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How to Prevent UTI: 23 Tips That Can Help Overcome Recurrent UTIs

UTI Prevention Tips for Lifestyle, Diet and Habits

You may have heard how to prevent UTI with tips like, wipe from front to back, or pee after sex. But there are others it’s almost certain you haven’t considered. 

So this article will cover the basics as well as some lesser known but potentially highly effective tips about how to prevent UTI. 

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What Does the Science Say About How to Prevent UTI?

Research does support many of the tips on how to prevent UTI covered below. The scientific evidence linking recurrent UTIs to others like wiping patterns, douching, or wearing of tight undergarments is varied and in some cases the evidence is weak, so we share certain tips with that in mind.

We also know, after interviewing many members of our community, that regardless of scientific evidence, a combination of health, diet and lifestyle changes can mean the end of recurrent UTIs for some. 

We listened to their stories, collated their suggestions, looked for supporting evidence, and we present what we found out below. 

It never hurts to have a quick run through the list to see how your own habits measure up. 

If your recurrent UTIs are caused by an embedded infection in your bladder, it’s unlikely changing one of these habits alone will result in a cure. However, the right changes could support your treatment and help your body recover faster.

How to Prevent UTI: After Sex

Risk Factor #1: Sex!

Sex is one of the highest risk factors for UTIs.

Bacteria and other organisms already existing in the vagina and on the surrounding skin can be pushed into the urethra during sex, increasing the chances of a UTI.

What You Can Do About It

1. Urinate after sex, within 15 minutes, to help flush your urinary tract.

2. Using a remedy to prevent UTIs each time you have sex can help reduce the risk of infection. A high quality D-Mannose has been shown to be effective against infections caused by E.coli, the most common cause of UTI. Another option is to use a natural antimicrobial after sex.

3. Vaginal probiotic suppositories containing Lactobacillus crispatus, and vaginal health oral probiotics containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus fermentum have shown promise in restoring the balance of vaginal flora. This in turn potentially reduces the risk of yeast infections and UTIs.

Risk Factor #2: Sex With A UTI

Normal friction during sex can cause irritation to an already sensitive urinary tract.

What You Can Do About It

Wait until your symptoms have stopped before having sex. This will give your urinary tract a chance to heal. A healthy urinary tract goes a long way towards preventing UTIs.

Risk Factor #3: New Sexual Partner

Anecdotal evidence suggests some females experience an increase in UTIs with a specific sexual partner. This could be due to increased sexual activity in a new relationship, or to unfamiliar organisms being introduced to the urethra via sex.

There have also been documented cases of a male partner carrying UTI-causing bacteria, meaning a female partner can continue to be reinfected.

What You Can Do About It

Whether it’s regular sex, once in a blue moon sex, or a new sexual partner, take the same care as outlined above to reduce the risk of a UTI due to sex.

If your recurrent UTIs began as the result of a new relationship and have continued long-term, you may want to consider having both yourself and your partner tested for UTI-causing bacteria. Understanding how to prevent UTI is important for both partners in a relationship.

Risk Factor #4: Diaphragm, (or Menstrual Discs/Cups) Use

The pressure of these devices may slow urinary flow and allow infection-causing organisms to multiply. We have not been able to find any solid evidence around this one, but we have heard from members of our community on the topic.

What You Can Do About It

If you believe this may be contributing to your recurrent UTIs, try another form of birth control or menstrual product. Or at the very least, ensure the device is not in place longer than absolutely necessary.

Risk Factor #5: Latex Condoms and Spermicides

Use of condoms appears to be linked to UTIs after sex for some (again, no scientific evidence here). This could be attributed to the friction that occurs in the vagina during sexual activity. Irritated tissue can create an environment that allows infection-causing organisms to thrive.

The use of spermicides leads to a loss of Lactobacilli (good bacteria) and an increase in the normal vaginal pH, which can pave the way for the growth of UTI-causing bacteria.

