There are very few practitioners achieving Interstitial Cystitis treatment success. Ruth Kriz is one of them.
Ruth Kriz, Nurse Practitioner, has been treating patients with chronic urinary issues for 35 years. Her interest in chronic UTI and Interstitial Cystitis (IC) stems from personal experience.
We get a lot of questions about Ruth Kriz’s approach to recurrent UTI and Interstitial Cystitis treatment, so we had a good long chat with her, and spoke to a number of her patients. Below we’ve shared what we learned.
Jump To Section:
- Ruth’s personal battle with Interstitial Cystitis >>>>
- The chronic infection and Interstitial Cystitis link >>>>
- Ruth’s approach to chronic UTI and IC testing >>>>
- Ruth’s chronic UTI and Interstitial Cystitis treatment approach >>>>
- Can you treat an antibiotic resistant bladder infection? >>>>
- Interstitial Cystitis treatment success >>>>
Ruth’s Personal Battle With Interstitial Cystitis
Although Ruth’s experience with Interstitial Cystitis was over 35 years ago, little has changed in the journey to diagnosis.
![]() | “Like with most people, when you personally experience the problem, you have a whole new motivation to figure it out. I developed Interstitial Cystitis and my first urinary tract infection in my early 30s, and went the traditional route urine culturing and antibiotics, and basically was failed by the medical profession.” |
After developing urinary tract symptoms in her early 30s, Ruth went through multiple rounds of urine culture tests and antibiotics.
Eventually, after a number of negative urine cultures, Ruth was told she did not have an infection despite her ongoing symptoms. She was left with a diagnosis of Interstitial Cystitis, and was given no further assistance by the medical profession. Interstitial Cystitis treatment was virtually unheard of; management of symptoms was the only option.
As a Nurse Practitioner herself, Ruth was fortunate to be connected to researchers working on different culturing techniques. With their help she was able to begin identifying infections in her own bladder, and start treating them.
This Interstitial Cystitis treatment approach worked so well for Ruth, she hasn’t experienced any urinary tract infections for the last 25 years. She made it her life’s work to help other people with similar issues, who weren’t being helped by traditional medical approaches.
![]() | “I was told my urine culture was negative, and I therefore didn’t have an infection. I was subsequently diagnosed with IC, but occasionally, during a symptoms flare, I would be culture positive. Eventually I pursued better testing, and found I’d probably had an infection the whole time. I’m slowly recovering, with treatment, and I’m glad I didn’t accept my diagnosis in the end.” |
The Chronic Infection And Interstitial Cystitis Link
Interstitial Cystitis is a diagnosis of exclusion, and it’s not new. There are records of IC from the 1800s, before antibiotics existed.
You can be given the label of IC once enough other potential issues have been ruled out. This has also come to mean that infection must be ruled out using a standard urine culture.
The problem is that we now know that standard urine culturing techniques are significantly inaccurate. In fact, in up to 50% of tests, the results are wrong.
This has left countless UTI sufferers with false negatives and incorrect findings, leading to incorrect treatment or no treatment at all. You can read about Emma’s experience with a misdiagnosis of IC and how she learned of the root cause for her symptoms.
![]() | “IC became a diagnosis of exclusion - they ruled out bladder cancer, an obstruction or some functional problem, and if you were culture negative, then you had this bizarre unknown condition called Interstitial Cystitis. So the line became very fuzzy between chronic urinary tract infections and Interstitial Cystitis.” |
Fortunately, science has provided new ways to look at chronic urinary tract conditions. In the case of Interstitial Cystitis, where standard urine culturing has been unable to pinpoint the cause, DNA sequencing has identified infection in thousands of IC patients.
In fact, Ruth has discovered infection in a high percentage of her IC patients. This means for the first time for many, there are chronic UTI and Interstitial Cystitis treatment options, and a chance at recovery.
![]() | “When I first started getting my urine tested after 11 years of chronic urinary tract symptoms and six years of chronic pain, first, I prayed they wouldn't find anything. And then I started praying they would, because I knew that if you find something you can treat it and that gives you hope.” |
If you’ve been diagnosed with IC after previous negative urine culture tests, you may now have an opportunity to reassess your diagnosis.
How Urinary Tract Infections Can Develop Into IC
One study found that 74% of females diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis had previously been diagnosed with recurrent UTIs.
![]() | “I would get a UTI, take the antibiotics and the symptoms would disappear, then suddenly, weeks or months later I’d have another UTI. So I’d take the antibiotics and the symptoms would disappear… Rinse and repeat basically. The symptoms would always come back and eventually I was diagnosed with IC.” |
So what exactly is going on inside your bladder? Why don’t the UTI antibiotics work and why can recurrent UTIs result in a diagnosis of IC?
There is a potential culprit here, so let’s take a closer look.
Chronic, Embedded Infection
It’s quite possible that what you have considered to be separate UTIs or IC, is actually caused by an infection embedded in your bladder wall, that never completely goes away.
The symptoms may come and go, or maybe you’ve reached the point where you have symptoms 24 hours a day. It’s different for everyone.
A chronic, embedded infection like this is caused by a biofilm and/or by pathogens living within your bladder wall.
![]() | In the case of a chronic urinary tract infection, a biofilm is a community of bacterial cells that stick together and adhere to the bladder wall. These cells then produce a protective slime that shields the bacterial community from antibiotics and the natural defences of the body. |
Your body naturally flushes out free-floating pathogens in your urine, but biofilms and pathogens within the bladder wall remain intact…
Biofilms and intracellular communities make diagnosis and treatment very difficult.
When the body recognizes a biofilm or intracellular community as a threat, it may begin to slough off pieces of the bladder wall, in an attempt to rid the bladder of these persistent pathogens.
Many people describe seeing what appears to be tiny, tissue paper like pieces in their urine. It’s likely these are actually tiny pieces of your bladder wall. This can be a good sign, as it means your body is trying to eliminate the infection.
![]() | “Sometimes I see these wispy white bits floating in the toilet after I pee. It’s usually when my symptoms are at their worst. I never understood why it seemed like parts of my urinary tract were coming out in my urine, but now it makes sense.” |
You may experience the biofilm phenomenon as a cycle of acute symptoms, followed by periods of fewer or no symptoms.
This is because bacteria or other pathogens are periodically released or escape from the biofilm, causing an inflammatory response which heightens the symptoms of a UTI.
For IC sufferers, these periods may be experienced as flare ups, or it may feel as though you suddenly have a ‘real UTI on top of your IC.’
If your symptoms are actually caused by a chronic infection, you may have an opportunity to pursue Interstitial Cystitis treatment, rather than symptoms management alone.
Can You Test For Biofilms Or Chronic Infection?
While a biofilm remains intact, it may be difficult to identify its presence. If it ruptures, or the body sloughs off its own bladder wall cells, pieces of the biofilm may be shed into the urine.
Importantly, standard urine culture is unlikely to identify pathogens contained within a biofilm, even when pieces of it are within your sample. Culturing relies on being able to quickly grow bacteria, and bacteria within a biofilm are not usually in a growth phase.
DNA sequencing methods, like those Ruth utilizes, can identify pathogens within a biofilm in a urine sample. This is because they do not rely on bacterial growth. Instead, they compare all DNA found against a database of microorganisms.
By using these methods, Ruth is able to more accurately map out a comprehensive approach to Interstitial Cystitis treatment.
![]() | “These organisms like to live in communities. Biofilms are like apartment buildings, and the longer that you've had this chronic infection, the more likely it is that you have more and more residents that have come to join the party. And they like to support one another, they live synergistically. It's sort of like a ball of yarn. You have to start pulling somewhere if we're ever going to unravel this big, knotted up mess.” |
Ruth’s Approach To Chronic UTI And IC Testing
Up until about 3 years ago, Ruth used a soy broth culture technique that had the ability to identify many infections that were missed by standard urine culturing.
As science caught up, DNA sequencing methods became more widely available. Ruth currently uses different types of DNA sequencing – polymicrobial antibiotic susceptibility testing by Pathnostics, and Next Generation Sequencing by MicroGenDX.
DNA sequencing has the ability to identify known pathogens, without relying on flawed culturing methods. The results Ruth achieved with these techniques showed that even the broth culturing method was missing infections.
With the help of DNA sequencing, Ruth now finds most of her chronic UTI and IC patients not only have multiple bacterial infections; around 15% also have fungal infections in the urinary tract.
![]() | “In the four years that I have been doing the DNA testing of urine, I have found infection 100% of the time in my patients that have been diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. I don't have a single person who has an IC diagnosis that we haven't found infection.” |
This is particularly interesting for those with an IC diagnosis based on a negative standard urine culture.
Many people report a negative culture despite symptoms such as pain, urgency, frequency, burning, and tissue paper-like bladder lining cells in their urine.
![]() | “There’s an old expression, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. It's gotta be a duck. And so to have somebody who has pain, urgency, frequency and burning, and yet they're told they don't have an infection because a urine culture was negative, who do you believe? Are you treating a lab result? Or are you treating a person?” |
Technology has advanced in such a way that a true diagnosis and successful Interstitial Cystitis treatment may now be possible for many.
How To Collect A Urine Sample For Advanced Testing
In order to develop the right Interstitial Cystitis treatment approach, it’s important to find out as much as possible about what’s happening in the bladder. This includes collecting a useful urine sample.
Studies have shown that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to collect a sample that does not contain contamination from the surrounding skin, without the use of a catheter or other invasive methods. This isn’t always accessible, nor desired, so we’ve provided some tips on how to collect a urine sample for various types of testing. Ruth has her own advice to add to this.
How diluted or concentrated your sample is can impact the accuracy of your results. So Ruth recommends the following:
1. Urinate without collecting a sample, and try to stop and start the stream repeatedly, in order to flush any contaminants out of the urethra.
2. Wait 1-2 hours, and in this time, don’t drink a lot of fluids.
3. Wash the area around the urethra with plain soap and water. Don’t use antibacterial or alcohol wipes. This may wash chemicals into your sample that can kill the bacteria you’re trying to find.
4. Collect a midstream urine sample, at a volume according to the instructions included in the kit.
If you’re really symptomatic and need to urinate more frequently than every two hours, scratch the preparation pee. You can just start at step three.
As a general tip – and this applies to every female – Ruth recommends urinating every three hours when you’re awake. That’s about how long it takes bacteria to ascend and begin colonizing the urethra.
Ruth Kriz’s Chronic UTI And Interstitial Cystitis Treatment Approach
Ruth has achieved an Interstitial Cystitis treatment success rate of around 80%, which is in line with the small handful of other chronic UTI specialists around the world.
Chronic UTI and Interstitial Cystitis treatment can take a long time, and it’s likely that the longer the problem has perpetuated, the more aspects of health will need support.
![]() | “My first goal for each patient is to get them out of pain, but instead of just managing the pain, I like to discover what the root causes are and address those. At the end of the day, if all you're doing is managing symptoms, you’re never going to get people well. The information from MicroGenDX, and Pathnostics tests tell me what the underlying problems are, so I can help address them.” |
Ruth’s typical Interstitial Cystitis treatment approach is to use oral antibiotics or oral antifungals first. She finds this works well for many people.
Certain patients may choose to use bladder instillations, particularly when infections have become deeply embedded in the bladder. This may also be preferred by those who experience issues related to oral antibiotic use (antibiotic resistant pathogens, deteriorated gut health etc).
In this case, Ruth is able to work with a compounding pharmacist to develop an exact formula for direct instillation into the bladder via a catheter. The instillation may contain antibiotics and/or antifungals, often combined with a biofilm dissolver.
Biofilm Dissolvers
The biofilm dissolvers Ruth recommends contain enzymes that break down biofilms. They also help to remove any heavy metals that may be strengthening the biofilm structure. In essence, this causes the biofilm to begin to collapse as it loses its structural integrity.
We should note here that as yet, there are no studies that test the effectiveness of biofilm dissolvers within the bladder. The effect of specific compounds has been demonstrated in other uses, and outside the body.
Patients who use biofilm dissolvers sometimes report a flare up of symptoms which may be an indication that it is working as intended.
Where To Buy Chronic UTI Products
As Ruth winds up her practice, she has been implementing a number of things to pass on her knowledge. First, she’ll be training other practitioners in her approach.
Second, we have been working with Ruth to ensure the products she recommends for different patients are available online. We’ve launched an online store dedicated to female urogenital health and created a collection of the UTI prevention products Ruth recommends.
Bladder Instillations
Bladder instillations are administered by the patients themselves, using a very small, pre-lubricated, pediatric catheter, usually twice per day for two weeks.

Medication is placed into the catheter, which is then inserted through the urethra. The medication is instilled into the bladder, and ‘held in’ for as long as possible. Many people hold it overnight.
Download Ruth’s explanation on bladder instillations as a treatment option for chronic UTI, if you’d like to share this with your own practitioner.
