections in the ICU. I’ve been to several dr’s none of which can tell me what’s going on just more antibiotics. I’m sooooooo tired of being sick! I have just found out that my fulopian tubes are blocked and I just want to have a baby :’ ( The dr. Wants to do exploratory surgery to see what’s going on inside. I would just love answers and to be healthy again so I could get pregnant!!
Hi Randi, sorry to hear you’re experiencing that. Can you send me a message with more info about where you’re based? I may be able to share some useful resources. Melissa
Everything you have written is exactly what I have experienced since April 2018 and before.(my first UTI occurred 10 years ago) It has been on going, from one doctor to the next.
Although the last doctor prescribed some addition meds.
I still have a UTI .
Hi Dolly, the problem is far too common. So many people share similar experiences. Hopefully you’re able to find a resolution to your symptoms soon. Melissa