What You Can Do About It

Try latex-free condoms and a bio-matched, pH balanced lubricant, or if it’s an option, stop using condoms. Obviously understanding how to prevent UTI is one thing, but STI prevention is also extremely important. If you are considering trying another form of contraception, take a read of the rest of this section before choosing one.

Risk Factor #6: Contraceptive Pills

By design, contraceptive pills alter the balance of hormones in your body, especially estrogen and progesterone. It is known that estrogen levels in the vagina are directly linked to the balance of vaginal flora. Any change in estrogen levels can alter your vaginal flora in a way that may encourage the growth of infection-causing organisms.

What You Can Do About It

1. If stopping the pill is an option, you can try this. If it’s not, you may want to speak with your doctor about finding another pill that is more appropriate for you. Make sure to mention that preventing UTIs is of a high priority for you.

2. Vaginal probiotic suppositories and oral probiotics containing certain good bacteria have shown promise in restoring the balance of vaginal flora, in turn reducing the risk of yeast infections and UTIs. 
Look for vaginal suppositories containing Lactobacillus crispatus, and oral probiotics containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus fermentum.

Learn more about UTI and hormones in our expert video series.

How to Prevent UTI: Body Products

Risk Factor #7: Soaps, Bubble Baths And Bath Oils

Chemicals can cause irritation in the vagina and urethra. They can also alter your vaginal pH, causing an imbalance of vaginal flora, allowing infection-causing organisms to grow, and potentially make their way towards your urethra.

What You Can Do About It

Take a shower instead of a bath, and use non-perfumed soaps. Avoid using any soap around your vagina and urethra. And remember, everything is a chemical; even ‘natural’ products are made from chemicals. A natural product could also cause irritation. You could try a pH balanced, bio-matched feminine wash. We’ve heard good feedback.

Risk Factor #8: Tampons

Most tampons contain chemicals, and these are unlikely to be listed on the packaging. Introducing these chemicals directly into the vagina can cause irritation and inflammation. Changing tampons may also introduce infection-causing organisms into the area of the urethra. On top of this, the pressure of the tampon may slow urinary flow and allow ‘bad’ organisms to multiply rather than being flushed out effectively.

What You Can Do About It

If you think this may be a problem for you and you can avoid using tampons, do. If this isn’t an option, do your best to find a brand that is manufactured without chemicals. Be sure to wash your hands before changing tampons, and try to empty your bladder completely whenever you feel the urge to urinate. Taking steps to learn how to prevent UTI can seem inconvenient at first, but implementing small changes one at a time can make a big difference.

Risk Factor #9: Douches And Intimate Sprays

‘Feminine hygiene products’ such as douches, deodorant sprays or powders used in the genital area can irritate the urethra. Douching can disrupt the balance of bacteria and alter the normal pH of the vagina, creating a more favorable environment for infection-causing organisms. So while some of these practices may come with the misperception of hygiene, they may instead be hampering any attempts to prevent UTIs.

What You Can Do About It

There is no evidence to support douching and similar practices. In fact, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends avoiding this practice entirely. A healthy vagina is a self-regulating, self-cleaning environment, so leave it to its business.

How to Prevent UTI: Things You Eat, Drink, And Breathe

Risk Factor #10: Caffeine And Alcohol

In food or drink, caffeine is a stimulant that can cause irritation to the urinary tract. As a diuretic, it also promotes urgency to urinate and increases the risk of dehydration. It’s important to maintain good hydration to flush infection-causing organisms from the urinary tract.

Alcohol also acts as a diuretic which can increase the risk of dehydration and in some people it can amplify lower urinary tract symptoms

What You Can Do About It

Try a non-caffeinated herbal tea instead, or switch to water. Avoid all caffeinated food and drinks while you still have symptoms. Next time you reach for a coffee, weigh up that caffeine-y goodness against your goals to prevent UTIs.

Studies around alcohol show mixed results, so while reducing alcohol consumption certainly won’t hurt, the results are likely to differ for each person. We hear mixed feedback from our community on this.

Risk Factor #11: Sweetened Drinks And Soda

Carbonated drinks are known to increase the occurrence of some lower urinary tract symptoms. Diet sodas alone contain four well-known bladder irritants: acidic carbonation, citric and other acids, caffeine, and artificial sweeteners.