![]() | “Because we're able to combine medications with enzymes that break down biofilms, and deliver these directly to the bladder, this is probably the most exciting treatment tool I've had in decades. It gets to where the infection is. It penetrates the deepest, and people who use instillations tend to make the most progress in the shortest amount of time.” |
Interstitial Cystitis Treatment When Biofilms Are Involved
![]() | “We know that certain people genetically do a better job of making biofilms than other people, certain people have more difficulty breaking those biofilms down because of their genetics. We also find with biofilms, that once you treat the tip of the iceberg, there's a whole set of other problems underneath. We find multiple pathogens in these biofilm communities.” |
Whether you choose antibiotic bladder instillations or oral antibiotics, Ruth recommends repeat testing at different stages of chronic UTI and Interstitial Cystitis treatment. This ensures the treatment is still correct for any pathogens identified.
As one layer of the biofilm is broken down, you may find different microorganisms underneath. If so, the treatment approach may need to be changed accordingly.
![]() | “I took oral antibiotics for two weeks, then tested again. The results showed a different set of possible pathogens, so Ruth changed the treatment and I took another two week course. The third test again showed changes in organisms in my bladder so we shifted treatment to match. With each round of treatment, my symptoms improved.” |
While long term antibiotics may chip away at a biofilm and result in successful treatment over time, Ruth has found that biofilm dissolvers can speed up the treatment process by exposing infections that may be buried.
![]() | “Organisms within a biofilm will competitively inhibit each other. When you repeat the testing, almost 100% of the time, we find additional infection than we did on the initial test, because we are breaking down these biofilms.” |
Because newer testing methods are able to identify microorganisms that are difficult to culture; things that have never before been identified in the urinary tract are appearing in DNA test results.
Newly discovered urinary pathogens can mean a new treatment approach is needed, and this often requires in-depth research. Ruth works with a compounding pharmacist to develop custom treatment combinations when required.
Can Hunner’s Ulcers Heal?
Ruth believes that as with ulcers elsewhere in or on the body, it is possible for the body to heal Hunner’s ulcers on its own. Ruth likens Hunner’s ulcers in the bladder to stomach ulcers.
Thanks to scientific research, we now know that a certain bacterium called H. pylori causes a significant portion of stomach ulcers, and that when the infection is properly treated, the ulcers can heal.
In this same way, Ruth has seen many patients whose Hunner’s ulcers have healed once the infection in the bladder was effectively treated. For a few patients, this recovery has been documented by follow up cystoscopy. For others, the resolution of their symptoms has been the strongest indicator.
An Integrative Approach To Interstitial Cystitis Treatment
When it comes to healing a urinary tract that has been tortured for years, it’s not just about finding the bugs causing the infection and killing them. It’s also about ensuring your body and your immune system can repair and recover.
![]() | “I recently read a book on Alzheimer’s which used the analogy of there being 36 holes in your roof to illustrate multifactorial issues in chronic illness. It’s not enough to patch one hole - you’ll still get rain coming in. I feel it's the same way with chronic UTI and IC. People have infections that have become chronic because their body's own immune system can no longer do the work it's supposed to do and we have to find out why.” |
The analogy of 36 holes in the roof can apply to chronic UTI and IC sufferers. In Ruth’s opinion, most people with chronic UTI or IC are likely to have at least 5 or 6 additional issues to address.
It may seem complicated and as though there are many pieces to the puzzle, but recovery is not insurmountable.
Ruth looks in detail at every individual’s medical history and symptoms. She then recommends a series of tests that help identify which ‘holes’ they’re dealing with. Then it’s a matter of prioritizing issues for treatment.
The Immune System And Chronic UTI
Chronic illness of any kind can depress the immune system. If you’ve suffered from chronic UTI or IC, your immune system has taken a hit. On top of bladder issues, infection elsewhere in the body may be contributing to your body’s inability to heal.
Because of this, Ruth looks for other infections, particularly tick-borne infections and certain viruses. She finds that around 90% of her patients have a co-infection of some type.
Other issues that may impact the immune system include exposure to heavy metals or mold toxins, chronic pain, adrenal stress and thyroid function.
It may be necessary to first address other elements impacting your immune system, in order to overcome chronic bladder infection.
Sex And Chronic UTI
While most practitioners do not consider the potential involvement of a sexual partner in cases of chronic UTI, there is evidence that they should.
If you feel better after UTI treatment, but then find that your UTI symptoms flare up 24 to 48 hours after sex, it’s possible you are being reinfected by your partner.
One of the reasons it’s difficult to pinpoint where the infection is coming from, is that males can often carry bacteria without experiencing symptoms (asymptomatic). They may feel completely fine, while you do not.
Testing for infectious load in males can require testing the semen in addition to, or instead of the urine. This is because bacteria may be originating from the prostate rather than the bladder.

Treatment of prostatitis (prostate infection) is more complicated than treatment of cystitis (bladder infection) because the prostate gland is encapsulated. There is a limited number of antibiotics that penetrate the prostate and treatment typically takes longer as a result.
If you think your chronic UTIs may be related to sex, it’s a good idea to speak with your partner and your doctor about it.
Learn more about UTI and prostatitis diagnostic methods in our video expert series.
Vaginal Health And Chronic UTI
The urethra and the vagina are in pretty close proximity. It should come as no surprise that the health of one is closely linked to the health of the other.
Recent research by scientists at Loyola University has demonstrated that the urinary and vaginal microbiomes share many of the same microorganisms.
A dysbiosis in the vaginal microbiome can continuously seed pathogens into the urinary tract, causing infection. A dysbiosis refers to bacteria and fungi that are not supposed to be in the vagina (or at least not at certain levels) but are.
In postmenopausal females this can become even more prevalent. This is because the vaginal environment becomes less healthy for the good, healthy bacteria that should be living there.
These infections are generally assumed to be caused by Candida albicans (yeast) or Gardnerella (Bacterial vaginosis or BV). However, researchers have found much more varied microorganisms that may be causing infection.
In her own work, Ruth has found people to be colonized vaginally with Enterococcus, E. coli, and Klebsiella, to name a few. Test results also often confirm identical pathogens in both the urinary tract and the vagina.
Where chronic BV is an issue, Ruth will often recommend antibiotic suppositories or gels. These are compounded according to the specific bacteria found. This targeted approach has higher success than the broad spectrum antibiotics that are typically utilized.
Can You Treat An Antibiotic Resistant Bladder Infection?
This is a question that comes up a lot: Is it possible to treat an antibiotic resistant infection?
It’s important first to understand a few things:
- Antibiotic resistance means that a specific pathogen is resistant to specific antibiotics. It does not mean that your body is resistant to those antibiotics or that you cannot take them. (Fungi can also become resistant to antifungals).
- Resistance can mean a pathogen is able to defend itself against a specific medication. It does not necessarily mean that drug cannot treat the pathogen given enough time.
- A pathogen may be resistant to some drugs, but not others. So resistance does not always mean there are no options available.
One of the ways Ruth has been able to get around antibiotic resistant infections is by utilizing bladder instillations, as mentioned above.
Because instillations are not taken orally, it is possible to use a range of antibiotics that are typically only delivered by IV (directly into the veins). This effectively targets microorganisms in the bladder that have not been exposed to these antibiotics previously.
This could mean that IC or chronic UTI sufferers who have not taken antibiotics for years may now have treatment options available to them.
Interstitial Cystitis Treatment Success
Ruth estimates a success rate in her Interstitial Cystitis treatment approach of over 80%. Given a chronic bladder infection can be around for a long time, decades for some people, it can also be a long road to recovery.
![]() | “I will say that the people who stay with the process, even though it takes a lot of self discipline, and who are committed to getting their lives back, do the best. I think what sometimes happens is - I get them out of pain with their bladder, but if they don’t complete the healing process, other factors can cause them to lose their healthy status down the road.” |
Part of how well and how quickly you can recover comes down to how seriously you commit to the process of getting better.
Big changes may be necessary for some people. And while testing for unknown factors can be scary, if you don’t start the process and see it through, you may never be well.
If treatment success rates are so high, why is it so difficult to find IC success stories?
![]() | “The psychology of this is very interesting. I know that when my own bladder got better, I got my healing and I ran. I intentionally got my life back and had some years that were completely normal raising my children, and I didn't want to revisit that part of my life that had been so dreadful. Once people have recovered they leave the IC groups and forums. Instead, they’re out there living normal, healthy, productive lives - working again, having children. It’s not surprising they want to put their IC behind them. I wish them well.” |
Ruth’s goal is to help people get totally healthy again; to get their lives back. What happens after that is up to the individual.
People don’t tend to hang around in forums and facebook groups once they are well. So don’t let online conversations discourage you from seeking better answers for yourself.
Prepare For An Appointment With An Integrative Practitioner
An integrative approach means the practitioner will consider additional factors beyond your bladder.
You may be asked detailed questions about not only your own medical history but that of your immediate family. These questions are looking for genetic factors that may impact your body’s ability to heal. To help with this process, we’ve provided some tips below.
1. Ask parents or surviving relatives about your family history. This includes heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure and anything else worth noting.
In many cases a bladder infection is not the only issue that needs to be addressed to get your immune system back on track. Symptoms you may consider insignificant may be part of the key to getting well.
2. Track your symptoms; headaches, cognitive issues, sleep issues, gut issues, joint pain etc. Anything that ails you may be relevant.
Ruth finds tick-borne infection is a factor in around 75% of her patients. She has also identified a number of other attributes that are shared among her patients, such as exposure to mold toxins, breast implants and other genetic factors. It’s a good idea to discuss what additional information may be useful, with your own practitioner.
What Types Of Patients Can Benefit From Ruth’s Approach?
Ruth specializes in Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and chronic urinary tract issues, but also sees patients with Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. About 90% of her patients are female, and a number of her male patients are partners of her female patients.
In most cases her male patients are asymptomatic despite their semen showing infection in tests. See the section above on sex and chronic UTIs for detail on what this means.
Can Your Own Doctor Work With Ruth?
Ruth has patients in 48 US states and 30 countries, and her waiting list is up to six months long.
Ruth is happy to work with any practitioner who is open to her approach. If you have a practitioner you wish to continue with, you may like to discuss this option with them.
After decades in practice, Ruth has started work on educational resources to help other practitioners learn about the intricacies of chronic bladder infection. She aims to support others in finding better ways to help their own patients.
![]() | “If a practitioner sees how frustrating it has been for their patient, and want to help but have been unable to, I think their heart is in the right place. They want to be genuinely helpful to this patient, but it's a little overwhelming to get into the details of how much work is involved in doing all the testing that’s needed. My great desire would be to not have my secrets die with me.” |
If you’re a practitioner and would like to learn more, you can get in touch with us or reach out to Ruth directly through her website.
To get answers to commonly asked questions about chronic and recurrent UTI, visit our FAQ page. Share your questions and comments below, or get in touch with our team.
Ask Questions. Tell Stories!
My little daughter and I both have “untreatable” IC. I am desperate to find advanced testing where I live. Would you recommend a good practitioner or a lab in Northern California, US? Or will MicroGenDx do the job?
Hi Maria, I’ve sent an email to you with some information. Best wishes, Issy
Hey Ruth! Reaching out for my mother. Do you know of any practitioners in Ontario Canada?
Hi Kelsey, I’ve sent this via email. Best wishes, Issy
Hi there, could you please share a list of practitioners in London ? Thank you!
Hi Tiffany, I’ve sent this information via email. Best wishes, Issy
Hi! Thanks a lot for all the knowledge you are sharing with us. Can you help me to find a practitioner in Switzerland? Thanks a lot!
Hi Camila, I’ve sent some information via email. Best wishes, Issy
Hello can you please send me a list of practitioners in Illinois? Thank you so much!
Hi Elizabeth, I’ve sent this to you via email. Best wishes, Issy
Hello, can you tell me please if I can find practitioners in Hungary or in one of the surrounding countries? Thanks a lot!
Hi Agnes, I’ve sent you this information via email. Best wishes, Issy
Can I please get a list of practitioners in Michigan .
Hi Katie,
I’ve sent an email with this information.
Best wishes, Issy
Hi! So thankful to have come across this page! may you please send over a list for all practitioners in Illinois? ❤️
Hi, I’ve sent you an email with this information. Best wishes, Issy
Please can you send me details of practitioners in the UK with this approach?
Hi Laura, I’ve sent you an email with this information. Best wishes, Issy
Hey Issy- are you able to send me some UK practitioners too? Thanks!
Hi Jessie, I’ve sent this information via email. Best wishes Issy
Hello, can you please send me a practicioner list for Australia? Thank you 🙏
Hi Kat, I’ve sent an email with these details to you. Best wishes, Issy
Thank you so much for this website. Can you please send me the practitioner list?! I’m in New York City and also go back and forth to Virginia. I’d prefer Virginia. Thanks!
