If you’re new here, welcome to our community. We’re excited to learn more about your expertise in the area of recurrent and chronic UTI and how we can collaborate or connect you with our community. Perhaps you’re already familiar with our clinician resource or our guide to help patients prepare for appointments.
For all our existing collaborators, we hope this information will provide insights into new ways we can work together.
As a patient research and advocacy organization at the center of the recurrent and chronic UTI community, clinicians are recommended to us on a daily basis.
We value these recommendations because we receive more than 20 requests per day for referrals to clinicians. Our patient community is immense, and connecting our community with clinicians who can help is one of our core activities.
As part of our clinician network, you will have the opportunity to provide more information about your practice so we can best connect you with patients who may benefit from your approach.
Information about clinicians in our network is not published directly on our site, but is instead provided by email to patients on request, based on the patient’s region and requirements.
Our clinician referral service is free for both patients and clinicians, and our network currently contains around 250 clinicians across different specialties and in different countries. See our privacy policy for more information on how the information you provide is used.
Our expert interviews and practical tips series on YouTube provide clinicians and researchers with a platform to share their expertise and insights around recurrent UTI and related topics.
We collect questions from our community, and invite experts to share their answers in this popular series. Engaging with our community in this way not only allows our community members to get to know clinicians in this field, it also offers clinicians the chance to better understand what’s important to patients.
If you would like to share your research or discuss an area of pelvic health, get in touch!
Research is central to everything we do, and we have collected the largest dataset on patient experience of UTI in the world. We provide support for other researchers in many ways, including:
Researchers are welcome to utilize our recently published patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) for recurrent UTI:
For more information about how we can collaborate on research, please send us an email.
Conversations about UTI take place across multiple platforms, and we engage with our community frequently on social media. One of the ways we can connect clinicians with patients on social media is via an ‘Ask Me Anything’ series, where our audience submits questions, and our expert answers one each week.
If you’re up for an ‘AMA’, get in touch by email or even better, DM us on Instagram.
We love to share evidence-based content by authors with practical experience, and we collaborate with clinicians and researchers to make this happen. Our community appreciates the opportunity to learn about a broad range of topics from experts in their field.
By authoring content on our site, you’ll have the opportunity to share more about your own practice, and direct readers to your own website. See some of our expert articles:
We’d love to hear from you if you have an idea for an article, so do get in touch.