What You Can Do About It

If this is your only reason to give up sweetened and carbonated drinks, you’re already doing better than most people. No one needs these drinks. Removing them from your diet will help with more than prevention UTIs. Water is the best replacement.

Risk Factor #12: Diet And UTIs

Highly acidic or alkaline foods can cause further irritation and inflammation in an already fragile urinary tract. Foods high in histamine are also known to cause bladder discomfort.

What You Can Do About It

Because food-related symptoms vary by person, it’s a good idea to monitor your diet and any irritation that follows ingesting certain foods. For some people, it can help to avoid chocolate, citrus fruits, vitamin C and acids like vinegar. In the case of vitamin C, a bladder-friendly, buffered vitamin C may be kinder on the bladder.

Risk Factor #13: Smoking

Of the 60 or so different carcinogens found in cigarettes, many are identifiable in urine samples of smokers, meaning these carcinogens pass right through your urinary tract. 

Aside from tripling your risk of bladder cancer, smoking has also been associated with an increased risk of interstitial cystitis and other lower urinary tract symptoms. Preventing UTIs isn’t the only thing at stake here.

What You Can Do About It

The only real answer here is quitting. 

If you need extra motivation, a research study in 2012 showed that children of smokers are also at higher risk of developing severe urinary disorders including the symptoms of interstitial cystitis.

So this one is about knowing how to prevent UTI for both personal AND hereditary benefits.

Watch our interview with Kate Arnold here to find out more about nutrition and UTI.

How to Prevent UTI: Habits And Hair Removal

Risk Factor #14: Not Urinating When You Need To

The longer urine stays in the bladder, the more time infection-causing organisms have to multiply.

What You Can Do About It

Drink enough fluid daily so your urine is clear or pale yellow, and urinate when you get the urge. Don’t wait. Some clinicians suggest setting a timer to remind yourself to pee every 2 hours.

Risk Factor #15: Wearing Tight Jeans or Pantyhose

Tight-fitting and synthetic clothing can trap moisture and encourage infection-causing organisms to multiply. Unsurprisingly, very limited research has been conducted into how our clothing affects the vaginal and urinary microbiomes. A preliminary study from over 40 years ago suggests that tight clothing may increase the risk of vaginal yeast infections. And a more recent study found no increased risk of UTI when wearing thongs. 

What we do know is that moist environments prolong bacterial survival and consequently, ventilation reduces bacterial growth.

What You Can Do About It

Wear loose-fitting clothing made from natural fibers to promote air circulation and reduce moisture. Another option to consider is moisture-wicking leggings.

Risk Factor #16: Poor Wiping Habits

Bacteria from the anus and surrounding area can easily get into the urethra.

What You Can Do About It

Wipe from front to back – particularly important after a bowel movement. 

Risk Factor #17: Complete Hair Removal

Research has found that complete pubic hair removal can lead to a higher risk of recurrent UTI, compared to incomplete hair removal. 

What You Can Do About It

If regularly removing all your pubic hair is your current preference, you could consider changing your approach to retain pubic hair and assess whether it makes a difference over time. 

How to Prevent UTI: Health And Medications

Risk Factor #18: Overuse Of Antibiotics

UTIs are one of the most commonly over-prescribed conditions. The percentage of antibiotic resistant infections is steadily rising. If you frequently use antibiotics that do not seem to be effective for your UTI, there is a good chance it is the wrong type of UTI antibiotic, or an insufficient dose.  

Continuously taking antibiotics depletes the good bacteria in your body, causing an imbalance that allows infection-causing organisms to thrive.

What You Can Do About It

If you’re self-administering antibiotics, or are repeatedly given the same prescription by your doctor without follow-up testing, we suggest taking a more in-depth look at this issue. UTI testing is crucial in identifying the cause of symptoms, but standard UTI testing may not be the right approach.

Understanding how antibiotics can impact the urinary microbiome can help you understand how to prevent UTI through appropriate antibiotic use. While more research is needed, a number of studies have shown promising results for non-antibiotic treatment of UTIs.