Hi Alexis, I have emailed you with this information. I hope you find it helpful, Issy
Hi! I know you all emailed me before but I lost the email 🙁 Resharing my message here – Thank you so much for this website. Can you please send me the practitioner list?! I’m in New York City and also go back and forth to Virginia. I’d prefer Virginia. Thanks!
Hi Alexis, I’ve emailed this information over to you. Best wishes, Issy
I am desperate to get my life back… I am sick and tired of being sick and tired… I am a retired. RN have been seeking help from the medical community locally, but the knowledge is not here, 🙁 …
I listened to all Ruth’s videos and believe this is the answer I have been looking for. Please send me any and all information to get me started on testing and treatment as soon as possible. And who to contact for treatment. Thank you so much!!
Hi Xandra, we just sent you an email with a list of practitioners. I hope you find a way forward soon. Melissa
Please send me information on who I can go to, who embraces Ruth’s treatment program near me, and of which testing resources would be best for my situation.
I am willing to do telemedicine or in person treatment and my PCP will consult/work in tandem if needed, but does not have the knowledge of resources for testing or test names to ask for, nor the in-depth knowledge of biofilms and recurrent UTI needed to effectively test and treat without guidance.
Over the last year I have developed multiple drug resistances, I am currently on the last third generation cephalosporin oral antibiotic (CEFDINIR), which is the only oral antibiotic that I don’t have allergy or bad side effects from.
I have been to seven ID doctors in the area they don’t have knowledge about PCR testing or biofilm bacteria treatment. I am sure I am developing cell wall deficiencies and stable states.
I most likely have genetic deficiencies for fibrin breakdown, I have history of miscarriages (five) and a history of a father, who had prostatitis, varicose veins?, Strokes, and died of leukemia and had thalassemia minor trait (which I inherited).
Infection was improperly managed with antibiotics… Multiple infection bouts since the stent was placed, and multiple bacteria, including MDR E. coli ( only responding to IV antibiotics) developed.
I went to multiple doctors to get the stent removed and it was seven months later and 120 miles away…before finally removed!!(Jan 2024)
Infection since has been intermittent and recurrent.
As of 8–13–24 most recent urine culture shows to have > 100,000 CFU/mL–PROTEUS MIRABILIS BACTERIA (2 isolates) and 70,000 CFU/mL KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE (after three weeks of antibiotics I have now tested “no growth” on 9–4–24)
comment won’t post most likely too long will break down smaller to see of it goes thru
I live in Chesapeake Virginia and have been diagnosed with recurrent UTI caused by Gram Negative Biofilm forming Bacteria of Proteus Mirabillis and I have kidney stones , I was not aware of and have had no S/S of the existence of . The “stones”, were misdiagnosed in size initially and 4 + subsequent CT and ultrasound tests since show they are minimal, and are less than 4 mm in size causing no Hydro nephrosis no Hydro ureters, no blockages of any kind…) Regardless…
I was told to have a stent put in… Horrible care was provided, and damage to the urethra done, visible, bleeding for seven months… From urologist/surgeons treatment.
Does Ruth still see patients herself? If not, can you send some info on practitioners who work with her? Im in Pennsylvania Thank you.
Hi Lisa, Ruth is no longer accepting new patients, but I’ve sent you an email with some information you might find helpful. I hope it helps, Molly.
Thank you so much for this website. Can you please send me the practitioner list? I’m in Little Rock Arkansas. Also willing to do telehealth. Thank you so much.
Hi Emily, thanks for getting in touch. I’ve sent you an email, I hope it helps, Molly.
Can someone please help me find a practitioner who is using Ruth Kriz’ approach to treating chronic UTI in central Florida? Thank you so very much!
Hi Lisa, we’ve been sending a number of emails to you with information but it seems as though you are not receiving them. If you see this comment, please check your spam folder. Melissa
Hi Lisa, I’ve sent you an email. I hope it helps, Molly.
Could you recommend any practitioners in Adelaide, Australia? Anywhere in Australia would also do. Thank you!
Hi Samantha, I hope the information we sent by email was useful. Melissa
Do you have any provider contacts in Toronto , Canada who you could recommend?
Hi Marilyn, we shared more information by email. Melissa
Hi, I’m in Denver, Colorado. Could you send any information you have on providers near me? Thank you
Hi Bella, I just emailed you with a list. I hope it helps, Melissa
Hi, here from Toronto Canada. Can you send information for any Dr’s working this approach in Toronto or Ontario. Thx
Hi Lindsey, we shared some info by email. I hope it’s helpful, Melissa
Can you forward any practitioners in San Diego?
Hi Melissa, we sent you an email with the information we have. I hope it helps!
Hi, could you please forward many any info about practitioners in Australia that take this approach? I have a recent IC diagnosis and negative urine culture.
Hi Louise, I have emailed you. I hope it helps, Molly.
Looking for help in NJ. I am a retired NP. Interstitial Cystitis.. Interested in testing with lab. Looks like I can order that myself. Also suggestions for supplements. A lot of options
Hi Carolyn, thanks for getting in touch. I have emailed you some resources that you might find helpful, Molly.
Can I please have a list of doctors who can help me in sydney Australia
Hi Montana, we emailed you in January with all the info we currently have for Australia. I hope you got it! I’ll forward you the thread again in case. Melissa
Hi Melissa could you please email me the information for helpful practitioners in Australia also?
Hi Kylie, we have shared some information by email. I hope it helps, Molly.
Hi Melissa,
Could you please send a list of providers in Cincinnati?
Thank you!! Sandi
Hi Sandi, thanks for getting in touch. I have emailed you, Molly.
Hi can you please send me a list of doctors on ontario canada?
Hi Julie, I have emailed you. I hope it helps, Molly.
Can you provide me with practitioners in the Chicago area? Thanks!
Hi Marci, I have emailed you a list of clinicians who may be able to help, Molly.
I have been dealing with recurrent UTIs for many years and have been recently diagnosed with IC. I have been taking Uqora, drinking parsley tea and eating a lot of plain Greek yogurt. My MD put me on a month of fluconazole for a yeast infection and I believe that helped quite a bit as well, but I still have lingering discomfort. I am SO INTERESTED in finding a practitioner in Arizona that you would recommend.
Hi Kim, I’m sorry to hear this. I have emailed you, Molly.
Thanks for such an awesome post.
Do you have a list of practitioners who might be able to help? I’m living in Copenhagen, Denmark. But if you don’t have it here, maybe Poland.
Thanks in advanced!
Hi Maria, thank you for your kind feedback. I have emailed you, Molly.
Thank you for this very informative email. I’ve been suffering with IC for years but so far none of my doctors in the UK have been able to get to the root of it. Would you be able to send me a list of UK practitioners who might be able to help? Thank you
Hi Audrey, I’m sorry to hear this. I have sent you an email, Molly.
Hello, I am also in the UK. Could you please share the Doctor list with me, as well? Thanks, Julia
Hi Julia, I have emailed you. I hope it helps, Molly.
Thank you – that’s so helpful!
Hi Julia, thank you for your kind feedback. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, Molly.
Hi, thank you for the great article. I had been dealing with reoccurring UTI’s since my early 20’s and then suddenly experienced frequent urination and bladder pressure but many negative UTI urine tests. After many years of negative tests I was diagnosed with IC and & years later I’m still really struggling. I have white clumps in my urine and I constantly smell strong even though I have great hygiene and I constantly have to wash my clothes, it is really embarrassing and Im desperate for some sort of change. IC has affected my sleep every single night for many years. Please if you know a practitioner in Toronto, Ontario, Canada that can provide any help I’m eager to find out. Thank you kindly.
Hi Helia, I’m sorry to hear this. I have sent you an email, Molly.
Hi, thank you for the article. I have been suffering with constant bladder urgency for 8 years now, as well as reoccurring UTIs. Countless doctor visits so far have been fruitless in offering me any answers or relief from my symptoms. I am often depressed and hopeless that I will ever feel normal again.
I would be very grateful if you could direct me to any UK practitioner who could help me, or offer further guidance. Thanks so much, Sara
Hi Sara, I’m sorry to hear this. I have emailed you a list of UK practitioners we have been recommended by our community. I hope this helps, Molly.
Hi, i have been having almost the same sy for months now, I am living in Serbia, is there anyony you can direct me to in my county or near? Thank in advance x
Hi Mila, I’ve sent you an email. Let me know if you have any questions, Molly.
Hi, I am 39 and was diagnosed at 21. For the past 8-9 years I have lived relatively symptom free but all of a sudden my symptoms have come back around 3 weeks ago. I have other conditions including underactive thyroid, coeliac disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and migraines all of which I have developed at some point gradually in the last 12 years.
Is there anyone in the uk who you can direct me to?thank you in advance x
Hi Gemma, I have just emailed you. I hope this helps, Molly.
I have been suffering with embedded infection for over 30 years now. I really am desperate and would love to work with any doctor that follows Ruth’ protocols. Please send any information. Thank you so much.
Hi Raquel, I have just sent you an email. Best wishes, Molly.
I have been having symptoms of IC for over a year and a half. I have started pelvic floor therapy on my own I am going back for a second cystoscopy.
I had a knee surgery right after my first one was unable to get back was told it wasn’t urgent. I would like information on a practitioner near me treats with the methods describe here. The only thing I’ve been told us to come back for a cystoscopy with with biopsy because I have microhematuria. I take supplements which seem to help but want to heal.
Hi Erin, sorry to hear you’re experiencing that. Can you send us a message and let us know where you are based so I know what information to share? Thanks, Melissa
Thank you for posting this article. I have been dealing with recurring “negative” UTIs for almost 6 years now- Something I have never been able to make sense of. I haven’t been diagnosed with IC. If you have any practitioners you can recommend in Arizona or Southern California, I would appreciate it. I hope that a diagnosis might be step 1 in my journey.
Hi V, we shared a list via email, and I hope it helps! Melissa
Hi, is Trigonitis a similar infection to this? I’m currently seeing urologists but they do not have a solution, only to recommend drinking water and come back for regular check ups. I’ve been reading about this D mannose supplement and came to this article here.
If trigonitis is similar to this UTI could you please recommend me some supplements that I could take?
(I’m not from the US by the way)
Hi John, the term trigonitis refers to inflammation of the trigone area of the bladder. It does not describe what is causing the inflammation. Infection may be the reason for the inflammation and many UTI sufferers have trigonitis as a result. We sent you an email that you are welcome to respond to if you have questions about specific resources. We’ll do our best to assist. Melissa
Hi, have been struggling with “negative” UTI symptoms on and off repeatedly for the last year, and overactive bladder for at least 5 years. The current bout has been going on for 10 days, and I’m miserable. Urologist/urogynecologists not available for at least 2.5 months (and then, just a “video consultation”). I understand wait times, but am worried nothing useful will come at the end … can you recommend practitioners in the SF Bay Area (preferably in the south bay or on the peninsula — i.e. San Jose, Los Gatos, Mountain View, Cupertino, Campbell, Santa Clara, Palo Alto, Stanford, Menlo Park, Redwood City)?
Hi Paula, we sent you an email a few days ago with more information for California. I hope it helps, Melissa
Is this an old article? or did Ruth go back to practicing? in Northern VA there are absolutely no doctors who care to learn about Embedded UTi or chronic ones. Ive spent an exhaustive amount of money on doctors with no clue.
Hi Nicole, Ruth is no longer seeing patients directly, but as mentioned in the article, she is consulting with other practitioners to assist them with their patients. It’s possible for any practitioner to book a free appointment with Ruth. Melissa
I’ve suffered from recurring UTIs for about 20 years. About 5 years ago I started to get UTIs and BV at the same time. Recently I began to have IC symptoms. I would love to have some relief and healing. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. I just want to live a somewhat normal life again!
Hi Rosie, can you please send us a direct message and let us know where you are based? We’ll share any relevant resources we have. Melissa
I have been suffering with UTI symptoms for 9 months and all of my tests have been negative for infection. No treatment or diet change has helped. All Urogynecologists want to focus on is my tight pelvic floor. After 6 months of focusing on that, my symptoms remain. To say that I’m frustrated is an understatement. I’d do anything to have a somewhat normal life again.
Hi Trina, sorry to hear you’re experiencing that. You’re not alone. If you’d like more information about recurrent and chronic UTI specialists, please send us a direct message and let us know where you’re based. Melissa
This is exactly what my wife has been going through for the past several years and all of the urologists that she’s been to agree that it probably is IC but the only suggestion or treatment they’ll give her is to follow the IC diet. Another words they don’t have a clue what to do. Can you recommend a practitioner in the southern OK or North Texas area. Thank you
Hi Jason, I hope you found the information in our email useful. Please let us know if you have any questions. Melissa
In new flair after remission with antibiotics. I need a new practitioner in Pennsylvania
Hi Amy, we sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Reading some of this information is like finally feeling heard but I’m in San Diego CA and I’ve been suffering from symptoms of uti for months. I keep getting antibiotics but they seem to do nothing for clearing the infection. I then manage it by drinking lots of water D Mannose and garlic and other herbals but it’s always there causing me irritation and odd symptoms and discomfort and fatigue. My quality of life has drastically been effected by this and it’s challenging to work. I don’t know what to do and I’m scared. I wonder if there is anyone who can actually help me treat this here in San Diego.
Hi Lina, we sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Wow this article’s information feels like looking in a mirror – all of these symptoms are what I’ve experienced regarding UTIs and flare ups with no sign of infection. My urologist also thinks I might have IC, but didn’t offer any options except to check in in 6 months. Can you recommend a urologist in Pennsylvania or Maryland who has success in treating IC?
Hi Amelia,
I just sent you an email with more information about clinicians. I hope it helps, Melissa
Hello! I was diagnosed with IC 5 years ago but have a long standing history of UTIs dating back to early childhood. I’ve done all the traditional treatment options for IC and while some have helped I’m still in pain almost every single day. I’m very interested in learning more about the different testing and treatment methods Ruth uses- this post is fascinating! I’m a nurse and have done SO much research on my own trying to make sense of why I continue to have pain and I feel like I just hit the jackpot! Would you be able to share a list of practitioners near my city of Olathe, KS (suburb of Kansas City)? TIA!
Hi Rachel, we sent an email yesterday with more information. I hope it’s helpful! Melissa
Hello! I am looking for recommendations on providers/treatment in the Cleveland Ohio or surrounding areas. Thank you!
Hi Marcia, I just sent you an email with a list of practitioners. Melissa
Thank you for this information on IC. I’ve just gotten diagnosed with IC but have been dealing with a chronic UTI condition for 5 years now. I’ve seen specialist after specialist recently and it’s always the same answer, “you have no infection.” It was refreshing to read that I’m not crazy and there’s actually something out there that could potentially help me. Is there anyone in the Southern California area that would have these specific treatments possibly? Would appreciate anything, thank you.
Hi Annabel, I just sent you an email with a list of clinicians who are training with Ruth Kriz. I hope it helps, Melissa
Thank you for this info. I’ve had ic for 23 years. Always believed it was an infection of some kind embedded into the bladder wall but this is the first time I’ve seen anyone treat it. But sadly it looks like Ruth has retired. Do you know of anyone in the northern virginia area and the d.c. area that treats in the same way. I prefer northern VA but would like to know about dc too. Thank you again
Hi Shannon, I hope the information we emailed you was helpful! Melissa
Hello, thank you for the information on this site. I’ve had IC since I was a child.
However, I wasn’t diagnosed with it until my 30s. Currently, I’m going through an awful bout which has lasted 5 months. At this point, it’s looking like it could be chronic Prostatitis, and maybe not IC (not 100% sure). A Cystoscopy of the bladder and prostate MRI have been done and yielded no reason for the constant tenderness. Sometimes the UTI test strips reveal trace level infection. The one week I had relief was when I was on Amoxicillin. I’m looking to order a test from either Pathnostics or MicroGenDX. I live in south Florida. Which of these companies do you favor, if any? Thank you
Hi there, MicroGenDX offers a Men’s Complete test with both urine and semen, which is often a recommended combination for possible chronic UTI/prostatitis. We also have some resources that are specific to UTI in males, including this article on testing. I hope that helps, Melissa
Can you send me any info you have on IC?
Can you recommend a urologist in Massachusetts who has success in treating IC?
Hi Susan, I sent you some more information about clinicians. We have one other article about IC, that you might like to read. I hope this helps, Melissa
I had recurrent UTIS over the last few years (around 6-7). Within the last year and a half, I have had only negative urine samples. I have terrible bladder pressure and pain, and muscle spasms. Doctors believe I have trigonitis. There are no foods that worsen my symptoms, just alcohol, sex, and stress. I am looking for a specialist of trigonitis in the state of Florida.
Hi Bryce, sorry to hear you’re experiencing that. I just sent you an email with more information. Melissa
I had my second ever uti two months ago and antibiotic helped with the worst of symptoms but also caused quite an upset of my digestive system. For the past two months I keep having some form of bladder pain – usually when bladder is half or full and when there is movement in the colon. My urine samples have trace or positive leukocytes but no nitrite. A urologist did not find abnormalities in the bladder or kidneys. Obgyn test results are all clear. I need help with the bladder pain as I feel this may be the start of IC and I would like to treat it early.
Hi Lidia, can you please send us a direct message and let us know where you are based so we can share relevant information? Melissa
I am almost 36 years old. Almost 2 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed with IC. I got pregnant and didn’t have a flare up. For almost 2 years. My daughter is now 10 months old and just a flare up for the first time in a long tim I had a pretty bad flare up. Where there was blood in my urine. I took a test for UTI coulture came back normal. They put me on antibiotics because they were treating me as UTI until I got my results back. I am desperate and was in quite some pain. I live near Fresno California. If you could forward me to someone or be put on the waiting list for Ruth I would appreciate it. Thank you for your time.
Hi Janell, I just sent you some information by email. I hope it helps, Melissa
Hiya, about 5 weeks ago I got really bad cystitis. I had the sodium citrate sachets, cranberry juice etc. On the 4th day it was still bad so the doctors gave a me 3 day course of the antibiotics (they did not test my urine). It eased the pain but it never went away. So around 2 weeks later they gave me another 3 day course of the same antibiotics and asked for a urine sample. They didn’t work again and my urine came back all clear. Im now taking D Mannose, cranberry tablets, dandelion herbals, and loads of water but I still feel so uncomfortable!. These cystitis feelings are constant but It tends to be the worst after I urinate? Is there anywhere in the UK that Ruth works with that can help?
Hi Molly, we sent you an email earlier with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Hello, could I have some names of practitioners that Ms Ruth has trained. I live in Southwest Indiana. I would like to schedule an appointment with one of them. Thankyou
Hi Rhoda, we sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Hi Ruth. I have had IC I believe it started in menopause but did get UTis twice a year and happens now as well. I started BIHT once I went in menopause with my Functioanl Fr and estrogen and progesterone seem OK, testosterone is low. Also have treated thyroid – hashimoto with cytomel and take Utiva , slippery elm, and other supplements. Had a Uti last fall kllebsiella and then entrococcous and got candida and now another one. I am very frustrated as I eat low carb and limited sugars and have up alcohol and coffee etc. Do you know someone in Toronto Canada or if I can get in touch with you. Thank you
Hi Jackie, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Exactly two days after sex and/or self pleasure I feel like I have a UTI. My symptoms are low back pain, pelvic ache and I can’t hold a full bladder especially if I am sitting or lying on my back. I will wet the bed if I am not careful. This lasts several days and I usually treat with Keflex orally. Sometimes I do get classic UTI symptoms of burning and urgency too. Please let me know if there is anyone who can help me North of SAn Francisco, preferably Sonoma County. Thank you so much for all that you do to help people.
Hi Natalie, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
My wife Gwendolyn used colloidal silver, biofilm buster, D-Mannose, etc., for months. About 15 years ago she contracted Lyme. Now, she’s much improved but experiencing slight pain before (but not during) urinating and experiences sinus issues. Who can you recommend in the SW Virginia area to help us, presumably, with biofilms and instillations?
Hi Keith, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Gwen again. Sorry. I am so confused. I just saw someone post that antibiotic instillations to the bladder don’t work. So, please send recommendations for doctors that also prescribe oral antibiotics & if you can address what the instillations supposedly not working I’d appreciate that too. (see my first post from a few minutes ago.)
Hi Gwen, I just sent you an email with more information. There is no treatment approach that will work for everyone, and bladder instillation is no exception. Melissa
I live near San Francisco CA. Would like contact info of practitioners Ruth Kris has trained. Prefer ones that know of using bladder instillations but not certain. Please also give info for Oregon & Washington. Can fly to Portland & Seattle. Please email me Thanks.
Hi Wendy, I’ve just sent you an email with more information. Melissa
Hello, I have been suffering with what I assume is a UTI for the last few months. Urine culture’s are coming back negative but I am having urgency to urinated, pelvic pain, stinging after I urinate and I am peeing white flakes and sediment. I am seeing a consultant for further tests but don’t think this is his specialised area. I am located in Scotland do you have any contacts in the UK that would follow Ruth’s teachings? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Jenny
Hi Jenny, we know of one and I’ve just emailed you with more information. I hope it helps! Melissa
Hi Melissa,
I too am based in Scotland, and have finally had a prolonged urine culture in another country which, after many years of ‘clear’ tests despite ongoing symptoms, has confirmed that I have an embedded bladder infection with Ecoli. Unfortunately, I can’t travel there for treatment – can you please send me the name of the UK specialist you know – ideally in Scotland, if there is one. Thanks! Carly.
Hi Carly, I just sent you an email with the information we have for the UK. Melissa
I’m interested in instillations. Do you have them made in a compounding pharmacy? My practitioner is via telemed. I have given shots before, can I self catheter or do I need to find another practitioner to show me how to do this if my telemed practitioner so advises? I am not having stomach issues, but agree with the idea of get the medication directly to the bladder. Also, will being able to hold urine, which for me is only two and a half hours at night, one hour and 15 minutes daily, be problematic?
Hi Corcoran, as far as we are aware, very few clinicians use instillations as part of their treatment approach. If you are interested in asking your own doctor to consult with Ruth Kriz on this, I can share more information. Please send me a direct message if so. Melissa
Hi! I have been told that I have severe interstitial cystitis. I have had IC since 2007. Three years ago I started getting uti’son top of the IC. Now I constantly have uti’s. Typically it’s always one of 3 bacteria and sometimes it’s 2 of those at the same time. I feel like I have an embedded uti and I have tried all kinds of herbal methods as well as antibiotics. Nothing works it seems. I am beyond frustrated. I really need someone to help that can specialize in IC and embedded uti’s and chronic uti’s. Can you help at all? Thank you for your time!
Hi Lisa, I just sent a reply to your email. I hope it helps. Feel free to ask any questions there. Melissa
Hi, I have had IC for 20 years and I am looking for a Practitioner in my area that specializes in IC? I live in Northwest Arkansas, near Rogers and Bentonville Arkansas. Any suggestions?
Hi Becky, I sent you an email with some information. I hope it helps, Melissa
I need someone to contact me about IC. I am suffering immensely and desperately need help.
Hi Jana, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Thank you so much for this informative article! I have IC and I would like to know if there is someone in Portland, OR or Seattle, WA who is using Ruth Kriz’s methods. I have attempted to do some searching of my own but I’m not finding anything encouraging. Thank you so much!
Hi Mischa, I just sent you an email with more info. I hope it helps. Melissa
Hello, I was diagnosed with IC in 2008 after a bad UTI. Since then IC/UTI have come and gone. In 2020 I had 12 UTIs! I finally did a MicrogenDX DNA and discovered ecoli/gardnerella. I am on Macrodantin now. My Dr. is willing to leave me on it for a year? I would like to know more about the instills. I used to do Heparin combo for “IC” so am familiar with that. Is there a Dr. that practices what is discussed in this article in Florida or a nearby state, thank you.
Hi Cindy, I sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Hi – I’m looking for a practitioner in the Philadelphia area. I was diagnosed with IC but suspect it’s an embedded infection. I’m losing my mind 🙁
Hi Alexa, I saw that Christine sent you an email reply earlier, and she’ll be sure to get back to you about any other questions. Melissa
Hello, I have been having recurrent utis for about 7 years now. Is there anyone in Greece that follows Ms. Kriz’s method?
Hi Marie, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Hello, I have IC and I would like to know if there is someone near Chattanooga, TN who is using Ruth Kriz’s methods? Thank you.
Hi Wanda, I just sent you an email with more information. Melissa
Hello, I am reading this article and finding so many commonalities with my symptoms. I have often seen the biofilm in my urine and wondered what it could be. I have had UTI-like symptoms – abdominal/bladder pain, constant urgency, urethral pain, and hyperawareness for about a month. I have taken a round of antibiotics and nothing has improved. My urine cultures have shown no bacterial growth. The last time I had this issue 4 years ago, and it lasted for 3 months. And before that I had this same issue about 13 years ago, and the symptoms persisted for about 2.5 months; I had to withdraw from college due to my symptoms. Are there any practitioners of Ruth’s methodology for testing and treatment in or near Toronto, Canada?