Risk Factor #19: History of UTIs

Research has shown that an E. coli infection can change the bladder lining, making it more susceptible to future E. coli infections. Infection caused by other organisms may also leave the bladder more susceptible.

Generally, the more UTIs you’ve had, the more likely you are to experience another. There are a number of reasons this could be the case. We’ve covered a bunch of these in our article on how UTIs can become chronic

What You Can Do About It

If it’s your first UTI, seek treatment early. This may prevent or limit any changes to the bladder lining.

For multiple UTIs, educate yourself about the current options for UTI testing and treatment of recurrent UTIs, and arm yourself with questions to ask your doctor.

Risk Factor #20: Multiple UTIs In A Short Timeframe

As with any infection, frequent UTIs can cause prolonged inflammation, specifically in the urinary tract. It is possible any minor ongoing symptoms of a UTI are actually due to this inflammation, rather than a new infection. 

What You Can Do About It

In the case of lingering symptoms, certain dietary changes may minimize irritation and help prevent further UTIs. Herbal teas known to soothe and reduce inflammation may also help. It’s important to give your urinary tract time to heal. Having said that, it’s always best to speak with a doctor about ongoing symptoms.

Risk Factor #21: Urinary Incontinence

UTI may cause urinary incontinence in some people, and incontinence due to other reasons may be a risk factor for UTI.

What You Can Do About It

Always speak with your doctor about incontinence symptoms as there are treatment options available. You may also like to explore options for adult absorbent products or pelvic floor therapy.

Risk Factor #22: Yeast Infections / Bacterial Vaginosis

Studies have indicated a link between an imbalance in vaginal flora and increased UTIs. Yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis (BV) are signs of such an imbalance and shouldn’t be ignored. Learning how to prevent UTI must include looking at more than the urinary tract alone.

What You Can Do About It

Vaginal probiotic suppositories containing good bacteria called Lactobacillus crispatus, and oral probiotics for urinary tract health containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus fermentum have shown promise in restoring the balance of vaginal flora, in turn reducing the risk of yeast infections, BV and UTIs. It’s also important to speak with a doctor about your symptoms.

Risk Factor #23: Candida Overgrowth / Poor Gut Health

Up to 80% of the immune system is found in the gut. A weakened immune system due to poor gut health is unable to effectively fight infection. This is no different when it comes to your urinary tract. It is also possible that bacteria from the gut may make their way to the vagina and on towards the urethra. When this happens, UTI may occur.

What You Can Do About It

Digestive issues need to be addressed. Improving your diet and supporting your immune system with the right probiotics might give your body the ammunition it needs to clear recurrent UTIs and assist with preventing UTIs. It can help to find a practitioner to support you through this process.

Risk Factor #24: Chlamydia Trachomatis

Chlamydia trachomatis is a fairly common cause of acute urethral syndrome in females, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Herpes simplex virus can cause dysuria (pain or discomfort when urinating) – all of which can be confused for symptoms of a UTI. Your body can’t clear these infections up on its own; treatment is required.

What You Can Do About It

It’s important to rule out STIs in your search for answers about recurrent UTIs. Tests for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and Herpes are available at STI testing clinics, so if you have any concerns, organize a test sooner rather than later.

While the above tips on how to prevent UTI can be a good place to start, we also want to note there are other, more serious risk factors that cannot be corrected by making these changes. These include urinary tract abnormalities, blockages such as kidney stones, and disease. Read more about other possible causes of lower urinary tract symptoms.

And as we mentioned in the introduction, better habits to prevent UTIs may not have an effect on an underlying chronic bladder infection. 

For this reason, it’s always important to get advice from a healthcare practitioner if your symptoms are ongoing, or if you’re concerned and would like to investigate further.

You can explore our expert video series to learn more about how to prevent recurrent UTIs. To get answers to commonly asked questions about chronic and recurrent UTI, visit our FAQ page.

For more information about how to prevent UTIs and links to practitioner vetted products, provide your email address in the green box below.

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