Hi Alex, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Hello! I am in complete denial that I have Prt 2 (I hope I did this correct) I’ve seen a urogyno and I did have BV which was treated with antibiotics and I’m in discussion to get the prolapse surgically repaired but I just don’t understand why I’m having bladder pressure/pain when I’m following the diet so strict. Any suggestions or advice? Thank you in advance! Vicky
Hi Vicky, I saw you also sent me an email so I’ve just replied there with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Prt 1Hello! I am in complete denial that I have IC. I am 52 and have never had a UTI or bladder issues. I went to a new gyno this year and he did a pap even though I had a hysto in 2006. I cramped for 3 days then 4 days later developed a bladder prolapse. Within 3 days of that, I started having horrible pain in the lower pelvic area and a painful urge to urinate that wouldn’t go away. I had a urine test done and there was no bacteria or growth after 3 days. I saw a urologist and he did a cystoscopy and he said it looked good, so diagnoses by default was IC. I have followed the “IC Diet” strictly yet still have bladder pressure/pain/urgency on the daiIy. I eat the same thing everyday which is on the good list to the point of losing 25 lbs in less than 2 months.
Hello, I was recently diagnosed with IC and I’ve had recurrent UTIs in the past. Is there anyone familiar with Ruth’s methods in Toronto, Ontario, Canada or anywhere nearby? And if not, how does one work with Ruth Kriz if they’re not in the US?
Hi Magdalena, I sent you some information by email. I hope it helps, Melissa
Hello – I am newly diagnosed to IC and I am so upset and hopeless. I came across this page and I am wondering if there is a Dr in GA or anywhere in the US (I will travel) who you can recommend?
Hi Sarah, I saw that you also sent an email that we’ve responded to. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Melissa
So pleased to be reading this! I’m at my whits end with constant dysuria and frequency. I had a normal cystoscopy last year and my symptoms put down to menopausal UTIs. I have started taking Hipprex however my symptoms of cystitis is worse than ever. I live in the UK so not sure what help is available. Any advice would be gratefully received in coping with these symptoms x
Hi Julie, I just sent you an email with some UK specific information. I hope it helps! Melissa
Hello I have been diagnosed with IC. About 2 months ago I had a dental issue and was put on antibiotics for 6 weeks. I also had a spot on my nail and my GP put me on antifungal. I also started DMSO bladder instillations. My bladder felt so normal for those 6 week, no pain. I got a flare about 3 weeks after going off antibiotics and was still doing DMSO instillations. When I told my doctor that my symptoms disappeared when I was on the antibiotics she tested me and it was negative and said antibiotics are not a treatment for IC. I am frustrated I know those antibiotics or the antifungal helped me. I am still getting DMSO and it is not helping. I live in the New Orleans area, is there a doctor in this area that will use your treatment guidelines. Please help.
Hi Cherie, I just sent you an email with more information. Your story is similar to many we have heard and I hope you can find a way forward soon. Melissa
Hi Melissa. Can you send me this email as well? I may be having a similar problem. Thanks 🙂
Hi Savannah, can you send me a direct message and let me know where you’re based? Melissa
Hello: I have had IC for over 40 years. I am always trying to get more information about a possible healing treatment. This information makes so much sense to me and sounds very valid. I would like to try some of these methods. Do you know of anyone in the Columbus, Georgia area that has experience using these techniques?
Thanks, Maggie
Hi Maggie, I just sent you some information that I hope will help. Melissa
Hello! I’m currently dealing with chronic UTIs, however my cultures are coming back negative. I recently met with a urologist, who thinks it might be IC. I live in Phoenix, AZ, are there any practitioners who are familiar with Ruth’s methods in the area? Thank you so much!
Hi Julie, I saw you also sent us an email, so I’ve replied there with more information. Melissa
Hello! I am currently doing physical therapy (about 2 to 3 weeks now) because I was told I have tightness in part of my pelvic floor. I feel like it is helping, but have also noticed more symptoms of IC show up. A PA told me she suspects IC due to my new symptoms and all urine cultures as well as vaginal cultures have been negative. Where can I go and see an IC/UTI professional in or near Vancouver, Washington? Thank you for all this helpful and hopeful information, I hope someone is familiar with these kinds of tests!
Hi Renee, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps. Melissa
Does anyone know of any practitioners in Florida or Georgia areas (willing to travel) who specializes in treating chronic UTIs in the manner described here? I’ve had them and IC for 3 and a half years. I also have Lyme Disease.
Hi Emily, I just emailed you some information. I hope it’s helpful. Melissa
I have been diagnosed with urethra syndrome. I have been fighting with symptoms for 5 years, but the last three years are without any bacteria from my bladder. I have some bacteria in my urethra but they are not reacting on targeted antibiotics. My doctor believes that it is the matter of chronic inflammantion but not connected with bacteria. Could it be biofilm? I live in Poland / is near there a specialist who specialises in diagnosis and good treatment?
Hi Violett, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it’s helpful. Melissa
Excellent article. Very thorough. I learned so much. Thank you for compiling so much information into this one article. Thus is such an important area of pain and frustration for so many of us.
Hi Kat, I’m glad you found it helpful. Agreed. It is very frustrating and causes too many people pain. Melissa
Hi. I live in the UK. I have had 6 rounds of antibiotics as I keep getting UTI symptoms. My culture comes back negative but every time I stop the antibiotics my symptoms come back. Could it be IC? I am awaiting an appointment with the urologist. Thank you
Hi Dee, although we use the term Interstitial Cystitis in this article, it is to help illustrate that many people who have been given this diagnosis may actually have a chronic infection. Interstitial Cystitis is not a diagnosis itself, it is a diagnosis of exclusion, which means it is a label given to a group of symptoms for which a cause has not been identified. It’s best to do what you can to investigate more deeply, rather than moving toward that type of diagnosis. If you need information on finding a recurrent UTI specialist, please send me a direct message and let me know where you’re based. Melissa
I’ve been dealing with recurrent utis since I was 18 on and off. About a year ago, cultures started coming back negative. And even the dna testing my urologist did came back with two bacteria 6 months ago and I was put on low dose macrobid for a year but my symptoms flared up last week and they won’t give me any different antibiotics because my culture is negative and they did another urine dna test but that came back negative too so they won’t give me any other treatment for my symptoms! Please help!
Hi Cianna, I just sent you some information and questions by email. Melissa
Hi I have recently had symptoms of a UTI but like you, my cultures came bac negative and was told I likely have IC. I have experienced burning, low back and low stomach aches and lack of sleep. Is there a pra ticioner that I can see here in my hometown of Charlotte NC that is knowledgeable with Ruth’s methods? Thank you!
Hi Jessica, I just emailed you some information. I hope it helps. Melissa
Hi ruth! My name is mike. I suddenly woke up one morning with a relentless urge to urinate. Sometimes i get pressure in my pelvis and maybe a mild burning around my waistline. Not really painful thought like some people say. I live on Long Island New York in the United states. I just started an extreme doet, not sure if its helping or not but its only been about 2 weeks. Id be grateful for anything you can suggest. I don’t think i’ve ever been bitten by a tick in my life thankfully. I took a Lyme test with my endocrinologist and it basically came back negative but i heard those tests arent accurate.
Hi Michael, as mentioned in our article, Ruth is in the process of winding down her practice. You may find it helpful to work with a practitioner who is already consulting with Ruth or is familiar with her approach. I’ve sent over an email with some more info. Susy
Hi, I’m experiencing symptoms of IC and I’m based in the UK. Do you know of anyone who could help me here? Kind regards, Sonia
Hi Sonia, I saw you sent us an email to so I’ve replied there with more information. Melissa
Dear Ruth
It feels so good to know that someone out there understands this issue of uti and ic.
I have seen my doctor and another urologist couple of times over the last 7 weeks and i still have the same symptoms as what the my doctor said could be similar to an ic. The urine sample tests never shows any bacterial growth and i was given antibiotics which i eventually stopped as they were making me feel worst plus the candida infection etc.
I will be very grateful if you can possibly help me overcome this ic issue which might be the problem. I will have to go for cystoscopy to find out more soon. Please help as u say there must be an infection there and it cannot be picked through any sort of tests. I am based in the uk.
Hi Iymaan, I just sent you an email about UK options. I hope it helps. Melissa
I have had recurrent uti’s since I was 15 I’m now 21 and my midstreams are coming back negative but I definitely feel like I have a uti. My symptoms are just urgency, no pain, no frequency, no discolouration. What you said about the bacteria embedding itself and creating a biofilm makes a lot of sense to me, but my doctor just thinks I have inflammation and has put me on oxybytinin which helped for a few days but now my symptoms are back. I’m in newzealand and feel so hopeless. Is there any one here who can help?
Hi Samantha, I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing this. I’ve sent some resources through via email. Susy
Hello, would you be able to provide me with some doctors who are in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA OR Sacramento area who use these methods?
Hi April, I’ve sent through some resources by email. Susy
Can you recommend a doctor in the Fort Lauderdale/Miami area? I have finished four rounds of different antibiotics in the last six weeks, after round three, another positive culture. Round four was meant to be susceptible but the bladder pain is still very present. The general sentiment I get from doctors is one of dismissiveness or disbelief of my symptoms and treatments as I’ve bounced around from urgent care to a general practitioner to a specialist, who I don’t care for. If they didn’t personally test me, they are not taking my previous antibiotic treatment into consideration. I need a good doctor please who understands everything on this very informative website.
Hi Kay, I just sent you an email with information about this, and your questions in the other comment you left. Melissa
Hello I recently got diagnosed with IC for a year now. I had no symptoms for about 3-4 months and all of a sudden they are back and I am currently taking marshmallow root daily, was taking D mannose, and have a prescription of Baclofen to pick up from the pharmacy, do you have any recommendations of IC specialists in the metro Detroit area?
Hi Amanda, I just sent you more information by email. Let me know if you have any questions. Melissa
Hi, is there anyone in the Chicagoland area that you would recommend? I am a 20 year old who has suffered multipe UTIs, but I also have constant UTI symptoms even when my urine cultures are negative. Cystoscopy and Other DNA analysis have proved normal, but I was told I have IC. I take DMannose daily and it prevented UTIs for a couple months but now they’re back.
Hi Hannah, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps. Melissa
Hi, are there any practitioners in the Seattle area experienced in treating IC that you recommend?
Hi Amy, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps. Melissa
I recently got diagnosed with Trigonitis. I can’t find a lot of information on it, and I was wondering what the best treatment is. Also, I’m based in the UK but I don’t know if there are any specialists here.
Hi Georgina, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Hi Melissa, I have been having UTI symptoms in the last month with positive cultures, but 3 courses of antibiotics only reduce symptoms which then return in a few days. Do you know of any practitioners in the San Diego, CA area that use Ruth’s approach? Thanks!
Hi Marie, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps. Melissa
Suffering with repeated UTI’s. Need to find a doctor in greater Cleveland Ohio area who can help me solve this issue. So far I haven’t been successful.
Hi Rosemarie, I just sent you an email with some information I hope will help. Melissa
Hi, can you send me a provider in the Cleveland area as well?
Hi Jessica, I just sent you an email with more information. Let me know if you have any questions. Melissa
Hi, I’m 25 and my urogynacologist is close to diagnosing me with IC. I have constant urethral urgency and hyperawareness. I live in Melbourne, Australia and I’m struggling to get any doctors to take me seriously. Are there any doctors you can recommend me? I think this might be an imbedded infection they are missing. My urologist put me on hiprex but said there’s no bacteria which sounds a little contradictory. Can you help me?
I am looking for a doctor in the Chicago area who uses Ruth’s approach and is willing to use a urine dna test. I have had IC for the last 4 years and have been using amytriptiline and Bladder builder supplements. I’ve also tried using medicinal mushrooms and pelvic floor PT. Antibiotics help, but only temporarily. I had my first instillation a week ago, and will have another in a week (I’m treating it like I’m training beforehand, so that I can hold my urine as long as possible while I have the instillation in me). I haven’t been tested for lyme yet. I hope u can help
Hi Paula, I saw you also sent us an email so I’ve replied there with more information. Melissa
Hi Hanaa, I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing this. While we don’t yet know of any local specialists, there are some in the US who practise telemedicine. I’ve sent over an email with some names, as well as some Australian resources that we know of. I hope you find answers soon. Susy
Hi Sue, are you aware of any practitioners in the UK at all? I’ve been suffering with what I’m sure is IC for 6 years and none of the consultants I’ve seen can tell me definitively what’s wrong with me. Thanks. Laura
Hi Laura, I’ve sent you an email with some UK-based practitioners and resources that we know of. Susy
Could you please send a link with London based practitioners please? I’m desperate
Hi Veronica, I just emailed you more information on specialists in the UK. Melissa
I have been suffering with bladder issues for 8 weeks several antibiotics with no relief, any doctor in PA
Hi, I also suffer from hyperawareness and bladder pain, not urgency, though at the beginning there was also urgency. All urinary test came back normal with no bacteria. I m based in Spain. Can you recommend me a practiotioner there or telemeficine? How to get those dna tests? Thank you!
Hi Alexandra, I saw you also sent us an email so I’ve replied there and we can discuss further if you have questions. Melissa
Hi Cheryl, I’ve sent over an email with some information. Susy
I have painful Interstitial Cystitis and really need to find a doctor in West Michigan Grand Rapids area if possible. Can you please help me?
Hi Cindy, I’ve sent you an email with some info. Susy
Hello. Do you see patients virtually? Any clinicians in the New England area? I have been dealing with pain and burning in the pelvic area and the constant need to urinate. I am worried I have IC. Antibiotics did not help me
Hello ..i am french with IC diagnostic and i have heart About biofilm..can you tell me if i can have your process in Paris (or other part in europ)? Do you collaborate with someone in France?
Sorry for my english
Best regards
Hi Hélène, I just sent you an email with information that I hope will help. Good luck! Melissa
Hi SM, I just sent you an email with more information about possible practitioners. Melissa
I have had recurrent UTI symptoms for two years. My urine has been cloudy and sometimes as dense as yellow milk. The urine cultures have never grown bacteria. I read about “embedded UTI infections” and asked my urologist to go along with me in a leap of faith and put me on an antibiotic for 90 days. The ninety days will be up a week from tomorrow. But the antibiotic lost its effectiveness three days ago. Until then I felt the best I have in months. I’m so disappointed to now be back to painful urination, frequency, urgency, and cloudy. I would so appreciate an answer. I am 83 years old and until 2 years ago had had only one UTI in my life. This is so discouraging!
Hi Chris, you’re not alone in that experience. You might like to read more about different types of testing available, and if you have questions about finding a practitioner who may be able to help, please send me a direct message and let me know where you are based. Melissa
Thank you so much for this information. I was just “diagnosed” with IC On Monday. I’m leaving the country in a couple of days to work in New Zealand until early Dec, so I’m just bringing the pain meds the urologist prescribed (which don’t help much) and praying I’ll be able to function and work while I’m there. I’m pretty anxious about that. I want to find a practitioner in Southern California so I can see someone as soon as I get back. Is there anyone in SoCal? Or anywhere in the region? Thank you so much!
Hi Christine, I’ve shared some more info with you via email. Susy
Are there any specialists in QLD Australia?
Hi Madeleine, I’ve shared some more info via email.
Are there any practitioners in Brisbane, Australia that have asked to work with you. Seeking immediate help. Thank you
Hi Melodie, I see you also messaged us directly and that our team has responded that way. I hope that helps, Susy
Hello, I have had what sounds like IC for the last 4 months, I have had positive urine samples when particularly bad but ever since just a constant grumbling of mild symptoms (frequency and constant urge, no pain though). I would like to get a Urine sample tested with one of the above labs you recommended but not sure where in the UK I can get some help with the results. Do you know of any IC/Chronic UTI specialists UK way. I am booked in to see Urologist at local Hospital but imagine they won’t be much help in really picking this apart! Busy times! Thank you! X
Hi Jennifer, I saw that you sent a message through our contact form, so I’ve shared more info via email. I hope that helps & take care, Susy
I have Chronic UTIs and have one now. I really appreciate Ruth Kriz information. I just can’t seem to find any integrative practitioners near where I live in Salem, or western Oregon. Any ideas to find a doctor?
Where can I find more information about sexually transmitted infections causing uti? What tests can a man do?
Hi Melodie, I’ve sent you an email with some information. Susy
Hi Jan, I’ve sent you an email with some more information. Susy
I was diagnosed with IC 24 years ago. I’ve taken Elmiron, along with diet changes this whole time. With the issues now with Elmiron, I’m no longer taking it but using aloe and marshmellow root. My urologist doesn’t understand my suffering. Do you know any doctors in Ohio that you can recommend? Thank you.
Hi Tammy, sorry to hear you’re experiencing that. I just sent you an email with some information. I hope it’s helpful, Melissa
Hi there,
I burst out crying reading this. I have had multiple UTIs since last year and have had UTI symptoms for the past 3 weeks with 2 negative culture and lab tests and now my GP is telling me I have IC but pretty much telling there’s no cure and had put me on hiprex. I’m in so much pain and feel so hopeless and I’m only just recently 20!! I know it’s a long shot but is there anyone in New Zealand who would be able to help me… I don’t know what to do and I feel like I’ve tried everything!!
Thank you <3
Hi Steph, I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this. We hear many similar stories. Given that IC is a term used in the absence of bacteria, and Hiprex is a urinary antiseptic, the two don’t necessarily go together. I just sent you an email with more information about avenues you can try, to find some answers. I hope it helps. Melissa
I have had IC for 6 1/2 years. Food sensitivities, oxalate issues, heavy metals, leaky gut, allergies, mycotoxins, marcons, been working with functional practitioners for years. It’s worse than ever now. Was improved but started protocol for heavy metals which flared me big time.
Seems like many practitioners load you up with supplements. I can’t tolerate all supplements or many. I’m in Florida but would work with someone remotely.
Do you have someone you could recommend? Please help. I’m in pain
Hi Debbie, I just sent you an email with more information. Feel free to ask any questions there. Melissa
Hi there, I was diagnosed with IC about 2 years ago and I’m still struggling with my symptoms. Thank you so much for this article, it really got me thinking. Is there someone near Tampa, Florida that may be able to help me? Thank you.
Hi there, I’ve been suffering from a diagnosis of moderate IC for the past 5 years that stemmed from a bout of recurrent UTIs from sex. Within the past year my symptoms have flared and I am getting a UTI almost every time I have sex. I was also diagnosed with a hypertonic pelvic floor and was in physical therapy for this over a year ago. I would like to see a doctor that you recommend in NYC/Brooklyn area , or please provide more information about getting on the wait list to see Ruth. Thank you
Hi Tiffany, we sent you a few emails with different information that may be helpful. Melissa
Hi Jamie, I just sent you some more information on this by email. I hope it helps. Melissa
I am looking for a doctor in Las Vegas.
Thank you.
Hi Dede, at the moment we don’t know of any recurrent UTI specialists in Las Vegas (this is sure to change in the future), but I sent you some information about clinicians who offer appointments via telemedicine. I hope it helps. Melissa
I cried reading this. I have suffered for so long. Is there someone in Southern California who can help? I would forever be grateful for any information. Thanks.
Hi Beth, so sorry to hear you’re going through this. You’re not alone. I just emailed you some information and I hope it helps. Melissa
I’m living in Louisville, KY and have dealt with recurrent UTIs since January 2020. After two negative urine cultures, they’re now saying I have IC. But my symptoms feel just like when I had the recurrent UTIs. I’m seeing a Urologist who uses MicroGen testing but he almost never tells me the results, just puts me on antibiotics. I’m sensitive to several antibiotic families so I’m limited in what I can take. I’ve also met with a Urogynocologist (doesn’t do MicroGen) who confirmed I didn’t have any pelvic floor issues or an urethral diverticuli.
Is there anyone in the Louisville, Kentucky area you can recommend who specifically deals with rUTIs?
Hello, I was recently diagnosed with IC. For years I had chronic UTIs, but in the last year the tests all were coming back negative (positive for bacteria and leukocytes). Is there any doctors is Cleveland, Ohio that you recommend?
Hi Alice, I just sent you an email with more information. Melissa
Hi Tiffany, I just sent you an email with some more information. I hope it helps. Melissa
I’ve been waiting about an oral vaccine that is being used in Europe called Uromune. Are you familiar with this? I’ve read all the studies and they seem to make sense of that they would work
Hi Patricia, we are aware of a number of different UTI vaccines available outside the US. We are currently working on some content on the topic and I hope to be able to publish that soon. Melissa
This would be wonderful. I saw that Uromune has some clinical trials running but I’m unclear about whether they’ll be available in the US. I’d jump on that in a heartbeat!
Hi Salima, we’re monitoring the situation with UTI vaccines in the US and will be sure to publish something as soon as we have confirmation of any availability. Melissa
I have suffered from UTI’s and IC for over 40 years. The pain consumes my life. I’ve tried myrbetric and bladder installations. I’ve been told to try to relax my bladder, followed the bladder diet, bladder distention, supplements, the list goes on and on. Can you tell me if there is a doctor near Florence Alabama that is willing to try these methods.
Hi Barbara, I just sent you an email with more information. Let me know if you have any questions. Melissa
Hi! Can you recommend anyone in Southern California? Been dealing with this for over a year now. Thank you!
Can I get additional information as well?
Hi Sara, I’m not sure where you’re based, but I sent you an email with more information. Melissa
Hi there. This article was so helpful and has given me new hope…I wish my urologist took this approach. Could you recommend any practitioners in southeastern Michigan or anywhere in MI or Ohio that could help with my IC? Thanks so much for your time.
Hi Christina, I just sent you an email with some information that I hope will be helpful. Melissa
Hi Juliette, I just emailed you with more information. I hope it helps. Melissa
Hi Can you recommend anyone in the Mitchell, SD area?
Hi Brenda, I just emailed you with some information on options you might consider. Melissa
Do you have any recommendations for doctors following her protocol in the Atlanta-Georgia area or telemedicine? I’ve been suffering with recurrent UTI for years, recently I had kidney stones and a possible reactive arthritis in my right hand due to recent UTIs too. I’m 35 and showing signs of bone damage due to this reactive arthritis. Doctors just want to put me in immuno suppressants without investigating the root cause which I believe is properly treating the UTIs, I feel now my UTIs got even more my attention because of the joint prognosis. My insurance plan also covers out of state so if you know also any provider with similar protocols of Dr Kriz or Dr Michael Hsieh in other states too if there is no one in Atlanta. Thank you.
I was just recently diagnosed with IC. Could you recommend a doctor in the Detroit area?
Hi Vickie, I just sent you an email with some information on this. I hope it helps. Melissa
Hi there, I’ve been diagnosed with IC. I am wondering if you have any information about doctors that might help in New Mexico.
Hi Megan, I just sent you an email with some possible options to consider. Melissa
I was diagnosed with IC in 2005. Have been on Elmiron until recently and got an Interstim in 2012. I stopped taking Elmiron because of reposts of side effects (vision loss) and having a lot of issues. Frequency and pain, but negative cultures.
I received my microgen results last week, positive for ureaplasma parvum and lactobacillus liners. Is there an embedded infection specialist in Michigan that may be able to help with treatment protocol?
My gyn ordered the test for me, but does not know how to treat.
Hi Stacey, I just sent you an email with some options you might like to consider. Melissa
Hi Caroline, I just replied to an earlier email you sent us, with more information. Melissa
Can you recommend someone in the Portland OR area? I have been dealing with IC for 23 years.
Hi Abby, I sent you an email with some information that I hope will help. Melissa
Hello, I recently have been dealing with negative UTI test results, CT – Scan . you name it. NEGATIVE. I just ordered the Microgen DX test. I would like to know of a doctor in Los Angeles/ Santa Monica Area who could help me.
Hi Sherry, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps. Melissa
I suffered from IC for a few years out of college and tried everything – pills, bladder installations, physical therapy, an ankle shock treatment, a non-acidic diet. Financially and mentally worn out in my early 20s, I gave up — and somehow, my symptoms subsided. I’d get UTIs regularly but at least the CONSTANT pain was gone. But two years later, I am in agony. I have been in constant pain for about three months, with different doctors pumping me with UTI/yeast/BV medicine even though my cultures are mostly negative. I tried boric acid and they made me burn more than ever. I am at the end of my latest macro bid prescription – and at the end of my rope. Do you know of any specialists in NYC? Although I am in unbearable pain, this site gives me a shred of hope.
Hi my name is Tania. I have been dealing with severe pain some doctors tell me its IC. Some say they don’t know. I had many BV infections . Cured for a while then back again . I have severe and intence pain with burning at times. Does anyone know a doctor in Reno Nevada that knows about the stuff Ruth kritz does?
Hi Tania, I just emailed you with more information that I hope will help. Melissa
Hello Melissa,
Can you recommend anyone in the Kelowna, BC area? I would even drive to Vancouver if need be.
Thank you,
Hi Linda, I just replied to an earlier email you sent, with more information. Melissa
Hi Michele, I just sent you an email with some information. I hope it’s helpful. Melissa
Are there any doctors in Colorado Springs, or Colorado as a whole you would recommend? Thanks!
Hi Natalie, I just sent you an email with more information. Melissa
Any practitioners in Southeast Michigan you’d recommend?
Hi Jennie, I just sent you an email with more information. Melissa
Hello, are there any doctors in Alberta, Canada that you would recommend?
Hi Kathy, I just sent you some information by email. Melissa
Do you have any doctors in Colorado you recommend?
Hi Jerri, I just sent you an email. We can discuss further there. Melissa
Hello, I loved reading everything on this page. Can you recommend somebody in New York state please?
Hi Michelle, I saw you also sent me an email and I’ve responded there with more information. I hope it helps! Melissa
Hello, from the East Tennessee area. I’m currently beginning this treatment this week. My doctor has adopted this method and has given me the opportunity to try. I will be mailing my sample to GenDX in about a week. I had blood drawn and am waiting for results. I’m excited and scared of this journey. But after over 25 years of suffering, I’m so ready!
Hi Ashley, I hope you find some answers soon! Feel free to send us a direct message if you have any questions. Melissa
I left a message for Ruth, and haven’t heard back. Do you have any recommendations for doctors following her protocol in the Philadelphia area or telemedicine? Thank you!
Hi Susan, I just emailed you some more information. I hope it’s helpful. Melissa
Do you have any recommendation for a practitioner who is in Southern California and uses your approach? Thank you.
Hi Bella, I just sent you an email with further information. Melissa
Hello. I am a male and believe I have a form of IC. I was diagnosed with bladder infx and given cipro and other antibiotics. I think the cipro May have caused a problem. I am still dealing with constant bladder discomfort that will not go away. I feel my life is over. I’m under the assumption that the cipro itself caused injuries to my bladder along with my joints.? All my test and cultures are normal. I also have a constant low grade headache, and deal with confusion and fatigue!!! What are my options? Any help would be great?
Hi Jeff, I just noticed this comment but as we’ve also been discussing this via email, I’ll stick to our conversation there. Melissa
Do you have a list of doctors that know this? Tucson,AZ here. Me, uti doxycycline, then kidney also, rocephin shot and keflex. then doc said urine clear stop keflex after 4 days. Bladderpain, scared and confused.
Hi Leisa, I just replied to your earlier email with some information. Please check your spam if you don’t see it. Melissa
Can you recommend someone in the NYC area who follows these practices and DNA testing similar to Dr Kriz?
Hi Natalie, I saw you sent me an email about other topics too so I’ve replied there with what I hope will be helpful information! Melissa
Can you recommend someone in WI, Milwaukee area?
Hi Angela, I just sent you an email with some more information. Melissa
Hi. Are there any labs I can go to that can do MicroGenDX testing? I’ve been having recurring UTIs and IC like symptoms as some urine cultures come up negative. Hope you can help!
Hi Antonnette, MicroGenDX is a diagnostics company and you can order tests via a doctor or privately (depending where you are based). We’ve covered MicroGenDX in more detail here. You can send me a direct message if you have other questions. Melissa
Hi, I was just diagnosed with IC after having two episodes in the past two months where I had UTI like symptoms and tested negative, I had my first uti in February with a kidney stone and this all started after that. I live in the Atlanta area and wanted to know if there were any doctors in this area that hopefully take my insurance as well because I want to find out if it truly is an infection that never went away. I am already a mess because my doctor who diagnosed me didn’t explain anything.
Hi Gayle, can you send me a direct message to let me know if you’re looking for a practitioner with an approach similar to Ruth Kriz, or if you’re specifically looking for someone who will help you pursue other UTI testing options? Melissa
Hi! First can I request the DNA urine test you use through my doctor? Also are there any practitioners that practice your method in East Texas or anywhere close to my region? Thank you!
Hi Lola, I just sent you an email with more information. Melissa
I was diagnosed with CI and I am 35 years old. I always had infections I think that de diagnosis was to quick… i live in Spain do you know any expert in Spain or Europe? Could I talk to Ruth and tell my story… many thanks in advance im desperate.
Hi Sandra, I sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps, Melissa
Hi there, I suffer everyday from IC and I want to find the root, not just take a bunch of bandaid meds. Can you send me more information on practitioners in the San Diego area that work with microgendx
Hi Paige, I just emailed you some information. Check your spam if you don’t see it. Melissa
Ten years of “IC” following a hysterectomy in 2010. It has destroyed every aspect of my life. I have been on opioids 24/7 for the severe, endless pain for a decade. I have been urinating blood for this whole decade. I’ve never had a positive urine culture. Is there someone in Melbourne, Australia who will help me follow Ruth Kriz’s methods? Or is there an email address on which I can contact her?
Hi Amy, so sorry to hear you’re experiencing that. I’ve just sent you an email with more information. Feel free to ask any questions there. Melissa
I was first diagnosed with OAB and when certain medications didn’t work I was told I had IC. I had a bad UTI once that I don’t believe was ever cured and about a month or two later my symptoms came back all with negative cultures. I am on amitriptyline now but truly feel I have a chronic infection. Know anyone in the New York City area that can help with this?
Hi Cassie, I just sent you some more information via email. Melissa
Can you recommend someone in the Kansas City area?
Would you be able to pass along the Kansas City info to me? Dying for some help!
Hi Megan, I just emailed you some more information. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see it. Melissa
Hi Susan, I just emailed you some information that I hope helps. Melissa
I’ve been suffering with chronic UTIs and IC for almost 4 years now. I’m desperate for any help. Im on an another antibiotic now and 4 days in and Im still in terrible pain.
Hi Laura, I saw you also sent us an email so I’ve replied there with more information. Melissa
I suffer from chronic UTI’s for 30+ yrs. I am allergic to tetracycllin, sulphur, macrobid. Of late my infections clear with 10-14 days of Cipro and then return 2 weeks later. I think the Cipro is doing a number on my legs, as they are always in pain. We recently tried Monurol which worked immediately and then 4 days later back again. I had stage IV squamous cell carcinoma almost 6 years ago in my neck and toncil, Sjogrens Disease, Kidney stones 4 times, 2 litotripsy’s. I have seen 2 urologists and a natropath. My body feels ravaged. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Sandra, I just replied to your email with more info. Melissa
Hi, I have had trigonitis for 6 years and had fulguration done 3 years ago but am still suffering from daily pain and frequency. I have only had 2 true utis in 2 years. Is there someone in NSW, Australia that you could recommend to help me beat this?
Hi Bianca, I just emailed you some more information. Melissa
Hi there ! I’m wondering if you could lead me to someone nearer that would be willing to use your methods for treatment. I live in Atlanta, Georgia.
Hello there! I was wondering if you could help me find someone who works with your methods in Ontario, Canada specifically Greater Toronto Area. Thanks in advance. Anastasiya
Hi Anastasiya, I sent you some more info via email. Melissa
Hi Zizi, I just emailed you with more information. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see it! Melissa
I get reoccurring UTI symptoms especially after intercourse with my husband. I live in Portland, OR. Please help. I am considering leaving a job I love because of how often my symptoms are unbearable for my work environment.
Hi Erin, I just sent you an email. Please check your spam folder if you don’t receive it. Melissa
Hello, I was wondering if the list for practicioners in the US was being sent out yet? I’m in Oklahoma btw. I’ve had IC for 15 months I believe started from undiagnosed Ureaplasma Urelyticum.
Hi Randy, we can share more information about practitioners by email. Can you send me a direct message so I can share more? Thanks, Melissa
Hello. Do you know if instillation with chondroitin sulfate (Gepan, Uracyst) can help or make it worse in case of a chronic embedded infection? Thanks
Hi Ioana, I saw you also sent me a direct message so I’ve replied by email with more information. Melissa
Hello! Could you share an answer to that question with me too? I have constant recurrent UTIs and I personally suspect I have embedded infection. I got offered Gepan treatment and wonder if it can help
Hi Katja, Ioana’s email was requesting different information. We don’t have any specific information on Gepan at this point in time. If you have other questions, you are always welcome to get in touch directly. Sorry I can’t be of more help, Melissa
Hi. I have IC for one year now. strongly believe I developed that after having E-Cole infection and was not treated properly. Planing to get MicroGenDX but my problem is that I’m based in Ireland.
Is there any Doctors in Ireland that can help me to get a treatment based on MicroGenDX test. Thanks 🙏
Hi Lidia, at the moment the closest recurrent UTI specialists we know of are based in England. Some in the USA can also offer appointments via telemedicine (phone/Skype etc). If you’re interested in either of these options, can you send me a direct message? Melissa
Can you please provide any providers that specialize in treating IC near me. I live in the west San Fernando Valley near Los Angeles , California. Thanks
Hi Lori, can you send me a direct message so I can share more information via email? Thanks, Melissa
I had a UTI 3 months ago after passing a kidney stone. I took a couple antibiotics but symptoms didn’t improve.
urologist said it was from a large kidney stone I had so I had lithotripsy. The stone fragmented and I passed tiny pieces painlessly.
I’m still having UTI symptoms but negative urine tests. I’m constantly burning in my urethra, and often feel pressure like I need to pee even after I just went.
I also have cloudy and very yellow urine despite drinking lots of water.
I’m terrified I have IC but I don’t have many of the symptoms (doesn’t burn while peeing, no bladder pain as my bladder fills, I only pee 6-7 times a day, no pain with sex). I literally had no issues before the UTI 3 months ago.
What’s going on and what do I do from here?
My daughter has suffered from IC for over 5 years. I have read Ruth’s story before but have never been able to get doctors and others to understand. We live in the northern part of Mississippi. Are there any nurse practitioners or doctors near us that have used Ruth’s treatment?
Thank you
Hi Gena, can you send me a direct message? I have some information that may be helpful and can share via email. Melissa
Hi Maranda, we’ve sent you some more information via email in response to your direct message. I hope it helps. Melissa
I have recurrent UTI since August 2016 catheter. Tried Cipro, Levaquin and one other antibiotic. Keeps returning. Mixed results with positive and negative urinalysis. Will an infectious disease doctor help? Heard about Phage Therapy, will this help?
Hi Henry, it seems to depend on whether the infectious diseases doctor has any knowledge around treating recurrent UTI. We hear mixed reports. We’re working on some content on phage therapy at the moment. It seems promising, but another area that requires much more research for UTI and is not easy to access for possible treatment. If you have other questions, you can always get in touch directly. Melissa
Are there any practitioners in the US to help with chronic UTIs with your treatment????
Hi Jacqueline, I replied to one of your earlier emails with more information. Melissa
I’m going on 12 years of recurrent UTI’s and 5 years since my IC diagnosis, and as most of us on this site, can’t even remember what a normal life feels like. I live in Southeast AK, but can easily travel to Anchorage or Seattle. Are there any practitioners in the Pacific Northwest region who can implement Ruth Kriz’s methods?
Hi! Are there any practitioners in Europe who apply Ruth Kriz’s treatment? Also, what is her opinion about the UTI vaccines that are being developed, for example, Uromune?
Hi Ruth, at the moment we are not aware of any practitioners based in Europe that use Ruth Kriz’s approach. This may change in the future. We have not spoken with Ruth about UTI vaccines, but we are working on some content on this topic and hope to publish it soon. Melissa
Hi Emma, can you send us a direct message so I can share more information by email? Melissa
I am wondering if there is a doctor nearby the West Michigan area that could possibly help me, that you know of that has your level of expertise in this area? I’ve been struggling with IC for 8 years and I don’t believe I actually have it and I want a doctor to take me seriously and treat me properly. Please help!
Hi Kelsey, can you get in touch by direct message so we can share the information we have about similar practitioners, by email? Melissa
Burning , doctor said I might have IC , what do I need to do next ?
Is there a certain practitioner or doctor that you may possibly work with or know that takes IC as seriously as you do in the West Michigan area? I am desperate to heal my IC and I also have taken the microgentests that revealed High bacterial load of five different strains of bacteria. Can you help me?
Hi Lisa, there are a number of things you can try. It might help to learn more about UTI testing and treatment options. If you’re looking for a clinician that specialises in recurrent UTI, we may be able to provide useful information. Just send us a direct message and let us know where you’re based. Melissa
Can Ruth recommend practitioners in the Boston area? Much appreciated!
I have been struggling with IC for 20 years. My urologist has pretty much given up on me and has sent me to 2 other urologists that dont believe in embedded infections. I drove to Virginia to get the microgen test and it says I have high levels of Ecoli. I have taken this test to many doctors in Canada and no one believes it. I’m desperate and in pain every day of my life. Please help me. Is there anyone that can help me. My urologist is super angry with me and mean to me for for believing this test and I feel like I have no hope.
Hi Michelle, I’m so sorry to hear you’re in that situation. We’ve heard similar experiences from others. Can you send me a direct message so I can share more information via email? Melissa
Hi Marie, if you’d like more information, you can reach out directly to Ruth’s office. Melissa
wanted to know if Ruth can recommend any doctors in the Albuquerque, new mexico area
Hi, I was wondering if Ruth recommends any doctors that treat IC in Boston, MA? Thank you!
Hi Becca, I just emailed you some more information. Melissa
Hi Sonia, I saw you also sent us an email so I’ve replied there with more information. Melissa
Hi, I’m an APN who treats chronic pelvic pain & most have IC/recurrent UTI’s or both. I’d like to learn more about your evaluations & treatments. It’d be nice to have another perspective.
Hi Christin, can you send us a direct message and I can put you in touch with Ruth Kriz? Alternatively, you can reach out directly to her office. Melissa
Hi. I’m wondering if you accept new patients or could lead me to someone nearer that would be willing to use your methods for treatment. I live in Western KY.
Hi Stephanie, Ruth Kriz is no longer accepting new patients. I can share some other information that may be helpful, if you send me a direct message. Melissa
Please send me names of practitioners near Madison, Wisconsin. I am writing on behalf of a male friend who was diagnosed with ic many years ago, was then symptom free and now condition of urgency and frequency has returned. He wants to try holistic approach. Thank you.
Hi Susan, I saw you also sent us an email so I’ve replied with more information there. Melissa
I’m 41 and have been diagnosed with severe overactive bladder and IC. I have been noticing that my symptoms are becoming more painful and more frequent. I’m at my breaking point and just want some relief. I have scheduled another follow up with my dr. But I want to find me RUTH!!! Someone who specializes in this or just see things like she does. Is there any MARYLAND or DC or even the east coast. Thank you for all your help
Hi Frances, can you send us a direct message so I can share more info via email? Melissa
I just recovered from Lyme disease and s from reacurring ureaplasma infection for about 2 years.
My practitioner prescribed supplements including reservero active, turmero active and trizomal gluthatione.
After over 2 weeks of taking gluthatione I started experiencing severe bladder pain
.I have stopped it however now I can’t empty my bladder completely and still feel this dull pain on the bladder and lower back. Gluthatione caused a lot of urgency and frequency and now I feel that although I drink a lot of water I pass much less , which was never the case before. Can you please suggest what I should do? I am very concerned about this as before the Lyme and ureaplasma diagnosis I was diagnosed with IC.
Many thanks,
Hi Joanna, sorry to hear you’re experiencing that. It’s always best to speak with a doctor about medication. If you’re looking for a recurrent UTI specialist we may be able to provide some useful information. If you send us a direct message we’ll get back to you via email. Melissa
Since my diagnosis of IC I have been confused about what foods to eat as every website gives different recommended foods. Besides avoiding spicy foods, alcohol and coffee, do you have suggestions?
I found an absolute miracle of a protocol. It’s a plant-based candida cleanse. While I’m unsure of my candida overgrowth status, I found that two weeks of eating this way made my IC and UTI-like symptoms disappear for a few months. The problem is that I find it so incredibly difficult to follow through with the entire protocol as it is time-consuming to meal plan and prep, but if you have the space and will-power (generally IC flare ups provide me with the motivation to do it again), it might work for you!
Hi Emma, thanks for the insight! We’ve heard from a number of other people that have found specific diets helpful too (and difficult to maintain). I hope you’ve found another forward that works for you. Melissa
Hi Heidi, we don’t provide specific advice as the right approach is different for each person. We hear from many people that different foods trigger symptoms, while for others these same foods are fine. It seems personal tracking is the best way to pinpoint exactly what works for you. Melissa
Thank you so much for information provided from this post and for this amazing and informative website overall. I was A patient of Ruth Kriz back in 2016, but had to stop treating due to insufficient funds at the time. However, I have saved enough money since then and I am still experiencing persisting symptoms related to IC/ chronic embedded UTI and need a practitioner to consult with. I was told by Ruth Kriz office recently that they are no longer accepting new patients under Ruth’s care as of March 2019.
I live in Los Angeles, CA and was wondering if you know any practitioners that have adopted Ruth Kriz’s methods, in which you can kindly share with me around my area?
Thank you again for the work that you do on this website and look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Jackie, I sent you an email with more information. Melissa
Hi!, I have only a GP and haven’t seen a urologist as of yet, I very much suspect I have IC, but after reading so many horror stories online, I decided to see a naturopath, and my case seems not as bad as some. Although I have been very careful about my diet, so that must be helping. I wondered if there are any doctors/practitioners that are working with you in the Flathead valley, Montana? Or N. Idaho? I live in Libby Montana. Also Spokane, WA is a possibility. Or Missoula, MT. Thanks for your help!
Hi Anne, we don’t yet know of any recurrent UTI specialists in MT, but we can share some information about telemedicine options. If you’re interested, you can send us a direct message. Melissa
Hello Melissa! Wow the work you have done! You are absolutely correct about the fact that we may know more thank our Dr’s as it pertains to IC! It would be helpful to have some key articles such as the Ruth Kriz article in a pdf in order that we can put it in the hands of our care-givers. Thank you for your work!
Hi Sheila, thanks for your great feedback and the suggestion. Coincidentally, we are currently working on materials for patients to take to their healthcare providers. Hopefully this won’t take too long. If you have any suggestions, you can always send them to us directly. Melissa
Male and almost 12 months into recurrent UTIs. I’ve been off antibiotics no more than 3 days in a row since 6/8/18 because within 1-3 days the UTI and fever goes nuts, septic the last 3times with fever the last time of 104.5 when getting to the ER. At the end of my role with no solution identified in almost a year. Tested negative for Lyme a year after two distinct bulls eye rashes on my back and about 6 months of debilitating fatigue, hardly able to lift a tv remote. Have an ID appointment with the Cleveland Clinic Monday after about 10-15 ER visits and hospital stays in the last year. Haven’t been able to culture the urine for months I’m assuming because I can’t be off antibiotics more than a day without being septic 1-3 days later.
Hi Jim, it sounds as though you’re familiar with a lot of the information covered in the above article. You may also like to read more about why UTI testing is so inaccurate. If you have any questions, you can always send us a direct message. Melissa
If I have to take them, what antibiotics would be safest and most effective if I have had trouble with Cipro (muscle pain,neuropathy), Macrobid, and Bactrim (mild hives)? Is Monolaurin a valid choice to substitute?
Do you know of any specialist that use your approach in florida ? I am so miserable. I’m 27 and this just started 2 years ago after a couple utis in the summer.
Hi Meranda, if you send us a direct message, we can provide more information about possible practitioners via email. Melissa
Hi Linda, there’s no single antibiotic that is the best antibiotic for UTIs – there are many things to take into account. We’ve covered UTI antibiotics here, if you’d like to learn more. Melissa
Please give me more info. Can I get on the waiting list??
Hi Nancy, I saw you sent us an email so I’ve got back to you there. Susy
How do I get on her waiting list?
Hi Jen, Ruth Kriz is no longer accepting new patients. She is however, consulting with other practitioners. You could reach out to Ruth’s practice to request more information on whether they can put you in touch with an alternate practitioner. Melissa
I have been dealing with UTI for the past 3 years, constantly on antibiotics, and constantly experiencing symptoms. I have a an appointment to see my PCP this Tuesday and REQUESTING he refers me to see a urologist. I really cant take it anymore. These UTIs are literally taking over my life. Any other suggestions on what I should request from my PCP on Tuesday?
Hi Janette, in general, urologists don’t specialise in recurrent UTI (unless they take a special interest in this). If you’d like more info on specialists that may be able to help, can you send us a direct message with some info on where you’re based? You might also like to read our article on alternative testing methods. Melissa
I need your help I’m on my 2nd year dealing with IC and the medication I’m taking is not helping at all please send me some info on what to do. I’m very desespérate My husband does not understand how bad it is dealing with IC
Hi Maria, can you send us a direct message with a little more info and any specific questions you have, so we can reply via email? Melissa
Hi, I’m 19 years old my names jeanette I’m a full time college student, I’ve been dealing with chronic utis for a year basically i got a uti every month for a year then i took D-mannose and garlic for a month and a half and got relief for 5 months they’re back now and its taking over my life , i want to work but i have to constantly pee im always agitated and i take care of my very ill father full time , ill go to doctor visits have a positive infection but my culture shows nothing but vaginal bacteria , I’ve done a cystocopy im clear, ct scans also clear , checked for every infection with gynecology clear just reccurrent infections , I could really use the advice .
Appreciate you
Thank u
Hi Jeanette, I got your other emails, so I’ve replied to those with more information. Melissa
My daughter was made ill from mold at her school. Her dr gave her an iv if phosphatydylcholine and then started her on glutathione oral about 3 weeks later. She was on it for a week and started having stinging pain in bladder or vaginal area. All tests were done and were negative. I really think the glutathione caused this. She has seen 4 Drs and no one can figure it out. She has had the pain since January and is bedridden. She is on Zeolite for a binder which she should have been on with the glutathione, a sup called Lipotropic Detox because she has Mthfr also. And Molybdenum drops and Vit D. Her ph is 5.5-6.5 so very acidic. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you , Donna
Hi, I am only 25 years old and a mom to a beautiful 3 year old girl. These symptoms have completely taken over my life. I can’t do anything, go anywhere, I’m severely depressed. Please, if you know of anyone in Connecticut or any of the surrounding states that would be able to help me and actually listen about chronic/embedded UTI’s I would greatly appreciate it
Hi Stephanie, I just sent you an email with some more information. Melissa
Hi Donna, so sorry to hear your daughter is experiencing that. Can you send us a direct message with more info about where you’re based, so we know better what resources may be helpful? Melissa
I have no doubt that lots of IC is really chronic infection because I myself have been on the round of negative cultures occasionally turning positive but not often. However, new research is showing that healthy bladders contain even a larger diversity of infectious bacteria or fungi, so presence of these cannot be pinned as the only cause. I’m sure Ruth Kriz is helping some people but after 30 years there should be many people willing to stick around a bit to share their success story. I don’t buy that they all disappear. Where are their stories? With great success professional practitioners share their knowledge and submit peer reviewed papers. I hope we can look forward to this!
Hi Susan, I’d love to hear more about your experience. This article is the first in a series about the approaches of different chronic UTI practitioners. We’ve spoken with patients of each whose treatment was a success. Many do not wish to relive their story, or share it, but when they do, we publish it on our site. Some remain in groups to encourage others to keep going. You’re right about the research into the diversity of the urinary microbiome. The testing methods that Ruth Kriz and other chronic UTI specialists use take this into consideration. We’re working on a piece about the urinary microbiome, and how this may be linked to UTI. We hope to publish this soon! I believe Ruth Kriz is working on sharing her data and we also hope this comes to fruition. Melissa
I suffer from catheter associated UTI. I have a Spinal Cord injury which occurred during my service in the Navy. I would like more information on how to contact Ruth Kriz, I read her story and think she could help me with the help of my primary. Thank You.
Hi John, it’s great to hear you have a primary that is open to working with other practitioners. It’s best to ask them to get in touch with Ruth’s team using the details on her website here. If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a direct message. Melissa
I’m 69 years old. I was diagnosed thirty years ago with I.C. And for the past 10 years have suffered from many UTI’s. I recently started seeing a functional medicine chiropracter. She sent me for a molecular urinalysis which was all negative. She has put me on many different supplements, including Probiophage and Sacro-B. I have also been using D-Mannose, Vagifem and a pea size amount of estrogen cream near my urethra. Also, I get a sensation in my rectum which travels to my vulva and makes me feel like I have to urinate very often. I test my urine daily with strips and I woke up today with a positive result again. I feel defeated. Any suggestions?
Thank you .
P.S. have any of your patients ever complained about the “back to front” symptoms I’ve described?
Hi Judy, I know how frustrating that cycle can be. Can you send me a direct message so I can share some resources with you and ask a couple of questions? Melissa
I have had chronic UTI’s for 6 years, I stopped being able to void and my bladder overextended, exacerbated by the local hospital in Australia who did not have a nurse to insert catheter for over 24 hours. Three operations later, the last one being a martius flap, I still cannot void below an average of 300 ccs. I have tried no catheterization but am in pain most of the time and I have constand UTI’s. My uro-gynecologist says it is because my bladder is holding too much. Now I am self catheterizing twice daily and still get UTI’s, though life is easier. One doctor thinks I have a bladder colonization. I get krebsiella pneumoniae.
Will my bladder ever learn to pee normally again?
Any suggestions?
Anyone in the Cincinnati can you recommend? My husband suffers from this.
Hi Sue, I just sent you an email with more information. I hope it helps. Melissa
Dear Sue, apart from constant IC pain and uti flare ups which show no bacteria cause in tests, I have suffered sometimes from not being able to pee it is very scary and painful. What helps me greatly if this happens is standing up to per instead and completely relaxing my mind as I straddle the bowl. It sounds strange but I believe the inflammation around the whole area during flare ups pushes down on the urethra making peeing more difficult and so standing relieved the pressure.
Hi Sue, sorry to hear you’ve experienced all this. Are you able to send me an email so I can request a little more info and share any resources that might be helpful? Melissa
Hi could you please reccomend anyone in the DC/MD/VA area? I would be so grateful!! Thank you!!
Hi Priscilla, I just emailed you with some information. I hope it helps. Melissa
Hi Lzzy, I have the same situation right now. One of my cultures came back with enterococcus faecalis and I have had rounds of antibiotics and still feel awful. I have IC, and I’m besides myself, very overwhelmed, and feel like this won’t get better. Thank you for your post, because I felt like I’m on my own island here.